Islamic Sharia Law & Genocide
The Middle East Conflict Investigation
Published: January 27th, 2017
Updated: October 9th, 2020
Author: Michael James Ross
Chapter 1: Current news
Chapter 2: Sharia expansion
Chapter 3: Executions
Chapter 4: Sharia Law & Pedophilia
Chapter 5: Saudi Arabia
Chapter 6: Nigeria
Chapter 7: Indonesia & Malaysia
Chapter 8: Iran
Chapter 9: Violence
Chapter 10: India vs Pakistan
Chapter 11: Schools
Chapter 12: Christianity and Islam
Chapter 13: The Pope
Chapter 14: Paganism & Islam
Chapter 15: Jinn
Chapter 16: Mexico
Chapter 17: Noahide Laws
Chapter 18: The Kalergi Plan
Chapter 19: Empires
Chapter 20: History
Chapter 21: War & Afghanistan
Chapter 22: Science & Islam in conflict
Chapter 23: Additional information
Chapter 1: Current news
DISCOVERY: Oldest Quran Found Has Little Similarity To Modern Version
Sep 4, 2014
'Draw Muhammad' Contest Shooting: Two Suspects Dead, Guard Shot in Texas
May 3, 2015
Two gunmen were killed and a security guard wounded Sunday outside a "Draw Muhammad" contest organized by a free speech group at a school arena in Garland, Texas, police said.
The attackers drove up and opened fire on the security guard as the event was finishing up about 7 p.m. (8 p.m. ET), said Joe Harn, a spokesman for the Garland police.
Officers at the heavily-policed event returned fire, killing the men.
The suspects' bodies remained at the scene because investigators were concerned there could be a bomb in their car. A bomb squad robot was checking the vehicle, Harn said.
Why images of Mohammed offend Muslims
May 4, 2015
{At this time we would like to present and showcase our new Muhammad Artwork from Michael J. Ross}.
Did Prophet Muhammad have red hair?
Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars: Muhammad's White Complexion,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad%27s_White_Complexion
Entire Legs
By God, if Thou hadst not guided us
We would have neither been guided aright nor practised charity,
Nor offered prayers.
Descend on us peace and tranquillity.
Behold I these people (the Meccans) refused to follow us.
According to another version, he recited:
The chieftains (of the tribes) refused to follow us
When they contemplated mischief, we rejected it.
And with this (verse) he would raise his voice.
Chapter 26 of Sahih Muslim on the USC-MSA website is entitled,
General Appearance
Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jun 23, 2016
Rh Negative Bloodlines in History - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jun 30, 2018
Lost Civilizations and Ancient Bloodlines - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jul 6, 2016
Ancient DNA of Egypt and the Middle East - ROBERT SEPEHR
Oct 27, 2019
Ancient History of Ireland, Tuatha Dé Danann, Scythians, and Phoenicians - ROBERT SEPEHR
Mar 8, 2019
Why do Indian men dye their hair Orange?
Aug 1, 2016
Banned Mormon Cartoon - EXTENDED VERSION
Mormon Church Finally Says Dark Skin is Not a Sign of God’s Curse
As of Friday, Dec. 6, the Mormon Church has officially renounced the doctrine that brown skin is a punishment from God.
In the “Book of Mormon,” (not the musical but the actual sacred text)
dark skin is a sign of God’s curse, while white skin is a sign of his
blessing. The book tells of a conflict between two lost tribes of
Israel, the Lamanites and Nephites, who journeyed to the New World and
made their home in Mesoamerica. The Lamanites sinned against God, and
“because of their iniquity. …the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness
to come upon them” (2 Nephi 5:21). Later, when Lamanites became
Christians, “their curse was taken from them, and their skin became
white like unto the Nephites” (3 Nephi 2:15).
These verses were thought to explain the dark skin of Native Americans.
In 1960, Church apostle Spencer W. Kimball suggested at the general
conference that Native Americans who converted to Mormonism were
gradually becoming lighter skinned:
Curse of Ham
"On That Day When Faces Will Be White or Black" (Q3:106): Towards a Semiology of the Face in the Arabo-Islamic Tradition
Al-'Imran - The Family of Amran - 3:106 (Sura: 3, Verse: 106)
Faridul Haque
On the Day (of Resurrection) when some faces will be shining and some faces black; so, (to) those whose faces are blackened, “What! You disbelieved after you had accepted faith! Therefore now taste the punishment, the result of your disbelief.”
Hamid S. Aziz
But as for those whose faces are whitened, in Allah´s mercy they shall dwell forever.
Muhammad Sarwar
On the day when some faces will become white and others black, God will ask the people with the faces which have become black, "Why did you give up your faith? Now suffer the torment for your disbelief".
The Noble Koran
On the Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) when some faces will become white and some faces will become black; as for those whose faces will become black (to them will be said): "Did you reject Faith after accepting it? Then taste the torment (in Hell) for rejecting Faith."
Yusuf Ali
On the Day when some faces will be (lit up with) white, and some faces will be (in the gloom of) black: To those whose faces will be black, (will be said): "Did ye reject Faith after accepting it? Taste then the penalty for rejecting Faith."
Muhammad: The White Prophet with Black Slaves (David Wood)
Feb 12, 2016
Queen Elizabeth II claims relation to Islam's Prophet Muhammad
Jun 2, 2018
Why have theories linking Queen Elizabeth to Prophet Muhammad surfaced now?
April 25, 2018
Can Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain be the 43rd great granddaughter of Prophet Muhammad as has been suggested by genealogists? Opinions are divided on the answer, but what is more important is why this connection is being highlighted now.
A Moroccan weekly, Assahifa al-Ousbouia recently published a detailed family tree that traces Queen Elizabeth’s lineage to Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad, the first independent ruler of Seville in the Al-Andalus region of Spain, and from him all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad through his eldest grandson Hasan ibn Ali, born to his daughter Fatima.
The family tree suggests that Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad’s granddaughter, Princess Zaida converted to Christianity taking on the name Isabella and married King Alfonso IV of Castille in the 11th century.
It was through their children that the Prophet’s bloodline entered the British royal family in 1375 with the birth of Richard of Conisburgh, the son of Isabella Perez of Castille who was married to the Earl of Cambridge.
If this is correct than even Queen Victoria of whom the current Queen is a direct descendent, King George I, II and III, Mary Queen of Scots and Edward IV of England all had Prophet Muhammad’s blood flowing through their veins.
Spanish and British royals
Historians suggest that the connection is possible as marriages between Spanish and British royals have been common through the centuries and both the current British and Spanish royal families descend through Queen Victoria, thus concluding that even the Spanish royals share a lineage with the Prophet.
“It may be quite possible for the Queen’s ancestors to be Hasan ibn Ali’s descendants. After Prophet Muhammad’s death, his family and Hasan ibn Ali’s descendants migrated to various parts of the world, especially North Africa,” Ahmed Versi, Editor-in-Chief of the UK’s largest circulated Muslim newspaper The Muslim News told Al- Arabiya.
“There has been continuous contact between the Muslim world and England and Europe through the ages,” added Versi.
The author of the article in Assahifa al-Ousbouia, Abdel-Hamid al-Awni, also propounds the theory that “the blood of the Prophet runs through the veins of kings who ruled Morocco, Andulasia and Europe”.
The claim makes the world’s longest-reigning living monarch, Queen Elizabeth a cousin of both King Mohammed VI of Morocco and King Abdullah II of Jordon.
Charles tells UK Muslims to abide by our values: Prince says if you come to live in Britain you must respect us
February 7, 2015
Queen Elizabeth II And Prince Philip Visit Abu Dhabi - Day 1
Prince Philip adds the Knight of the Order of Australia to his long list of styles, titles and honours
January 26, 2015
King David, A Fiery Redhead!?
When you think about the Israelites and the people from the Bible times, what do you think they looked like? I think that they had darker olive-colored skin, brown eyes, and really dark brown hair.
Today during my Bible study, I read something that took me by surprise. In volume 12 on "First and Second Samuel" of the “Thru the Bible Commentary Series,” J. Vernon McGee says that King David had red hair.
“When this verse says that David was “ruddy,” it means that he had red hair—and he had a temper to match his red hair, a hot temper. But in addition to the fact that he was red-headed, he was a fine-looking fellow.” (pg 93)
My first response after reading this was “NO WAY! This doesn’t fit the description at all.” Well, at least it doesn't’ fit the description I imagined what David looked like. Red hair, Really!? This is a silly example of why we need to dig in and study scripture for ourselves. There are tons of interesting facts that we will find out.
This intriguing thought that David may have had red hair made me want to do a little research. So I dug out my trusty ole concordance and looked up the word “ruddy.”
Ruddy is used four times in scripture (1 Samuel 16:12; 17:42; Song of Solomon 5:10; and Lamentations 4:7). Each time the word is used as a description of how someone looked by using three different words in Hebrew. These words are ādēm (Strongs 131), ādōm (Strongs 137), and ‘admônî (Strongs 145). Each word refers to the color red. Based on the word "ruddy," it is probable that King David had red hair.
Then this made me wonder if there were any other redheads in the Bible. Come to find out, there is one person in Davids genealogy. It was his 9th great uncle, Esau. Genesis 25:25 tells us that Esau had red hair. Thus with red hair running in the family genes, it is very probable that King David had red hair or at least a reddish hue to his hair.
Has this little study changed my mind about the color of King David’s hair? Possibly. I haven't completed the study to know 100% for sure. So I am not going to state anything as fact or not about this little insignificant topic. But, I am more open to the idea of him having an attribute that is different than what I originally thought.
Now, in my opinion, this was an unimportant rabbit trail that I went down. But, it is a great example of why we need to study God's Word ourselves. Some times we hear people say or we read things that don't quite fit with our thoughts or beliefs from scripture. They may be right or wrong. The only way we will know is to do the study ourselves, looking at scripture from the viewpoint of the original author and audience.
1 Samuel 16:12 Describes David as Ruddy ( Does that mean King David had red hair? )
David's Throne Found in Britain
Africa and the British Empire
Slavery in Britain
1 International slave trade
2 Abolition
3 Before 1066
4 Norman England
5 Transportation
6 Slavery in Scottish collieries
7 Workhouse slavery
8 Barbary pirates
9 Enslaved Africans
9.1 Triangular trade
9.2 The Isle of Man and the transatlantic slave trade
10 Judicial decisions
11 Abolition
12 Modern evaluations of economic impact
Who were the ghost people of Africa? DNA reveals ancient Africans bred with new unknown race of humans just 50,000 years ago
February 13, 2020
The researchers studied the genetic material of 405 people from West Africa
They discovered mystery genetic material, which they have termed 'ghost DNA'
It suggests that humans mixed with an unknown group about 50,000 years ago
The 'Ghosts' of 2 Unknown Extinct Human Species Have Been Found in Modern DNA
17 JULY 2019
Aboriginal Australians, Pacific Islanders carry DNA of unknown human species, research analysis suggests
Close inbreeding and low genetic diversity in Inner Asian human populations despite geographical exogamy
“Chinese Are a Subspecies”
All Look Same?
Eurasian and African mitochondrial DNA influences in the Saudi Arabian population
March 01, 2007
Genetic studies of the Arabian Peninsula are scarce even though the region was the center of ancient trade routes and empires and may have been the southern corridor for the earliest human migration from Africa to Asia. A total of 120 mtDNA Saudi Arab lineages were analyzed for HVSI/II sequences and for haplogroup confirmatory coding diagnostic positions. A phylogeny of the most abundant haplogroup (preHV)1 (R0a) was constructed based on 13 whole mtDNA genomes.
The Saudi Arabian group showed greatest similarity to other Arabian Peninsula populations (Bedouin from the Negev desert and Yemeni) and to Levantine populations. Nearly all the main western Asia haplogroups were detected in the Saudi sample, including the rare U9 clade. Saudi Arabs had only a minority sub-Saharan Africa component (7%), similar to the specific North-African contribution (5%). In addition, a small Indian influence (3%) was also detected.
The majority of the Saudi-Arab mitochondrial DNA lineages (85%) have a western Asia provenance. Although the still large confidence intervals, the coalescence and phylogeography of (preHV)1 haplogroup (accounting for 18 % of Saudi Arabian lineages) matches a Neolithic expansion in Saudi Arabia.
Indigenous Arabs are descendants of the earliest split from ancient Eurasian populations
Feb 2016
4/10/2020 - The Cephalic Investigation - Race Eugenics & Dysgenics (Skull Evolution & The History of the Lineage of Man)
3/5/2019 - Race Dysgenics: Evolution, Dysgenic De-evolution, Eugenics
& Genetic Modification - The History of the Lineage of Man -
04/19/2018 The Dysgenics Investigation - Race, Science & the Human Genome Project - The Eugenics Investigation (Akoniti) -
6/1/2020 - Pollution Science 101 - Egypt
Chapter 2: Sharia expansion
atrocities and war crimes ISIS and other Sharia extremists,
is above the level of Pol Pot, Stalin, including Hitler combined. The
top 35 dictators in the world have all killed less people combined,
than Sharia military expansion. Over 670 million people have been murdered in the name of
Sharia Law, in its history.
However, we believe with all of the history combined, that radical
Islamic Sharia expansion has killed far more. Why is the free world
not doing
enough about Islamic Sharia Law and Islamic Sharia government. The
problem is that many people are just uneducated about the history of
Sharia extremism around the globe.
article will explain and detail why the free world needs to stop the
expansion of radical religious Islamic Sharia governments and
militaries around the world. The radical religious Sharia governments of
the world now threaten to genocide all of the independent cultures and
nations, through terrorism and war.
Over 670 million non-Muslims massacred since the birth of Islam
From Stalin to Hitler, the most murderous regimes in the world
Muslim Pedophile Gangs Prey on non-Muslim Children
Muslim Rape Gangs roaming Europe seeking white rape victims.
Jan 7, 2012
Claim: Researchers Covering Up Relationship Between Immigration and Crime
Author and lecturer Karl-Eirik Kval says Swedish researchers are deliberately concealing the relationship between immigration and crime.
Rotherham sex scandal: More than 160 officers facing claims they ignored victims' pleas
Aug 26, 2015
ROTHERHAM abuse scandal investigators are probing more than 160 police officers over allegations they systematically ignored complaints of widespread child sexual exploitation.
High Court judge and the child sex ring: Adviser to Queen was founder of paedophile support group to keep offenders out of jail
- Lord Justice Fulford was named last year as an adviser to the Queen
- He was a key backer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange
- Police suspect the group of abusing children on an 'industrial scale'
- He is revealed as a founder member of campaign to defend PIE
- At the time it was calling for the age of consent to be lowered to just four
UK Lord Justice wanted age of consent to 4 years old
Lord Justice Fulford, pictured in his full legal regalia, actively campaigned to support a pedophile group that tried to legalize sex with children.
Photo courtesy of the UK Daily Mail.
Read: High Court judge and the child sex ring: Adviser to Queen was founder of paedophile support group to keep offenders out of jail
- Lord Justice Fulford was named last year as an adviser to the Queen
- He was a key backer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange
- Police suspect the group of abusing children on an ‘industrial scale’
- He is revealed as a founder member of campaign to defend PIE
UK’s First Female Sharia Council Judge Defends Rape and Violence
Sharia Court Leads to Rape in UK
Dec 18, 2016
Hussain A and Hassan T walked from court with suspended sentences
They were convicted of being involved in mass frenzy of sex attacks
The attacks saw dozens of men arrested in Cologne on New Year's Eve
Two of the victims wept openly in court as they described their ordeal.
Dec 8, 2016
Muslims say they will make it legal to rape white women when they take over Europe
Sep 28, 2015
According to an editorial comment in the German newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration. As a result, one recent rape was hushed up the the police for nearly three months, leaving other potential victims ignorant of the danger.
Muslims say they will make it legal to rape white women when they take over Europe
Aug 3, 2014
France: Women sleep in diapers to avoid rape
UK woman 'gang-raped' in Dubai now faces jail for 'extra-marital affair' in Sharia arrest
Nov 16, 2016
A WOMAN has been charged with ‘extra-marital sex’ and is being held in Dubai after allegedly being gang raped in the holiday destination.
Media Blames Truck, Not Terrorists Or Islam, For Nice Attack
Jul 16, 2016
Switzerland Update: Car Plows Through Violent Immigrants
Sep 19, 2015------
Many have said that the following documentary is bias, and that you shouldn't call someone a Neo-Nazi for wanting to preserve your culture and heritage.
A Neo-Nazi Cloud is Building Over Europe
35% Of All Muslims In France Support Suicide Bombing
Jul 16, 2016
When asked on camera whether it is good to kill French people for Allah, Muslim migrants seeking asylum in Italy answered affirmatively, remarking that it is “good” to kill French people.
Muslims beating all White French for being in France
Muslims Gang-Rape Swedish Girls In Europe Explodes. (InfoWars)
Oct 12, 2016
"Sharia Police" in Germany Go On Trial For Enforcing Religious Zones
May 6, 2016-------------------
CHAOS IN GERMANY: Migrant sex attacks and fireworks thrown at POLICE during NYE events
A CROWD of more than 1,000 men shot fireworks at riot police and women were attacked by migrants as New Year’s Eve celebrations spiralled out of control across Germany, despite heightened security due to terror fears.
Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America 1/14/15
Jan 14, 2015
The Norwegian Government - Covering Up Immigrant Rapes
Islamic Rape Wave in Norway / Islamsk Voldtekt Epidemien i Norge
May 26, 2012
Muslim Gangs Drug & Rape Children All Over The UK Britain Finally Starts To Wake Up
Jan 29, 2013
Muslim rape slavery comes to Canada
Jan 15, 2016
Ezra Levant on the story the rest of the media didn't report: A Montreal Muslim immigrant who brought Rotherham style sex slavery to Canada.
Jul 6, 2016
Muslim refugee rape epidemic continues sweep across Europe and America.
ISIS Genocide of Yazidis: ‘Girls As Young as 9 Were Raped, As Were Pregnant Women’
October 7, 2016The Islamic radicals that comprise ISIS are committing genocide against the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria and, according to the United Nations, women and girls as young as nine are being sold as slaves to ISIS soldiers who regularly beat them and rape them, re-sell them, and, if they try to escape, kill them.
Islamic State Keeps Price List for Selling Sex Slaves As Young as 1 ‘In the Name of Allah’
19 Aug 2016
The savage jihadi group Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) maintains a detailed store-like price list for selling Christian and Yazidi girls, including 1 year olds, as sex slaves “in the name of Allah” to Turkish, Syrians, and Gulf Arabs, according to a document submitted to the U.S. State Department as evidence of the brutal practice.
Syrian political scientist: Muslim migrants see infidel women as ‘fair game’ to be raped
December 10, 2016
There Are More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History
Muslims beating all whites in public who enters their territory
Dec 30, 2014
ISIS supporter releases guide on establishing 'Muslim gangs', how to spread hate among Islamic communities, stop them integrating with non-Muslims, and using charities as fronts to raise cash
8 July 2015
Terrifying guide has bombmaking instructions and recruitment strategies
The guide suggests gang members should carry out muggings and fraud to finance weapons and other bombmaking equipment
It encourages wannabe jihadis to fortify their homes using booby traps
Jihadi supporters have been circulating a radical guidebook on social media, providing deadly instructions on how to create a active terror cell.
The shocking handbook, which has not been named by the MailOnline, worryingly contains a chapter by chapter guide to financing 'Muslim gangs' and obtaining weapons in the UK.
Our history: Muslims branded white slaves with hot irons – then as well as now
Germany: Sex crimes against female police officers by asylum seekers on the rise
Dec 15, 2016-----------------------
Turkish Islamic massacre of Armenians
Oct 16, 2011
Sharia government is the joining of a religion and the state. Sharia Law is a fascist military order, and always will be. You could say that primae noctis is your religion as well.
Droit du seigneur
Droit du seigneur ("lord's right"), also known as ius primae noctis) ("right of the first night"), refers to a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, and elsewhere, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women (the "wedding night" detail is specific to some variants). There is no evidence of the right being exercised in medieval Europe, and all known references to it are from later time periods.As late as the nineteenth century, some Kurdish chieftains (khafirs) in Anatolia reserved the right to bed Armenian brides on their wedding night.
Rape during the Armenian Genocide the Armenian Genocide which occurred in the Ottoman Empire, led at the time by the Young Turks, the Turkish armed forces, militias, and members of the public engaged in a systematic campaign of genocidal rape against the female Armenian minority. Before the genocide had begun one method used to intimidate the Armenian population was sexual humiliation. Women and young girls were not only subjected to rape, but also forced marriage, torture, forced prostitution, being sold into slavery and sexual mutilation.
Heinrich Bergfeld, the German Consul to Trabzon reported “the numerous rapes of women and girls,” which crime he regarded as being part of a plan for “the virtually complete extermination of the Armenians.” The systematic use of rape during the genocide was testified to by Turkish, American, Austrian, and German witnesses and officials.
In the years between 1850 and 1870 the Patriarch of Armenia submitted 537 letters to the Sublime Porte asking for help to protect the Armenians from the violent abuse and social and political injustice they were subjected to. He requested the people be protected from "brigandage, murder, abduction and rape of women and children, confiscatory taxes, and fraud and extortion by local officials."
Within the legal system the Armenian communities had their own prisons and court systems, and were able to hold civil cases for issues between Christians and Muslims. Within the Islamic judicial system the Armenians had no recourse, a Muslim was allowed to request a hearing before a religious court, in which testimony from non-Muslims would be disallowed or given little value. All a Muslim needed to do to get a case settled was swear on the Koran. Because of this the Armenians, as well as other dhimmi, had little hope within the judicial system. According to Peter Balakian, "a well-armed Kurd or Turk could not only steal his [Armenian] host’s possessions but could rape or kidnap the women and girls of the household with impunity." "The amount of theft and extortion, as well as rape and abduction of Armenian women, that was allowed under this Ottoman legal system placed the Armenians in perpetual jeopardy."
Obama pressured to declare Islamic State 'genocide' of Christians
3/10/16The Knights of Columbus, one of the largest Catholic fraternal organizations in the world, released a report Thursday that outlines the Islamic State's torture, murder and rape of Christians, and demands that the U.S. deem those actions as genocide against Christians.
"ISIS is committing genocide — the 'crime of crimes' against religious groups in Syria, Iraq and Libya," the report states. "It is time for the United States to join the rest of the world by naming it and taking action against it as required by law."
The 300-page report comes as pressure intensifies on President Obama to declare the terrorist group guilty of genocide against Christians, Yazidis and other ethnic and religious minorities. The House is expected to approve a nonbinding resolution this week declaring that the Islamic State is guilty of these crimes.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton back in late December said there was enough evidence of the killing of Christians and other religious groups in the Middle East to call it "genocide," a term she was previously reluctant to use.
ISIS cites Quran to justify child rape
Issues pamphlet in response to uproar over sex slaves
Published: 12/08/2014
... In August, ISIS detained more than 5,000 Yazidi women in northern Iraq after slaughtering thousands of members of the religious sect, according to the United Nations.
Younger girls were separated from older women, then bussed to the city of Mosul and put in a large three-story house with hundreds of other young women, according to a witness who spoke to CNN in November. ISIS men came periodically and chose up to three and four girls at a time to take home with them.
“These women have been treated like cattle,” Nazand Begikhani, an adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government, told CNN.
“They have been subjected to physical and sexual violence, including systematic rape and sex slavery. They’ve been exposed in markets in Mosul and in Raqqa, Syria, carrying price tags.”
The questions in the ISIS pamphlet:
Question 1: What is al-sabi?
Al-Sabi is a woman from among ahl al-harb (the people of war) who has been captured by Muslims.
Question 2: What makes al-sabi permissible?
What makes al-sabi permissible (i.e., what makes it permissible to take such a woman captive) is (her) unbelief. Unbelieving (women) who were captured and brought into the abode of Islam are permissible to us, after the imam distributes them (among us).
Question 3: Can all unbelieving women be taken captive?
There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women (who are characterized by) original unbelief (kufrasli), such as thekitabiyat (women from among the People of the Book, i.e. Jews and Christians) and polytheists. However, (the scholars) are disputed over (the issue of) capturing apostate women. The consensus leans toward forbidding it, though some people of knowledge think it permissible. We (ISIS) lean toward accepting the consensus.
Question 4: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive?
It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: (Successful are the believers) who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame (Quran 23:5-6)...
Britain Heading Towards A Civil War With Islam
Jun 16, 2013Is Britain Heading Towards A Civil War With Islam?
Leftists Triggered Over BBC’s ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ Skit
January 4, 2017
Muslim Protesters in London Call for Caliphate
Dec 15, 2016-------------------------
EU Official's Daughter Raped & Murdered by Invader, Asks For € for Migrants at Funeral
Dec 12, 2016--------------
The British town that bans white people
Nov 3, 2016
ITALY: African Muslim destroys invaluable historic Statues in 4 Roman Churches, terrorizes Tourists
Oct 13, 2016
Kuwaiti preacher, ISIS call for demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, pyramids
Published time: 9 Mar, 2015
The Collapse Of Tourism In Egypt (2012)
Aug 9, 2016----------------------------
Words cannot describe the ignorance of zealots destroying historical and archaeological buildings, structures and statues. Many of these cultures were around thousands of years before Islam and Sharia Law, it is disrespect to our ancestors to be doing this. We need to stop religious Sharia radicals from destroying our science and history.
Destruction of cultural heritage by ISIL destruction and theft of cultural heritage has been conducted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant since 2014 in Iraq, Syria, and to a lesser extent in Libya. The destruction targets various places of worship under ISIL control and ancient historical artifacts. In Iraq, between the fall of Mosul in June 2014 and February 2015, ISIL has plundered and destroyed at least 28 historical religious buildings. The valuable items from some buildings were looted in order to smuggle and sell them to finance ISIL activities.
Destroyed heritage
Mosques and shrines
In 2014, media reported destruction of multiple, chiefly Shiite, mosques and shrines throughout Iraq by ISIL. Among them were Al-Qubba Husseiniya Mosque in Mosul, Jawad Husseiniya Mosque and Saad bin Aqeel Husseiniya Shrine in Tal Afar, Sunni Ahmed al-Rifai Shrine and tomb in Mahlabiya District and the so-called Tomb of the Girl (Qabr al-Bint) in Mosul. The Tomb of the Girl, reputed to honour a girl who died of a broken heart, was actually believed to be the tomb of medieval scholar Ali ibn al-Athir.In June 2014, ISIL bulldozed the shrine of Fathi al-Ka'en.
On 24 September 2014, the Al-Arba'een Mosque in Tikrit, containing forty tombs from the Umar era, was blown up. On 26 February 2015 ISIL blew up the 12th century Khudr Mosque in central Mosul.
In Mosul, ISIL also targeted several tombs with shrines built over them. In July 2014, ISIL destroyed one of the tombs of prophet Daniel (located in Mosul) by implanted explosives. On 24 July 2014, the tomb and mosque of the prophet Jonah was destroyed with explosives. On 27 July, ISIL destroyed the tomb of Prophet Jirjis (George).
On 25 July 2014, the 13th-century shrine of Imam Awn al-Din in Mosul, one of the few structures to have survived the 13th-century Mongol invasion, was destroyed by ISIL. The destruction was mostly carried out with explosive devices, but in some cases bulldozers were used. In March 2015, ISIL reportedly bulldozed to the ground the Hamou al-Qadu Mosque in Mosul, dating back to 1880. In the same year ISIL ordered the removal of all decorative elements and frescoes from mosques in Mosul, even those containing Quranic verses that mention Allah. They were regarded by ISIL as "an erroneous form of creativity, contradicting the basics of sharia". At least one imam in Mosul opposing that order was shot to death.
ISIL also destroyed Sufi shrines near Tripoli, Libya, in March 2015. The shrines were destroyed by sledgehammers and bulldozers.
In June 2015, it was announced that ISIL had blown up the ancient tombs of Mohammed bin Ali and Nizar Abu Bahaaeddine, located close to the ruins of Palmyra.[
In June 2014, it was reported that ISIL elements had been instructed to destroy all churches in Mosul. Since then, most churches within the city have been destroyed, including:
- The Virgin Mary Church was destroyed with several improvised explosive devices in July 2014.
- Dair Mar Elia, the oldest monastery in Iraq, was demolished in late August or September 2014. The destruction went unreported until January 2016.
- The Al-Tahera Church, built in the early 20th century, was possibly blown up in early February 2015. However, there is no evidence that the church was actually destroyed.
- St Markourkas Church, a 10th-century Chaldean Catholic church, was destroyed on 9 March 2015, according to the Iraqi government official Dureid Hikmat Tobia. A nearby cemetery was also bulldozed.
- Another church, which was reportedly "thousands of years" old, was blown up in July 2015. According to Kurdish sources, four children were inadvertently killed when the church was destroyed.
- The Sa'a Qadima Church, which was built in 1872, was blown up in April 2016.
ISIL also blew up or demolished a number of other churches elsewhere in Iraq or in Syria. The Armenian Genocide Memorial Church in Deir ez-Zor, Syria was blown up by ISIL militants on 21 September 2014.
On 24 September 2014 ISIL militants destroyed with improvised explosive devices the 7th-century Green Church (also known as St Ahoadamah Church) belonging to the Assyrian Church of the East in Tikrit.
The Mar Behnam Monastery in Khidr Ilyas near Bakhdida, Iraq was destroyed by ISIL in March 2015.
As of 5 April 2015, ISIL destroyed the Assyrian Christian Virgin Mary Church on Easter Sunday in the Syrian town of Tel Nasri. "As the 'joint forces' of Kurdish People's Protection Units and local Assyrian fighters attempted to enter the town", ISIL set off the explosives destroying what remained of the church. ISIL held the church since 7 March 2015.
On 21 August 2015, the historic Monastery of St. Elian near Al-Qaryatayn in the Homs Governorate was destroyed by ISIL.
Ancient and medieval sites
In May 2014, ISIL members smashed a 3,000-year-old neo-Assyrian statue from Tel Ajaja. Later reports indicated that over 40% of the artifacts at Tel Ajaja (Saddikanni) were looted by ISIS.
Parts of the Tal Afar Citadel were blown up by ISIL in December 2014, causing extensive damage.
In January 2015, ISIL reportedly destroyed large parts of the Nineveh Wall in al-Tahrir neighborhood of Mosul. Further parts of the walls, including the Mashka and Adad Gate, were blown up in April 2016.
In the Syrian city of Ar-Raqqah, ISIL publicly ordered the bulldozing of a colossal ancient Assyrian gateway lion sculpture from the 8th century BC. Another lion statue was also destroyed. Both statues originated from the Arslan Tash archaeological site. The destruction was published in the ISIL magazine, Dabiq. Among the lost statues are those of Mulla Uthman al-Mawsili, of a woman carrying an urn, and of Abu Tammam.
On 26 February 2015, ISIL released a video showing the destruction of various ancient artifacts in the Mosul Museum. The affected artefacts originate from the Assyrian era and from the ancient city of Hatra. The video in particular shows the defacement of a granite lamassu statue from the right side of the Nergal Gate by a jackhammer. The statue remained buried until 1941 when heavy rains eroded the soil around the gate and exposed two statues on both sides. Several other defaced items in the museum were claimed to be copies, but this was later rebutted by Iraq's Minister of Culture, Adel Sharshab who said: "Mosul Museum had many ancient artifacts, big and small. None of them were transported to the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad. Thus, all artifacts destroyed in Mosul are original except for four pieces that were made of gypsum"
On 5 March 2015, ISIL reportedly started the demolition of Nimrud, an Assyrian city from the 13th century BC. The local palace was bulldozed, while lamassu statues at the gates of the palace of Ashurnasirpal II were smashed. A video showing the destruction of Nimrud was released in April 2015.
On 7 March 2015, Kurdish sources reported that ISIL had begun the bulldozing of Hatra, which has been under threat of demolition after ISIL had occupied the adjacent area. The next day ISIL sacked Dur-Sharrukin, according to the Kurdish official from Mosul Saeed Mamuzini.
The Iraqi Tourism and Antiquities Ministry launched the related investigation on the same day. On 8 April 2015, the Iraqi Ministry of Tourism reported that ISIL destroyed the remnants of the 12th-century Bash Tapia Castle in Mosul. As of early July 2015, 20% of Iraq's 10,000 archaeological sites has been under ISIL control.
In 2015 the face of the The Winged Bull of Nineveh was damaged.
Following the capture of Palmyra in Syria, ISIL was reported as not intending to demolish the city's World Heritage Site (while still intending to destroy any statues deemed 'polytheistic'). On 27 May 2015, ISIL released a 87-second video showing parts of the apparently undamaged ancient colonnades, the Temple of Bel and the Roman theatre. On 27 June 2015, however, ISIL demolished the ancient Lion of Al-lāt statue in Palmyra. Several other statues from Palmyra reportedly confiscated from a smuggler were also destroyed by ISIL. On 23 August 2015, it was reported that ISIL had blown up the 1st-century Temple of Baalshamin. On 30 August 2015, ISIL demolished the Temple of Bel with explosives. Satellite imagery of the site taken shortly after showed almost nothing remained.
According to the report issued on September 3, 2015 by ASOR Syrian Heritage initiative, ISIL also destroyed seven ancient tower tombs in Palmyra since the end of June over two phases. The last phase of destruction occurred between August 27 and September 2, 2015, including the destruction of the 2nd-century AD Tower of Elahbel, called "the most prominent example of Palmyra’s distinct funerary monuments". Earlier, the ancient tombs of Iamliku and Atenaten were also destroyed. The Monumental Arch was also blown up in October.
When Palmyra was recaptured by Syrian government forces in March 2016, retreating ISIL fighters blew up parts of the 13th-century Palmyra Castle, causing extensive damage.
ISIL has also looted and demolished the Parthian/Roman city of Dura-Europos in east of Syria. Nicknamed "the Pompeii of the desert", the city was of particular archaeological significance.
ISIL has burned or stolen collections of books and papers from various locations, including the Central Library of Mosul (which they rigged with explosives and burned down), the library at the University of Mosul, a Sunni Muslim library, a 265-year-old Latin Church and Monastery of the Dominican Fathers, and the Mosul Museum Library. Some destroyed or stolen works date back to 5000 BC and include "Iraq newspapers dating to the early 20th century, maps and books from the Ottoman Empire, and book collections contributed by about 100 of Mosul’s establishment families." The stated goal is to destroy all non-Islamic books.-------------------
Govt Report: Massive Voter Fraud In Muslim Areas, No Challenge Because Of ‘Political Correctness’
11 Aug 2016
Massive levels of electoral fraud have gone unchallenged as a result of “political correctness”, according to an official new report from the UK government.
The Telegraph reports that a new report commissioned by former Communities Secretary Sir Eric Pickles reveals that UK authorities are in a “state of denial” and are “turning a blind eye” to election fraud in heavily populated Muslim areas.
Muslims Brutally Beat TV Chef Because He “Looked Like Mr. Trump”
November 14, 2016
Muslims told to vote Labour or 'face the FIRE of HELL' at election
Nov 11, 2015
MUSLIMS were told they would face the "fire of HELL" if they didn't vote for Labour at council election earlier this year, a court has heard.
Muslim councillor Ansar Ali Khan, 50, allegedly won his Birmingham seat illegally by using mosque leaders to threaten voters.
He shared a Facebook post less than a month before election day which revealed Muslim elders in Birmingham were ordering followers to vote for Ed Miliband's party, a special election court was told.
His Liberal Democrat opponent Shamsur Rehman, 47, claims it caused devout followers to believe if they did not vote Labour they would be "faced with the fire of hell".
Whitewashing Mohamed: Media Covers For Islam Once Again
Jul 16, 2016
Western Media Runs Up White Flag
Jul 16, 2016
Police Cancel Journalist Rally to Appease Islam
Jun 15, 2016
Germany Erupts Into Chaos As Protesters Declare "Rapefugees Not Welcome" - Cologne NYE
Jan 10, 2016
Anti Muslim protests in France turn violent
Dec 1, 2016-------------------
Insanity: Refugees Throw Away Food Made by French Volunteers!
Dec 7, 2016--------------------
We see many refugees living off of socialism, where the European people are paying for their welfare.
This happens while some countries in Europe pay as high as over 50% income tax.
60% of the 50million Muslims in Europe are living off welfare Taxes
Jan 12, 2015
Europe is doomed. Police in Bulgaria attacked by crazed migrants.
Dec 2, 2016
Germans Panic As Muslims March Through City: ‘THIS IS OUR FUTURE’
Oct 28, 2015
162,700 new migrants entered the Bavarian region of Germany so far this month. 170,000 new migrants entered Bavaria last month. This is the future progressive immigration policies are bringing to Europe today and the United States tomorrow. In the video you can hear German women talking about Islamists marching through their town.
Their voices and words display panic and fear: Transcript via Breitbart:
Hidden camera shows shows streets blocked by huge crowds of Muslim - Islam in Paris
Jan 19, 2016
Sweden Rejects VISAs, Deports 80,000 Migrants and illegal Immigrants - FINALLY
Feb 1, 2016
Swedish party wants to ban deportations - 'since white Swedes are not expelled'
Nov 2, 2016 Germany Descends Into Lawlessness!
Nov 2, 2016-------------------
Germany’s Merkel announces plan to deport 100,000 migrants
Nov 26, 2016Mrs Merkel, whose decision to roll out the red carpet to migrants from across Africa and the Middle East spectacularly backfired, has taken an increasingly tough tone on immigration in recent months.
Germany: 25,000 March Against Islam in Europe
Dec 12, 2016
Germans Rise Against Islamic Invasion, Reporters On Scene Of Massive Dresden March
Jun 6, 2016
Alex Jones talks with Infowars reporters Rob Dew and Josh Owens who are on the ground in Germany as Bilderberg approaches.
Berlin’s New Secretary of State is Pro-Sharia Law Conservative Muslim
Has said their Germans' views towards foreigners made them fundamentally un-German
December 11, 2016
The daughter of Palestinian immigrants is to be the Berlin senate’s secretary of state for coordinating federal and state affairs, but attention has focused on her recent remarks in support of Sharia law.
Berlin state senate member, former deputy speaker for foreign affairs and Muslim rising star of German politics Sawsan Chebli is to get a new cabinet post. The appointment by the Red-Red-Green coalition government has caused concern after a recent interview in which she expressed her view that Sharia law was perfectly compatible with secular German society.
We need to remove Sawsan Chebli from Secretary of State.
Terror horror as 20 ISLAMIST JIHADIS found in German army
Nov 5, 2016
A SHOCKING investigation has revealed TWENTY Islamist jihadis are serving as soldiers in the German army while a further 60 are under surveillance for having extremist views.
"I need revenge! I will kill 10 people" Merkel Refugee shows why we should close our borders
Islamicists Go On Killing Spree As The EU Bans Criticism Of Islam
Dec 20, 2016------------------------
'Sharia Patrols' Harassing Citizens in London, Belgium, Sweden
Mar 21, 2015
German Government Backs Shariah Police Persecuting Germans
Nov 22, 2016
Germany has completely capitulated to the Muslim invasion, surrendering their laws and customs to the 'refugees' and 'migrants' flooding their country.
'No mosques in Germany!' Mass rally against Muslim houses of worship in Thuringia
May 20, 2016--------------------------------
Bavaria passes new culture law; ANGELA MERKEL HATES IT!!!
Dec 10, 2016
German police conduct nationwide raids against Islamist group
German police launched dawn raids on mosques, apartments and offices in ten German states on Tuesday, and the government banned an organisation it accused of trying to recruit fighters for the Islamic State (IS) group, the interior ministry said.
French patriots storm mosque
Aug 9, 2016---------------------------
British soldiers back home to kick SHARIA out - God bless the soldiers
Jun 30, 2010
Breaking : Britain First & Radical Muslims Face Off On UK Street
Dec 5, 2016
Punished For Being Raped and For Accusing Rapists: Women's Burden Under Sharia
28 Oct 2014
ISIS has just be-headed a woman in Baquba because she dared to resist being raped. In the process of struggling to defend herself, she actually killed her would-be rapist, an ISIS warrior. The woman was at home recovering from a medical illness.
Rape in Islam
There is no equivalent term for ‘rape’ in the Qur'an. Likewise, there is not a single verse in the Qur'an which even remotely discourages forced sex. In contrast, there are several verses in this book which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women.Surah an-Nisa discusses lawful and forbidden women for pious Muslims. Before we delve into the particular verse, it should be noted that it is not easy to understand what is being suggested using the verse alone. Therefore, relying on authoritative Tafsirs (Qur'an interpretations) and Sahih (authentic) Hadiths associated with it, are necessary to get the exact picture.
Verse 4:24
It is important to know the context of this verse, as it sheds light onto the nature of allowance. If we go through a Sahih Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawud:- "Some of the Companions of the apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers."
The Abu Dawud hadith is confirmed by the two Sahih collections, namely Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
In Sahih Bukhari we read:
- Sahih Muslim. Chapter 29: Title: It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is purified of menses or delivery. In case she has a husband, her marriage is abrogated after she becomes captive.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
ISIS Sex-Slave Raping & Selling Girls (Full Documentary)
Sep 25, 2014
ISIS Burns Woman Alive For Refusing 'Extreme Sex Act'
May 27, 2015
Taliban & Hamas Warn ISIS: Don't Mess With Us
Jun 16, 2015
Many in the media claim that you cannot even make horror movies as bad as real life Islamic torture and rape of other cultures. In fact, Islamic extremism is equal to something you see out of a horror movie.
'No porn or prostitution': Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities
Robbed and assaulted - told by police to dye her hair black
Nov 29, 2014--------------------------------
REVEALED: Sharia courts dish out 'justice' from Britain's shop basements, top expert warns
Nov 2, 2016
UNREGULATED Sharia law courts exist “everywhere in the country” including shop basements, an expert has warned.
Britain First confronts Islamists in Oldham! Please like us and share it
Dec 7, 2016
Political Prisoner: How Islam is Destroying Europe
Dec 14, 2015
Alex Jones talks with Tommy Robinson and Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson about how Islam is taking over and destroying Europe.
Update on Woman Kicked Down Stairs by likely MIGRANT
Dec 10, 2016
SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Demands for military intervention as thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'
Jan 18, 2017
THE Sweden Democrats have demanded soldiers should be sent to Malmo to reestablish law and order as violent thugs have turned the city into a ‘no-go zone’.
Sweden has died. Do not allow your country to be next....
Jun 26, 2016The swedes far left liberal approach has destroyed their own country. Sweden is no longer the image you once had.....Swedenstan has arrived.
We must all understand the serious concerns and threats we are under and learn from the mistakes of Sweden. Do not allow your country to be next, Sweden has fallen....
The Death of Sweden | Working In A Refugee Home
Dec 8, 2016
Dec 9, 2016-----------------
France Attack Reactions include Citizen Calls to Kill All Muslims
January 8, 2015
'Muslims won't win against the West'
Oct 24, 2010----------------------------
The Most Disturbing video on Islamic Invasion of Europe
Dec 24, 2016
Radical Muslims In Belgium (Scary)
Jul 30, 2008---------------------------
How Muslim immigration has roiled Europe
Dec 20, 2016---------------------------------
Muslim tells Canadian Senate about the danger of the Islamic doctrine, and the left PC madness
Apr 13, 2016Speaker is Tarek Fatah a well respected islamic scholar
SHARIA LAW Dominates Germany!!! (Who's Next?) SINS OF THE WORLD - December 2016 (Part 2)
Dec 6, 2016
These 16 States Banned ‘Sharia Law’ – Is YOURS on the List?
October 1, 2015
The list of all 16 states are:
- Alabama (two bills)
- Arkansas
- Florida (two bills)
- Indiana (two bills)
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Mississippi (four bills)
- Missouri (two bills)
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma (seven bills)
- South Carolina (two bills)
- Texas (six bills)
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wyoming (two bills)
Ban on Sharia Law
A ban on sharia law is legislation that would ban the application or implementation of Islamic law (sharia) in courts in any jurisdiction. In the United States, as of 2014 seven states have "banned Sharia law", or passed some kind of ballot measure that "prohibits the states courts from considering foreign, international or religious law."
Outside of the US, sharia has become a political issue in several non-Muslim majority countries, with a petition to ban Sharia councils circulated in the United Kingdom.
In the province of Ontario there was a "heated 20-month controversy" after Toronto lawyer Syed Mumtaz Ali declared in 2004 that an “Islamic Institute of Civil Justice” would begin "arbitrating family matters on the basis of sharia law", accompanied by a warning that Muslims who did not submit cases to Islamic arbitration panels were (according to Ali) not “good Muslims.” In 2005, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty stated, “There will be no sharia law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians.” This referred to McGuinty's plan to rescind the 1991 Arbitration Act, which made arbitration decisions according to religious laws enforceable in Ontario courts. Opposing Ali were "anti-tribunal" forces of "politically savvy women’s groups, some of them composed of Muslim women", who feared women’s equality rights being violated. In 2006, the province of Ontario banned arbitration of family law disputes under any body of laws except Ontario law, in part to prohibit arbitration under religious laws.
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, Sharia has also become a political issue. A “One law for all” campaign seeks to ban Sharia councils and arguing this is "the only way to end discrimination suffered by Muslim women". An e-petition to the UK parliament to "Ban all sharia law in the U.K" with a Deadline of 11 April 2014, had 21,452 signatures. In 2015, the Conservative Party Home Secretary Theresa May 'called for an investigation into the application of Sharia law in England and Wales if Conservatives win the General Election. A day later the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, told a radio interviewer, he was opposed to "a Sharia system running in parallel with UK justice."
The issue arose in 2008, when the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams 'suggested it was "inevitable" that elements of Sharia would be incorporated in British law.' Since then, “Sharia courts” have "never been far from tabloid headlines", according to Myriam Francois-Cerrah. As of 2014, there were reported to be around 85 "shariah courts" in the UK, operated by two rival services -- Islamic Sharia Council and the newer, smaller, less strict Muslim Arbitration Tribunal. The councils/tribunals provide arbitration that is voluntary but legally binding, are "officially mandated" and set up outside the court system like another non-secular arbitration institution, the longstanding rabbinical tribunals.
The council/tribunals are defended as providing an essential service for pious Muslims who would simply work with non-government mandated Sharia councils if the government abolished the mandated ones. But they are also criticized for taking the man's side in rulings, for example advising women to forfeit their mahr (marriage dower) in exchange for a divorce. According to legal historian Sadakat Kadri, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has "no jurisdiction over criminal matters or cases involving children." A U.K.-trained lawyer sits "on all its panels, and every decision" is subject to judicial review -- "meaning that it was subject to reversal if it disclosed unfair procedures, human rights violations, or any other step that ordinary court considered contrary to the public interest." According to Kadri, British Muslims neither know nor care about the criminal penalties of Sharia law (tazir and hudud) but seek much less controversial services.
A woman whose husband has abandoned her without speaking the words of release required by the Quran might approach a mufti in search of an annulment. Senior figures in a community will pay visits to the homes of disruptive teenagers to remind them of their religious roots. Muslims who are prudent as well as pious might ask scholars to tell them which mortgage and insurance products are consistent with Islamic jurisprudence.
In addition to the sharia law of the councils and tribunals, there have also been reports of "vigilante sharia squads" in some places, such as Whitechapel, East London. The legal system of the United Kingdom treats these squads as criminals.
Whether there are "no go zones" in France "where non-Muslims aren't allowed and only Sharia law is enforced", is disputed. According to anti-Islamist conservative activist Daniel Pipes, zones are known by "the euphemistic term Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, with the even more antiseptic acronym ZUS, and there are 751 of them as of last count. They are conveniently listed on one long webpage, complete with street demarcations and map delineations." Republican governor of Louisiana in the US, Bobby Jindal warned of the danger of the alleged Sharia no go zones:
In the West, non-assimilationist Muslims establish enclaves and carry out as much of Sharia law as they can without regard for the laws of the democratic countries which provided them a new home .... It is startling to think that any country would allow, even unofficially, for a so called "no-go zone." The idea that a free country would allow for specific areas of its country to operate in an autonomous way that is not free and is in direct opposition to its laws is hard to fathom.
However, according to the urban legend site, while there are in fact ZUS zones in France, they do not refer to areas with large populations of Muslims enforcing only Sharia law, but places "afflicted with issues such as crime, poverty, unemployment, and blight and are therefore targeted for urban renewal initiatives."
Sharia law is part of Germany's private law through the regulations of the German international private law. Its application is limited by the ordre public.
In September 2014, a small group of Muslims wearing mock police uniforms patrolled the streets of the western German city of Wuppertal. They "reportedly hovered around sites like discotheques and gambling houses, telling passers-by to refrain from gambling and alcohol". Following the incident the Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière told the daily newspaper Bild, "Sharia law is not tolerated on German soil." The leader of the "police", Salafist Sven Lau, responded by saying the "Sharia police" "never existed" and he only wanted to "raise attention" to Sharia. The Central Council of Muslims in Germany (ZMD) condemned the activities.
The issue of the supremacy of Sharia, if not a ban on it, has arisen in Greece where a Muslim woman ([Shatitzeh] Molla Sali), was left her husband's estate in his will (a Greek document registered at a notary’s office) when he died in March 2008. Her in-laws immediately challenged the bequest with the local mufti (a Muslim jurist and theologian) in the name of Sharia law, "which forbids Muslims to write wills" (Islamic law rather than the inheritee determining who gets what from the estate of the deceased). Molla Sali took the dispute to a civil court where she won, but in October 2013, the Greek Supreme Court ruled against her and "established that matters of inheritance among the Muslim minority must be resolved by the mufti, following Islamic laws", in accordance with the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne between Greece and Turkey. Sali has appealed the decision to the European Court of Human Rights.
Muslim-majority countries
Although Turkey is a Muslim-majority country, since Kemal Atatürk's reforms and the creation of the Republic of Turkey, Sharia law was banned in 1924 and new westernized civil and penal codes were adopted in 1926.
In Tunisia some forms of Sharia law were banned before the 2011 uprising there
Separation of church and state in the United States
How America Passed a Law to Ban Islam
Dec 3, 2016------------------
Muslims Try to Pass SHARIA LAW in Alabama… But Citizens Say HELL NO! (WATCH)
9/11 Mastermind: Al Qaeda Favors ‘Immigration’ To Defeat USA
November 24, 2016
Plans for "outbreeding nonmuslims".
American Muslims celebrating 9/11
Nov 6, 2009
Top Army Soldier: Islam Is Not Compatible With American Freedom
Jun 15, 2016
Special Forces operator Tim Kennedy talks with Alex Jones about how Islam is not compatible with American freedom or any freedom at all.
Navy SEAL/Author Breaks Down ISIS/Lefts Attack Plan On America
Dec 20, 2016-----------------------
In America, we have the freedom to even want to draw a cartoon about any type of religious figure that we want. Under Sharia Law, they try to execute artists that do not agree to the demands of political extremists, including religious extremists.
This is why we have gun rights in America as well. We have seen the problems that foreign armies that try to enforce Sharia Law have done to many countries.
Police kill two gunmen outside Muhammad cartoon event in Garland
03 2015 07
Muslims GO INSANE over Quran stomping at mosque protest
Dec 12, 2015
Why The Muslims Hate The U.S.
Mar 11, 2016
Green Beret / UFC Fighter Details ISIS Threat in Texas
Jan 15, 2016
Muslims are ANGRY at Texas Mayor After She Stops “Sharia Court”… Here Is Her EPIC Response!
March 24, 2015
This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.
In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
We need to stop these Sharia groups from harming America. East Texas has one of the highest ratios in America for having the most guns per individual. The average person owns over seven guns around this area. The people of Texas will not stand for Sharia Courts. Texas citizens will be called upon to stop many of these Sharia Courts from trying to undermine America.
Muslims Ask Texas Pig Farmer To Move And He Tells Them To Go To Hell
Jun 2, 2014
Texans Confront Muslims at Stand with The Prophet Rally
Jan 19, 2015------------------
3 family members charged in Texas "honor killing" of Iranian activist
Investigators say that an Iranian activist was gunned down by Jordanian immigrants in 2012 because they believed she helped convert their Muslim daughter to Christianity.
Muslim Immigrant Rape Invasion Now In Texas
Dec 9, 2016Muslims, immigrants, raping, epidemic, women, girls, refugees, Europe, America, Australia, Quran, Muhammad, Islam. The increased rape epidemic of women and children in Europe and America is ignored by the media. Women in Europe are defenseless because they cannot own a weapon
Social Media Censored For Patriots Not Islamist
Dec 22, 2016
Violent somalis In Minneapolis - Please Watch All Of It
Sep 17, 2016
Minnesota: Somali Voter Fraud Uncovered in Dem Race feat Muslim Candidate
July 7, 2014
OHIO VOTER FRAUD? Democrats busing in Somali Muslims who can’t speak English, likely aren’t citizens
Oct 31, 2012
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided by Democratic interpreters on the voting process. No Republican interpreters were there.
Algerian Islamists: Widespread fraud in elections
May 11, 2012
An alliance of Islamist parties expecting a strong showing in Algeria's elections accused authorities Friday of widespread fraud as initial figures pointed to them finishing third, with a spokesman suggesting unrest could ensue.
The Illegal Invasion of America
Jul 4, 2014
That American Flag Offends Muslims! Take It Down!
Jun 20, 2014---------------------------
Fight Between a Muslim and American Women and the US Flag
Jun 2, 2016
Muslim-American: I'm ready to fight radical Islam with Trump
Nov 20, 2016
'In the Land of Invisible Women' author weighs in on 'Fox & Friends'
Anonymous Declares War On Islamic Extremists | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Jan 13, 2015
Rachel Maddow reports on the apparent steps the hacker group Anonymous is taking against Islamic extremists online, as well as new hack attacks on U.S. Central Command social media sites by a person or people claiming allegiance to ISIS.
God bless many of the volunteers and military from around the world that are fighting against the expansion of ISIL and Sharia Law.
Americans Volunteer to Fight ISIS in Syria
Sep 4, 2015-------------------
Taking the fight to ISIS: American mercenaries training to fight terrorists abroad
May 28, 2015
Anti-Muslim Discrimination Is Rising, Most Americans Say
FBI reports hate crimes against Muslims surged by 67% in 2015
Nov 14, 2016
Number of anti-Muslim hate crimes last year at its highest since 9/11
Anti ISLAM Armed Militia Phoenix Mosque where 2 muslims attended killed in Garland Texas
May 29, 2015
10 Failures of the US Government on the Domestic Islamist Threat
Breaking! Congress Admits CIA Moving To Ban Free Speech In America
Dec 10, 2016
Alex Jones breaks down the total absurdity of the king and queen of fake news, Brian Williams and Hillary Clinton, declaring an all out attack on what they deem to be fake news. Despite Williams losing his job with NBC’s Nightly News last year for spreading fake news and Clinton being caught lying about an attack on a Bosnia trip, not to mention voting for a war that killed thousands that was based on fake news, they continue to push forward in their attempt to shut down the alternative press that is rapidly growing and pushing out the faltering mainstream media. As the EU demands social media sites censor fake news and Reddit, Facebook and other sites begin blocking Infowars and other alternative media it is now alarmingly evident that their truly is a war on for your mind.
Trump on Berlin attack: “Islamic terrorists continuously slaughter Christians…as part of their global jihad”
December 20, 2016
WATCH: New ISIS Video ‘The Exile of Islam’ Praises Brussels Attacks & Features Trump
March 24, 2016
Cancel the Debate! CNN Caught Selectively-Editing Trump’s ‘Muslim’ Comments
21 Nov 2015
Left-wing cable news network CNN has been caught red-handed selectively editing Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s comments about a “Muslim registry,” and doing so in order to make it sound as though he is agreeing to this registry. He is not.
The edited video is yet another lying log on the left-wing garbage fire that is CNN, and yet in just three weeks, this very same garbage fire is hosting the next Republican presidential debate!
Myanmar's Anti-Muslim Monks
Nov 12, 2014
Burma Buddhists kill scores of Muslims, says UN
Jan. 24, 2014
Presidential spokesman Ye Htut said he “strongly objects” to the UN claims and called its information and figures “totally wrong.
Truth Behind Burma Muslims Killing Why They Are Killed - MUST WATCH Buddhist Say About Muslims
China's Ruthless Crackdown On Its Muslim Population
Crackdown: The report on Uigher protests that broke relations between China and Australia
Xinjiang province has long been the site of ethnic tensions between the Uighur population and Chinese rule. Amid fears that fanatical Uighurs are aligning with foreign extremists, the state crackdown is fiercer than ever.
"A normal person wouldn't raise a butcher's knife to the elderly and children. Can we still call them human beings?", asks policeman Ainiding Memtimin. In May he was on the scene when a group of extremists threw explosives into a busy Urumqi marketplace, killing 39 people. A Uighur himself, like most locals he is baffled by such drastic violent acts. Yet the tensions that have simmered in this region are sitting on a knife edge. "Injustice is everywhere here, but we can't talk about it", says one Uighur farmer in a snatched interview. On Xinjiang's highways, cars are now being stopped for full airport-style security checks. The government keeps a close eye on religious institutions and veils for women and beards for men are actively discouraged. Teaching in the Uighur language is disappearing in schools and it's almost non-existent at universities. And it isn't just the Uighurs feeling the crackdown; enormous numbers of Han Chinese have been pressed into the province to water down the Uighurs' presence and influence. In some towns, payments are being offered for inter-marriage. But is China's central government using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? This report doggedly pushes past the press restrictions and government minders to tackle this difficult question.
ABC Australia - Ref 6273
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world's most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world's top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you'll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Dec 10, 2016
Dec 9, 2016
How Did They Even Get There? Muslims In Japan
Nov 8, 2015
Dec 6, 2016
What Do Japanese People Think About Muslims?
Jun 14, 2016
So many Muslim people who want to move to Japan are worried how Japanese people actually react to Muslim.
Islam is one of the smallest minority faiths in Japan. Muslim in Japan consist mainly of Indonesians and other small expatriate communities, which represent less than 0.08% of the total population, while the estimated Japanese Muslims consist of less than 0.008% of the total population, according to statistics.
However, it's not rare to see them in Japan nowadays, and I think they're getting more as Japan is becoming global country. I really hope Japanese people have no prejudice and accept them just like other people!
Not welcome: Japan refuses more than 99 percent of refugee applications
Russian Civilians Join Raids On Migrant Camps
Mar 25, 2013-----------------------
Refugees attacked by judo fighters in Sofia
Nov 3, 2016
200 'refugees' sh*t on the streets of central Sofia
Nov 16, 2016
Romanians beat muslims in the UK after told not to drink
Aug 9, 2016
One Country Deported “Record Number” of Muslims, Saw Decrease in Crime(Belgium)
Nov 15, 2014
The Balkan State That Wants to Deport Muslims (2008)
Jun 6, 2016The Unwinnable War (2008): Muslim survivors of the Bosnian War are now at risk of being deported.
Muslims go crazy during anti-islamic movie sweden
June 5, 2013
Muslim migrants in Russia Germany should learn how to make law abiding citizens
Dec 16, 2016 martial law against muslims, gives the gov martial law against everyone.
Violent attacks on British muslims on rise, says Islamic Human Rights Commission
MORE than half of British Muslims have been victim of hate crime, an "alarming" study has found.
Nov 11, 2015
3rd mosque attacked in Sweden in a week, violence rises vs Muslims
Jan 2, 2015
The Spread of the Caliphate: The Islamic State (Part 1)
Aug 7, 2014
The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced their intention to reestablish the caliphate and declared their leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.
Flush with cash and US weapons seized during recent advances in Iraq, the Islamic State’s expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.
Elsewhere in territory it has held for some time, the Islamic State has gone about consolidating power and setting up a government dictated by Sharia law. While the world may not recognize the Islamic State, in the Syrian city of Raqqa, the group is already in the process of building a functioning regime.
VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings. In part one, Dairieh heads to the frontline in Raqqa, where Islamic State fighters are laying siege to the Syrian Army’s division 17 base.
Islamic republic

December 7, 2004 | |
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February 23, 2016 |
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April 1, 1979 |
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March 23, 1956 |
Application of Islamic law by country the early Islamic states of the eighth and ninth centuries, sharia always existed alongside other normative systems. Most Muslim-majority countries adopt various aspects of sharia. According to BBC, some countries adopt only a few aspects of Sharia, others apply the entire code.
Within sharia, some crimes are known as the hudud crimes, for which there are specific penalties specified by Islam. For example, according to some interpretations, adultery is punished by stoning, fornication and the consumption of alcohol by lashing, and theft by the amputation of limbs. Many predominately Muslim countries have not adopted hudud penalties in their criminal justice systems.[2] Ali Mazrui stated that "most Muslim countries do not use traditional classical Islamic punishments". The harshest penalties are enforced with varying levels of consistency. The use of flogging is more common compared to punishments like amputations.
The adoption and demand for sharia in the legal system of nations with significant Muslim-minorities is an active topic of international debate, and an active goal of Islamist movements globally. Attempts to introduce or expand sharia have been accompanied by controversy, violence, and even warfare. Most countries of the world do not recognize sharia; however, some countries in Asia, Africa and Europe recognize sharia and use it as the basis for divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.
- Countries and members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation where sharia plays no role in the judicial system.
- Countries where sharia applies in personal status issues (such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody).
- Countries where sharia applies in full, covering personal status issues as well as criminal proceedings.
- Countries with regional variations in the application of sharia.

We can see that all countries with the color orange, purple and yellow are all very corrupt governments. You will notice that no countries in North and South America are under Sharia Law, we need to keep it this way. Look at how much more freedom and individuality that remains in non-Sharia controlled countries. We need to ban Sharia Law around the globe. All countries that support Sharia Law are eligible for other nations to dismantle these corrupt Sharia governments. We should also be careful of the United Nations trying to make a one world government. Some people will say that we should not go to war with Islamic nations. For the longest time, I was anti war, now I feel that the expansion of Sharia Law continues to genocide all cultures that are not Muslim. Those that support the Caliphates and Sharia Law support the genocide of my people. Many have said we would be better off getting rid of the Caliphates. This will keep being done, until the Caliphates stop giving orders to genocide other cultures, rape women, and force women to wear rags over their faces.
We must defend our people, including our women, from this tyrannical Islamic Sharia expansion under the Caliphate. We are better off getting rid of all people that support Sharia Law from western cultures, before they try to genocide all the free cultures of the planet, they will be allowed to return, once the Caliphates stop threatening the destruction and genocide of other cultures. I have been tolerant, I see the problem when no countries stand up to the expansion of Sharia Law in their country. Many countries have tried to use peace against violent Islamic Sharia expansion, and have failed, while losing their culture and people. I would rather destroy all governments under Sharia Law, than have these Sharia militaries continue to expand around the world. When the Sharia governments lose the war, remember that part of terms of your defeat, is that there will be no more Sharia Law around the world. However, we should dismantle all Sharia governments. Muslims that support Sharia Law are to be considered enemy combatants in America and the rest of the world. We especially need to keep Sharia extremists out of North America, South America, Africa and Europe. Thirty five percent or more of Muslims are in support of terrorism against Europe and America, this also happens while Islam tries to genocide all cultures that are not Islam. They should lose all Sharia Law privileges around the world. Our great grandchildren should not have to deal with Sharia Law.
Many think we should end the organisation of Islamic Cooperation entirely.
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is an international organization founded in 1969 consisting of 57 member states, with a collective population of over 1.6 billion as of 2008. The organisation states that it is "the collective voice of the Muslim world" and works to "safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony".
The OIC has permanent delegations to the United Nations and the European Union. The official languages of the OIC are Arabic, English, and French.
Member states
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation has 57 members, 56 of which are also member states of the United Nations. Some, especially in West Africa, are – though with large Muslim populations – not necessarily Muslim majority countries. A few countries with significant Muslim populations, such as Russia and Thailand, sit as Observer States, while others, such as India and Ethiopia, are not members.
The collective population of OIC member states is over 1.6 billion as of 2008.
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
Sierra Leone
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South America
Chapter 3: Executions
MSM: Syrian Rebels Behead Boy by "Mistake"
Jul 21, 2016
Pakistan Honor Killing
Jul 19, 2016
'Westernised' girl killed by Muslim father (Britain)
A Muslim teenage girl murdered in an "honour killing" was the victim of a clash of cultures, police said today.Strict Kurdish Muslim Abdalla Yones cut the throat of his 16-year-old daughter Heshu because he believed she had become too westernised.
He was jailed for life today after admitting the murder of A-level student Heshu, who had planned to run away from home after starting a relationship with an 18-year-old Lebanese Christian boy.
Father kills 7-year-old daughter after Catholic mother renounced Islam
Muslim parents who murdered their teenage daughter in an 'honour killing' because she was having sex with a man they disapproved of are jailed for life in Germany
- Lareeb Khan strangled by father Azadullah while mother Shazia looked on
- The couple then dumped the 19-year-old's body down an embankment
- Azadullah admitted killing while Shazia denied it - but both jailed this week
- Judge said they had a right to their culture, but not at the expense of life
Stoned to death with her lover: Horrific video of execution of girl, 19, killed by Afghan Taliban for running away from arranged marriage
WATCH: Taliban Publicly Execute Afghan Woman With AK-47
Half an hour after the executions, Kabul stadium opens for football
August 14, 1998FRIDAY AFTERNOON in Kabul sports stadium and the shadows are beginning to lengthen across the dusty, dried-out football pitch. A crowd of about 5,000 has been filing on to the stepped concrete stands for an hour. For as long, a series of religious leaders have been reading them lessons from the Koran. It is virtuous to attend an execution, the crowd is told.
After an hour two men are led into the centre. They are pushed to the ground by armed Taliban soldiers and stretched out on their stomachs. Their arms are tied at the elbow behind their backs.
A third is led to the penalty area where, a few yards back from the penalty spot, he is made to squat. While a clergyman mutters Koranic verses through the tannoy a surgical team amputates both hands from one of the men tied up on the grass.
As the team remove a foot from the second man, three men, two armed, walk over to the man described as the convicted murderer by the disembodied voice on the tannoy. One raises a Kalashnikov and, holding it a distance in front of him, he pulls the trigger three times. Welcome to Kabul, a city where for a million people the extraordinary is routine.
How women are treated under Sharia law in Dubai Alicia Gali story Part 1 of 2
May 13, 2013----------------
Islamic State stones five women to death for not wearing the veil
India: Muslim man kills 4-year-old daughter for not covering head while eating dinner
October 5, 2015
Somali woman killed for not wearing veil, relatives say
- 30 July 2014
Muslim girl stoned to death by Muslim villagers.
Feb 9, 2016
Saudi social media users defend woman who faced death threats after being pictured not wearing a hijab or abaya
'I'm amazed by the courage and the resilience of Saudi women'
Saudi Journalist: Religious Police Made 15 School Girls Burn to Death Because They Were Not Wearing Hijabs
Jan 18, 2012
Indian shooter Heena Sidhu refuses to wear hijab, withdraws from Airgun competition in Iran
In Afghanistan, Female Soccer Players Face Unique Challenges
Aug 17 2016
Murder of Aqsa Parvez
Aqsa "Axa" Parvez (April 22, 1991 – December 10, 2007) was the victim of a murder in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. During the murder trial, Superior Court Justice Bruce Durno acknowledged the slaying as an honour killing, stating, 'that he found it "profoundly disturbing that a 16-year-old could be murdered by a father and brother for the purpose of saving family pride, for saving them from what they perceived as family embarrassment."'. Aqsa's brother, Waqas, had strangled her to death when she chose to not wear a hijab covering. Parvez's death was reported internationally and sparked a debate about the status of women in Islam
French ban on face covering
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The French ban on face covering (French: LOI n° 2010-1192: Loi interdisant la dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public, "Law of 2010-1192: Act prohibiting concealment of the face in public space") is an act of parliament passed by the Senate of France on 14 September 2010, resulting in the ban on the wearing of face-covering headgear, including masks, helmets, balaclavas, niqabs and other veils covering the face in public places, except under specified circumstances. The ban also applies to the burqa, a full-body covering, if it covers the face. Consequently, full body costumes and Zentais (skin-tight garments covering entire body) were banned. The bill had previously been passed by the National Assembly of France on 13 July 2010.
BELGIUM: Judge at EU Supreme Court backs workplace ban on Muslim headbags
June 2, 2016
An ‘entitled’ Muslim convert woman decided one day that she would begin wearing an Islamic headbag/hijab to work, daring her employer to challenge her. When she was fired for violating the company’s strict business code policy which prohibits the wearing of any kind of headgear at work, she threatened to sue her boss for racism (What ‘race’ is Islam?) and discrimination in a supreme court.
AfD: Islam Not Compatible With German Constitution, Will Push To Ban Minarets And Burqas
18 Apr 2016
(Reuters) – The anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) said on Sunday Islam is not compatible with the German constitution and vowed to press for bans on minarets and burqas at its party congress in two weeks’ time.
The AfD punished Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats in three regional elections last month, profiting from popular angst about how Germany can cope with an influx of migrants, over a million of whom arrived last year.
Many say the governments want a ban the use of covering the face, for facial identification in stores across the world. Many say it is a type of big brother system that they want to put in place, for scanning people's faces, for facial recognition.
Islam and clothing
The myth of how the hijab protects women against sexual assault
September 6, 2012
It is healthy to go out and absorb the Sun's rays. The rays of the Sun are beneficial and have vitamin D. Many people go out in the Sun for medicinal reasons, this also includes going
in the ocean and the Sun. One of the best ways to get rid of poison oak, is to just go into the ocean and sit out in the Sun. Under Sharia Law, many women can't even do this, and
are forced to have to cover up their beautiful image. It is an unhealthy choice to deny your body the right to sit in the Sun and absorb the nutrients.
Top 11 excuses of Muslim Women who don't wear Islamic Hijaab! (and the reasons for hijab)
Islam: Proof That Hijab is Mandatory
Feb 14, 2017
Some people would want to force all women around the world to have to wear a veil over their head, or face being threatened, then forced into all kinds of violence, including rape. A government that allows this, I do not see how can be fit to rule. Many women have been killed for not wearing a veil over their head, what kind of custom is that? This custom has only been around for a very short time on this planet, this type of behavior is not acceptable, the free world should not stand for it.
In Sharia law many women are oppressed and threatened with their lives, and become violently raped if they do not wear a veil.
Look at all the different Islamic people out there that poison themselves every day, and are not even aware. I am talking about many of the synthetic fibers and dyes that they so unknowingly wrap around their face every day. Many of these synthetic fibers such as Nylon, are being inhaled and trapped in the lungs of people wearing a veil, this accelerates your risk of getting cancer. I do a lot of medical research, I know for a fact that it is a hazard to inhale harmful chemicals and materials in your lungs. The only way that you should wear something around your face, is with organic material and organic dyes.
Some have said that we should assassinate all Caliphates, to send a message to the people that want to enforce Sharia Law. We do not want to have have a foreign religious army threatening to genocide my people and the rest of the cultures on the planet. I am being forced to stop these religious fanatics from destroying the world. We need to end Sharia governments around the world at all costs necessary. It just seems like the people behind Sharia want a war, this is their Jihad, a Holy War.
The Sharia extremists need to stop threatening the genocide of other nations and cultures. Until then, I would tell all the people that want to enforce and expand Sharia Law around the globe, that you need to stop right now. If you do not stop, you will be killed as an enemy army combatant of the free people of the world. The Sharia government wants to genocide all the free cultures and free people of the world.
How women are treated under Sharia law in Dubai Alicia Gali story Part 1 of 2
May 13, 2013
Some women want Sharia Law, but are subjected to ridicule in Sharia Law if they do not wear their veil in public. Then those same Muslim women want equal respect and rights in another country that is not under Sharia Law, then that women without her veil on, in a free country, that is insulted because she doesn't have her veil on, is now offended.. Don't you see how this is a double standard, how Muslim men say how its alright for them to insult their Muslim women in public. However, when a person insults an Islamic women in a country that is not under Sharia Law, the woman is now insulted.
Christopher Hitchens brutal honesty pissing off Muslims
Jul 14, 2015
Why is it that the countries with Sharia controlled governments are most of the time ranked dead last in many sports competitions. The Sharia controlled countries in the Middle East continue to have some of the worst sports teams ever, especially in international soccer tournaments and Olympics. The American Dream Team in basketball is a good example of how laughable and horrible many basketball teams are in Muslim controlled countries. We can see in the Middle East, that many places are in poverty, and sometimes have very little food. Some people are starving to death in the Middle East, They simply do not have enough food in many parts of these areas. There are so many frail people in the Middle East from a lack of nutrition. Many cultures in the Middle East do not even let their women practice sports, while many other cultures, women get to play sports freely. Muslims could become more athletic than they are now, but Muslim countries do not let people practice sports as freely as countries. I think this makes a better mother and child, the more athletic and intelligent the mother is. Many women are treated like garbage under Sharia Law, they are not free to express themselves freely, this bad treatment of women even includes restricting women from playing sports. The Sharia countries in the Middle East cannot even win one world cup for soccer. We see the Sharia governments in the Middle Eastern countries do not let their women play sports freely, this is why we see some of the most non-athletic sports teams coming out of the governments under Sharia Law, in Middle East. Then the men from these Sharia controlled countries even try and rape women of other cultures to pass on their genes. It would be a lie for me to say that since women are being oppressed and cannot play sports freely in these Sharia countries, that this would somehow give them the best sports teams and players. It is even more difficult to do aerobics and play around as a child to gain your manual dexterity skills, while wearing a veil or hijab. I would not want the woman of my child to have to be subjected to this harsh treatment. I would not want my daughter to have to have to go through this type of torture, growing up in her childhood. I would kill any man, that dared to force my daughter to wear a veil over her head, then these same extremists would try to threaten me that she would be violently beaten and raped by Sharia extremists, if she did not wear the veil.
This forces peaceful nations, peaceful doctors and peaceful scientists having to take arms against this radicalized violent religious military and government named Sharia.
Death is just another game to many religious fanatics.
We challenge Muslims nations to beat western nations at many sports, you will not see it happen. You will not see many Muslims that are in pro sports, there are a few Muslims in pro sports, but very few
Look at how the German people win a FIFA world cup in soccer, while many Muslim countries do not even come close to ever winning. Why would I want to reproduce with a Muslim, when there are many other cultures I would rather reproduce and have a child with. There are a lot of frail people living in the Middle East, and I would would rather reproduce with a European woman that have more of a build. I would much rather breed with a Nordic or western European woman, and have a son who would be both intelligent and strong. This is important talking about this, because the globalists want to replace the strong European people with a weaker Islamic culture. What do the Islamic people have to show for athletic genes in general, compared to Europeans, native Africans, Hispanics or East Asians. Even if there are a handful of Muslims are in sports, they most likely have higher African DNA, such as Muhammad Ali was African, and not from the Middle East. If Muhammad Ali was born and raised in an Islamic culture, he most likely would not have had the opportunity to become a professional boxer. Ali converted to Islam after he won many boxing matches. (Many boxing records can also be rigged as well, and often judges decide who is the winner). This makes many wonder, how many people in the Middle East had potential to become a professional athlete or an Olympian, but their dreams were cut short by a fascist Islamic state. The Middle East does have some good powerlifters. Words cannot even describe how much better free American and European culture is, than Islamic culture that restricts freedom. Eastern Asian countries are some of the best at gymnastics, Olympic events and strongman competitions, while the people of India and Sri Lanka are some of the best at cricket. The people of Japan are some of the best at baseball, including many Caribbean Islands and Latin American countries as well. Latin American countries rival and beat European countries in soccer, at different times in history. Africans are also some of the best at many sports including running, basketball, football and many other sports, as well as people from Europe and people of South American descent. Russians and people of European descent are also very good at many sports, including strongman competitions, soccer, hockey, marksmanship sports, football, rugby, fighting, professional bicycling, swimming, surfing, and X-games type sports. The people of Tibet are also some of the best mountain climbers in the world. The Native and Latin Americans also have many of the best wilderness survival skills, and have proven themselves to be very good at many different sports. The point I am trying to make, is that many people have their own special talents, and can do what others can't, and visa versa. Many Olympian sprinters and runners have different sets of muscles to win a race, compared to having the sets of muscles to win a strongman competition. It depends if you decide to be a sprinter, swimmer or a strongman lifter, often it takes a lifetime to build the muscles for the type of activity that you want to master in, and it is just a matter of practicing in order to become a champion. The funny thing is I still cannot come up with that much on the athletic accomplishments of different Muslim countries. There are some accomplishments by Muslims in sports, but there are not that many, compared to the rest of the free world. Even when a Muslim finally gets in professional sports, half the time there is some type of conflict.
Still no anthem, still no regrets for Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
India: Muslim cricket star under fire for “un-Islamic” pic showing wife’s arms and eyes
Even many European people want to better the planet, and there are many things in life that are more important than sports. Europe has some of the best scientists and many accomplishments. We should look at the scientific accomplishments and how smart many cultures are in technology, and overall happiness, compared to a sports game. I think too many people are also too distracted by sports, many do not even pay enough attention to many of the problems that we should solve in the world. Imagine if everyone were as enthused about fixing the problems of our planet, to the enthusiasm to many professional sports games. Too many people in the public are too easily impressed by just a game.
FIFA World Cup
(Championship Map)
Effects of Centuries of Extreme Inbreeding Among Muslims: Low IQ, Violence and Terrorism
Race and IQ
Aug 8, 2016
Chapter 4: Sharia Law & Pedophilia
Turkish Muslim Male Rapes a 9-Month-old Baby Girl
September 3, 2016{Comment: When does the baby stand trial in Islamic court for provoking this attack?
11 Year Old Child Bride Speaks Out Before Being Killed
July 22, 2013
Mufa' Khathat - cleaning up the mess after thighing Aisha
The 'Prophet' Mohammed was a dirty old pervert - old enough to be Aisha's grandfather when he did Mufa'khathat to her.
Thighing of children
Mohammed married Ayesha when she was six, but as she was too small to consumate, he practised the sacred rite of Mufa' Khathat (otherwise known as 'thighing') whereby he rubbed himself between the tops of her thighs, but did not enter, until she was nine.
When he climaxed at the end of his thighing sessions, he came all over his clothes, so he gave little Ayesha the job of washing them.
"Rub a dub dub, put my clothes in a tub"
From Bukhari
Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar:
I asked 'Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible. "
Narrated 'Amr bin Maimun:
I heard Sulaiman bin Yasar talking about the clothes soiled with semen. He said that 'Aisha had said, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he would go for the prayers while water spots were still visible on them.
Narrated 'Aisha:
I used to wash the semen off the clothes of the Prophet and even then I used to notice one or more spots on them.
What a nice job for a little girl!
Following the Perfect example from the Perfect Man
Now since Mohammed is 'the perfect man' and role model for all Muslims, he set a precedent which allows all Muslim men to perform Mufa'Khathat on children younger than nine, and to have full sex from nine onwards.
Ayatollah Khomeini, generally regarded as one of the leading Muslims of the twentieth century, wrote "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."
Being a devout man who practised what be preached, the Ayatollah had a 'fling' with a four year old girl, as related in 'Hal Ataaka Hadeeth ur-Raafidah?' by the late Sheikh Abu Mus'abaz-Zarqaawi:
"When it was time to sleep, the guests had all left, except for the inhabitants of the house. Al-Khomeini laid his eyes on a young girl who, despite being only four or five years of age, was very beautiful.
So, the Imam requested from her father, Sayyid Sahib, that he spend the night with her in order to enjoy her. Her father happily agreed, and Imam al-Khomeini spent the night with the girl in his arms, and we could hear her crying and screaming.'”
Brave women's rights campaigner Madam Ghada denounces thighing (towards end of interview)
Girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”
Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, just issued a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”
Aisha - Ayesha the Child Wife of Muhammad
{Many people say that pedophiles do not like for their pictures to be
taken. Muhammad has sexual relations with a 9 year old girl, including other very young girls, then he
states how he doesn't want his picture being shown. Then the followers
of Muhammad are supposed to execute people that talk bad about
Muhammad or draw his picture. Many say the reason why many of these Arabic Muslims and Black Muslims do not want you to see the image of Muhammad, is because Muhammad had a red beard and had white skin. Many say that Islam started out as a white religion, and that black Africans and lower IQ Arabs eventually took over the religion and turned Islam against the white race that created it. Many say that Islam was created because of the Vatican and that the Catholic Church, including Christianity and Judaism were originally white religions. Do not let many of these Arab Muslims and Black Muslims fool you into believing that they were the chosen race of the Bible, these subspecies and subraces were found to have ghost DNA in their population. We were warned in the Bible and the banned Mormon cartoon about many of the blacks. We all know that white people were the chosen race. We should have population control and reduce the population of the number of Arab Muslims and black African Muslims by over 90%, the Prophet Muhammad would have wanted these Black and Arabic usurpers that were a low IQ subspecies with ghost DNA stopped from trying to infiltrate the religion of Islam, while using Islam against the white race of people that created it. We should only spare more of the light skinned white Muslims with higher IQ. We must phase out many of these low IQ Arabs and low IQ blacks from the gene pool once and for all. We should have a future race of white people and phase out the lower IQ darker skinned Third World groups from the gene pool.
These Arabs and Blacks trying to cover-up the truth of Muhammad having red hair and white skin need be stopped from trying to destroy this evidence. Many of these
Arabs and Blacks trying to usurp Islam to cover-up the truth and suppress the artwork of Muhammad must be stopped and eliminated from covering up the truth}.
7/21/2019 - King Solomon's Temple Investigation Marathon - Legend -
A Short, Thorough Explanation Of Why Islam Forbids Drawing The Prophet Muhammad
May 5, 2015
Why is it forbidden to draw a picture of Muhammad? Was he really ugly?
You can't draw Muhammad — unless you're one of many Muslim artists who did
January 15, 2015
Depictions of Muhammad
Why are you not allowed to draw Muhammad, according to Islam?
Why images of Mohammed offend Muslims
May 4, 2015
Did Prophet Muhammad have red hair?
Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars: Muhammad's White Complexion,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Muhammad%27s_White_Complexion
"On That Day When Faces Will Be White or Black" (Q3:106): Towards a Semiology of the Face in the Arabo-Islamic Tradition
Queen Elizabeth II claims relation to Islam's Prophet Muhammad
Jun 2, 2018
Rh- Negative Blood and Antediluvian Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jun 23, 2016
Rh Negative Bloodlines in History - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jun 30, 2018
Lost Civilizations and Ancient Bloodlines - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jul 6, 2016
Ancient DNA of Egypt and the Middle East - ROBERT SEPEHR
Oct 27, 2019
Ancient History of Ireland, Tuatha Dé Danann, Scythians, and Phoenicians - ROBERT SEPEHR
Mar 8, 2019
Why do Indian men dye their hair Orange?
Aug 1, 2016
Banned Mormon Cartoon - EXTENDED VERSION
Fun Islamic Facts 8: Muhammad Was a Sex Addict (David Wood)
Aug 8, 2016
Welcome to “Fun Islamic Facts,” where I share fun facts about Muhammad and the Qur’an whenever jihadis go on a killing spree.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Number 5068:
Narrated Anas: The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Number 5215:
Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet used to pass by (have sexual relation with) all his wives in one night, and at that time he had nine wives.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Number 268:
Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said, “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number.” I asked Anas, “Had the Prophet the strength for it?” Anas replied, “We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men).” And Sa’id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).
Notice three things about these passages.
First, Muhammad had at least nine wives at one time, even though Surah 4, verse 3 of the Qur’an limits Muslim men to four wives. If the Qur’an limits men to four wives, why did Muhammad have at least nine wives at one time? Well, Muhammad received a special revelation (Surah 33, verse 50 of the Qur’an), giving him, and him alone, the right to break the four-wife limit. How convenient.
Islamic sexual jurisprudence
Islamic sexual jurisprudence concerns the Islamic laws of sexuality in Islam, as largely predicated on the Qur'an, the sayings of Muhammad (hadith) and the rulings of religious leaders' (fatwa) confining sexual activity to marital relationships between men and women. While most traditions discourage celibacy, all encourage strict chastity and modesty with regard to any relationships between genders, holding forth that their intimacy as perceived within Islam – encompassing a swath of life broader than sexual activity – is largely reserved for marriage. This sensitivity to gender difference and modesty outside of marriage can be seen in current prominent aspects of Islam, such as interpretations of Islamic dress and degrees of gender segregation.
Prostitution is banned in Islam. Quran states,
And compel not your slave-girls to prostitution when they desire to keep chaste, in order to seek the frail goods of this world's life. And whoever compels them, then surely after their compulsion Allah is Forgiving, Merciful..
—?Quran 24:33
Prostitution (trading sex for money) is haraam. If any Muslim does this, he or she is punishable by stoning until dead. It was practiced by some Muslims during the 6th century. In the 7th century, the prophet Muhammad declared that prostitution is forbidden on all grounds. In Islam, prostitution is considered a sin, and Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari is attributed with the saying:
"Allah's Apostle forbade taking the price of a dog, money earned by prostitution and the earnings of a soothsayer".
—?Sahih al-Bukhari, 3:34:439
However, sexual slavery as concubinage was not considered prostitution and was very common during the Arab slave trade throughout the Middle Ages and early modern period, when women and girls from the Caucasus, Africa, Central Asia and Europe were captured and served as concubines in the harems of the Arab World.[34] Ibn Battuta tells us several times that he was given or purchased female slaves.[35]
According to Shia Muslims, the prophet Muhammad sanctioned fixed-term marriage – muta'a in Iraq and sigheh in Iran — which has instead been used as a legitimizing cover for sex workers, in a culture where prostitution is otherwise forbidden.[36] Sunni Muslims, who make up the majority of Muslims worldwide, believe the practice of fixed-term marriage was abrogated and ultimately forbidden by either Muhammad, or one of his successors, Umar. Like the Shia, Sunnis regard prostitution as sinful and forbidden.
Female al-Azhar prof: Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women
Sexual Perversion in Islam
Whitewashing Mohamed: Media Covers For Islam Once Again
Jul 16, 2016
NICE TERRORIST IS NAMED, but the media wants to know if he was "just upset over his divorce". Yea, because doesn't every man struggling with marriage troubles or sexual identity issues take out his frustrations by mass-murdering innocents. It's not #PrayforNice. It's #FightForWesternCivilization.
Muslim Sex Crimes, Sex Criminals and Islamic Sexual Deprivation and Depravity
Islamic studies tutor, 31, who raped a pupil, 14, while teaching her the Koran is jailed for 19 years after she delayed her abortion to prove he was the father
- Tutor Mohammed Islam, 31, jailed for 19 years for sexual assault and rape
- He sexually assaulted young girl from the age of nine over five-year period
- Sex attacks became more serious and Islam raped girl when she turned 14
- Youngster delayed having abortion so she could prove he was the father
No "Honor" In Being Forced To Marry Your Rapist
Dec 10, 2016
Why did Muhammad (pbuh) marry Aisha at a young age? - Q&A - Sh. Khalid Yasin
Jun 21, 2013
40-Year Campaign to Normalize “Pedophilia Love” with 10 year-olds is Working
June 17, 2016
Normalizing perverse and criminal behavior extends beyond transvestite bathroom bill advocates– to asserting that adults over age 18 should be legally allowed to have consensual sex with children between the ages of 10-14.
Pedophiles “suffer from a disorder” and shouldn’t be shamed by society. Doctors and attorneys are encouraged to prevent societal views that stereotype, stigmatize, or promote fear, so that pedophiles can “live a full life within the limits of the law.”
And, that, because:
The age of [sexual] consent is arbitrary … Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage [to the child].”The argument maintains that the 99 percent of society who aren’t pedophiles should adjust and change their perspective, to “sympathize” with the pedophile, who is a victim suffering from a disorder, and is not a criminal. Like the “needs” of the less than one percent of “transgendered” people in America, the one percent of pedophiles should also take precedent over what is good for the rest of society.
In the 1970’s, the British National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) collaborated with the Pedophile Information Network (PIN), which has sought for decades to lower the “legal” age of sexual consent to ten years old, calling it, “pedophile love.”
A 1976 NCCL Report reveals that former British Labour Health Secretary, Patricia Hewitt, was general secretary of the NCCL’s Criminal Law Revision Committee at the time. The report stated:
Where both partners are aged 10 or over, but under 14, a consenting sexual act should not be an offence. As the age of consent is arbitrary, we propose an overlap of two years on either side of 14.Hewitt and other Labour Party members claimed they opposed PIE. But Tom O’Carroll, a convicted pedophile, told the British Express that he “felt ‘welcome’ at NCCL meetings where he sat on the gay rights sub-committee. While they did not like PIE and did nothing to support our objectives, they were afraid of appearing insufficiently ‘right on.’ Consequently they were nothing like as strenuous and public in their efforts to distance themselves from PIE as they are now claiming.”
“Childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage.
“The Criminal Law Commission should be prepared to accept the evidence from follow-up research on child ‘victims’ which show there is little subsequent effect after a child has been ‘molested.’
“The real need is a change in the attitude which assumes that all cases of paedophilia result in lasting damage.
“The present legal penalties are too high and reinforce the misinformation and prejudice. The duty of the court should be to inquire into all the relevant circumstances with the intention, not of meting out severe punishment, but of determining the best solution in the interests of both child and paedophile.”
Fast-forward to 2014, when an assistant professor at Rutgers University, Margo Kaplan, wrote in The New York Times, that pedophilia was a “mental disorder, not a crime.” She maintains that of the roughly 1 percent of male pedophiles in America, the legal system is failing them.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines pedophilia as a “psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children,” which identifies children aged 13 years old or younger. (American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.)
Rape is being used for ethnic cleansing in South Sudan. But it’s not the first place, or the last.
By — December 19, 2016
Sudan's 22 Year War: The Longest Conflict In Africa
Dec 20, 2013---------------------
US Tax $ Funds Pedophilia - WikiLeaks
Jan 3, 2011
The Sharia law has become another form of a religious government that makes it their faith and laws to kill others, this includes people of other cultures and religions.
Sharia law would even kill many musicians and artists, just because they do not go along with Sharia ideas and ideals.
Sharia law would ban many types of music that it would find offensive to Islam.
Many people that are bisexual, transgendered or gay are executed under Sharia Law.
Many people are also being attacked with estrogen mimickers in food and tap water, some will tell you that this will cause males to become more feminine.
Notice how much criticism the Catholic Church gets from molesting young children. We can see that Muhammad, including many of the people supporting Sharia are no different, the only difference is pedophilia is legalized under Sharia Law.
AFGHANISTAN: ‘BACHA BAZI’ BOYS – where very young boys are the ‘entertainment’ for grown men
Feb 27, 2010
Native to Afghanistan, these “dancing boys” are actually sex slaves, lured off the streets by pimps, taught to dance and sing, to wear make-up and to dress like girls. Then they are made to perform before large groups of men. ALL of them are sexually abused. But in Islam, sex with boys under 18 is not considered homosexuality, so it is allowed.
“Dancing boys” are a lucrative business. Powerful former warlords and businessmen love to watch them and will pay a lot of money to have their own boy for Bacha Bazi. Some of the boys are traded like swap cards amongst the rich and powerful and if they disobey their “owners” they are killed or brutalised. The trade in boys is well known to the United Nations. According to Nazir Alimy, who compiled a report on the issue for the UN, there is no doubt who is funding this practice and why the police refuse to stop it. “According to our research these dancing boys are used by powerful men for sex,” Mr Alimy said.
While many Muslims force their women to wear a veil over their face, the Muslims then legalize pedophilia with young boys.
Bacha bazi
Apr 17, 2009
Bacha bazi in Northern Afghanistan (Mazar-e-sharif) Shamali culture
Bacha Bazi: U.S. Military Accused Of Telling Soldiers To Overlook Afghan Abuse Of Boys
Sep 22, 2015
Navy analysis found that a Marine’s case would draw attention to Afghan ‘sex slaves’ (wapo, Sep 1, 2016)
She is My Son: Afghanistan's Bacha Posh, When Girls Become Boys
Sep 22, 2016
The practice is called Bacha Posh, which literally means “dressed up as a boy”. Girls in this role wear boys’ clothes, have close-cropped hair and answer to a boy’s name in the street. They get the freedoms that men in Afghan society enjoy at the price of their true identity. As they grow up, however, most go back to behaving like women again: they get married and must comply with the traditional restrictions women face.
Man boy sex (Pederasty) in Islam
Bacha bereesh and bacha bazi
"Boys are taken from their families at a young age and sold or given to wealthy and powerful business men, politicians, and military commanders. The boys are dressed in women's clothing and makeup and forced to dance to entertain their master and his guests. They are also forced to perform sex acts on their master or his guests. The few boys who are able to escape their slavery have a difficult time ever making a living doing anything else. They are forever branded in society as a bacha bereesh, or a "boy without a beard," a boy who dances and dresses as a woman.
Their plight is not unlike that of women forced into sexual performance or prostitution, who also have a difficult time being accepted into society and finding work after their ordeal. Bacha bazi boys often return to the industry even after they have left, because they have no other means to support themselves. Women who have been forced into commercial sex often do the same. Perhaps so many similarities exist because bacha bazi feminizes these boys in order to degrade them. By forcing them to perform in women's clothes and by raping them, this tradition not only seeks to humiliate these boys for the pleasure of wealthy men, but also to reinforce the idea that women are inferior and for a boy to have feminine affectations is degrading for him. It's a window into the severe gender inequality that pervades Afghanistan.
Rules for men having sex with boys. Man-boy sex is institutionalised to the extent that the Islamic rulebook specifies who should and should not be the object of a man's amorous attentions. Apart from the requirement that the boy should be beardless (bacha bereesh), there are also some restrictions regarding family members.
2414. * If a baligh person commits sodomy with a boy , the mother, sister and daughter of the boy become haraam for him. And the same law applies when the person on whom sodomy is committed is an adult male, or when the person committing sodomy is na-baligh. But if one suspects or doubts whether penetration occurred or not, then the said woman would not become haraam.
2415. * If a person marries the mother or sister of a boy, and commits sodomy with the boy after the marriage, as a precaution, they will become haraam for him.
In other words, if a Muslim dates a woman and finds her kid brother or son attractive, he must choose one or the other. He can't have both.
European politicians being bribed, subverted and blackmailed into promoting Islam by bacha bazi boysex orgies.
A very sinister development:
"A French former minister went to Morocco for an orgy with "little boys", according to an ex-minister, who claims the country's strict privacy laws led to a cover-up. "
Marriage (Part I of II)
The relation between man and woman becomes lawful by contracting marriage. There are two kinds of marriages:
(i) Permanent marriage
(ii) Fixed-time marriage
In a permanent marriage, the period of matrimony is not fixed, and it isforever. The woman with whom such a marriage is concluded is called da'ima (i.e. a permanent wife).
In a fixed time marriage (Mut'ah), the period of matrimony is fixed, for example, matrimonial relation is contracted with a woman for an hour, or a day, or a month, or a year, or more. However, the period fixed for the marriage should not exceed the span of normal lives of the spouses, because in that case, the marriage will be treated as a permanent one. This sort of fixed time marriage is called Mut'ah or Sigha.
Issue 2419: * If a person contracts Nikah with a non-baligh girl, it is haraam to have sexual intercourse before she has completed her nine years. But if he commits sexual intercourse with her, she will not be haraam for him when she becomes baligh, even if she may have suffered Ifza (which has been described in rule 2389), though as a precaution, he should divorce her.
Issue 2420: A woman who is divorced three times, becomes haraam for her husband. But, if she marries another man, subject to the conditions which will be mentioned under the rules pertaining to 'divorce', her first husband can marry her again after her second husband dies, or divorces her, and she completes the period of Iddah.
Many children are forced into sex slavery, under Sharia Law. These women are kidnapped, raped, and then forced into marriage.
Islamic State Sex Slaves Apparently Being Sold on Facebook for $8,000
"To all the bros thinking about buying a slave, this one is $8,000..."
May 30, 2016
Iraqi women protest against proposed Islamic law in Iraq
Mar 8, 2014
About two dozen Iraqi women demonstrated on Saturday in Baghdad against a draft law approved by the Iraqi cabinet that would permit the marriage of nine-year-old girls and automatically give child custody to fathers.
The group's protest was on International Women's Day and a week after the cabinet voted for the legislation, based on Shi'ite Islamic jurisprudence, allowing clergy to preside over marriages, divorces and inheritances. The draft now goes to parliament.
"On this day of women, women of Iraq are in mourning," the protesters shouted.
"We believe that this is a crime against humanity," said Hanaa Eduar, a prominent Iraqi human rights activist. "It would deprive a girl of her right to live a normal childhood."
The UN's representative to Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, also condemned the legislation. Mladenov wrote on Twitter the bill "risks constitutionally protected rights for women and international commitment".
The legislation goes to the heart of the divisions in Iraq since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003, as Shi'ite Islamists have come to lead the government and look to impose their religious values on society at large.
It describes girls as reaching puberty at nine, making them fit for marriage, makes the father sole guardian of his children at two and condones a husband's right to insist on sexual intercourse with his wife whenever he wishes.
Many Muslims think that it is their right to be able to take property from people that are not Muslims, this includes children, to be used as wives, many still refer to this practice as sexual slavery.
Islamic State militants are kidnapping thousands of people to use as human shields
TULUL AL-NASIR, Iraq — Islamic State militants have rounded up thousands of villagers at gunpoint to use as human shields as they retreat toward their stronghold of Mosul, the latest brutal war tactic inflicted on civilians in areas the group controls.
Fury as Islamic group orders Muslims in Rotherham to BOYCOTT police over child sex scandal
AN Islamic group in Rotherham which has vowed to boycott the police over the devastating child sex abuse scandal have been blasted for thinking they are “above the law”.
Fury as Islamic group orders Muslims in Rotherham to BOYCOTT police over child sex scandal
AN Islamic group in Rotherham which has vowed to boycott the police over the devastating child sex abuse scandal have been blasted for thinking they are “above the law”.
The British Muslim Youth (BMY) is protesting the perceived persecution of Muslims in the aftermath of the town’s shameful scandal.
In a message posted online the group ordered fellow Muslims to immediately cut all ties with law enforcement or face being made pariahs in their own neighbourhoods.
British Muslim Youth (BMY) warned its members would not be “held responsible for acts of personal self-defence” and said it could no longer trust South Yorkshire Police because of the ongoing "marginalisation and dehumanisation" of Muslims.
Last August a devastating independent report was published revealing how at least 1,400 girls as young as 11 were groomed and sexually exploited over a 14-year period by gangs of predominantly Pakistani men.
South Yorkshire Police and the local council were both savaged for failing to avert the scandal, with officers later claiming they failed to intervene for fear of being branded racist.
But in its message BMY said this was a "pernicious lie" which the police had used to cover up their own scandalous failings.
In a message posted on its website, the organisation said it "completely condemns all forms of child sexual exploitation" but argued all Muslims had been "tarred with the same brush".
The furious blog ordered all Muslims in Rotherham to boycott the police, but added they should still call 999 in an emergency and continue to report crimes.
UKIP's Jane Collins said: "These people are calling for themselves to be above the law."
She wrote to South Yorkshire's top policeman urging him to carry on the investigation into child sexual exploitation in the town in spite of the boycott, which she branded "hypocrisy of the worst kind".
She said: "I urge you, as someone who has not only read the Jay Report but also been a confidante to many victims of these vile crimes, to pledge to continue your work into routing out sexual abuse regardless of the ethnic origin or religion of suspected perpetrators.
"For years these men went about their vile activities, raping girls and passing them around while the council did nothing all because they were scared of appearing racist by accusing Muslim men of crimes against white girls.
"So for this group of men to ignore what has happened to 1,400 victims of grooming gangs in Rotherham - girls who were actually demonised - and claim instead that they are the victims is sickening."
The publication of the independent Jay Report in August last year lifted the lid on the shocking scale of child grooming in the small Yorkshire town and revealed the incredible incompetence of the police and local council who were tasked with their protection.
SYP's Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright - who was head of children's services for the council while the abuse was being carried out - was forced to resign from his post, while the council itself was taken under the control of the Government.
The BMY said the ever since the Muslim community has been “under perpetual attack and demonisation” and that Islamaphobia was at “unprecedented levels” in Rotherham.
It wrote: "There is a perception in the minds of many ordinary people that all Muslims are now potential child abusers, or that they have been involved in some sort of a cover up.
"The findings of the Jay Report cannot and must not be used to scapegoat and discriminate against the entire Muslim community due to the actions of certain individuals.”
Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men
KILLERS : marc dutroux - (the monster of Belgium)
Mar 10, 2013
Dutroux's widely publicised trial had taken place in 2004. A number of shortcomings in the Dutroux investigation caused widespread discontent in Belgium with the country's criminal justice system, and the ensuing scandal was one of the reasons for the reorganisation of Belgium's law enforcement agencies.
{23:00 Dutroux was convicted of abduction and rape of five girls. Dutroux was released 3 years, from a 13 year prison sentence, six years later, Dutroux was found kidnapping multiple girls again.
25:00 The authorities search Dutroux's house. A locksmith tells the detective that he hears voices from a wall, yet the detective ignores it. Two girls were behind the wall, and died 3 months later. Many people living in Belgium claim the authorities are protecting Dutroux.
29:30 Witnesses state that they have seen Dutroux at parties with prostitutes, including pedophilia was going on. High ranking businessmen, including politicians were at these parties, many claim that this was a pedophile ring.
33:00 The judge investigating the pedophile rings was fired for having dinners with the families of the victims of Dutroux.
34:00 A detective states that he can give the names of hundreds of judges that would have dinners with victims, including lawyers with suspects.
38:00 An informant goes to the authorities about Dutroux, and dies two days later, his family thinks that he was poisoned. Another person that wanted to talk about Dutroux went missing, and they found his body}.
Chapter 5: Saudi Arabia
How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism
Mar 22, 2015
A Wikileaks cable clearly quotes then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” She continues: “More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups.” And it’s not just the Saudis: Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates are also implicated in the memo. Other cables released by Wikileaks outline how Saudi front companies are also used to fund terrorism abroad.
Evidently, the situation has not improved since Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Late last year, Vice President Biden caused a stir by undiplomatically speaking the truth at an event at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, saying:
Saudi Arabia: beheadings reach highest level in two decades
Number of people executed for non-lethal offences and drug-related crimes is on the rise in the kingdom, which follows Sharia law
Rape in Saudi Arabia
Rape in Saudi Arabia has been considerably investigated by various observers. In 1988, sexual offences stood at 2.19 rapes per 100,000 population. Under Sharia law, a law generally enforced by the Islamic states(Islamic Law), punishment imposed by the court on the rapist may range from flogging to execution. However, there is no penal code in Saudi Arabia and there is no written law which specifically criminalizes rape or prescribes its punishment. If the rape victim first entered the rapist's company in violation of purdah, she also stands to be punished by the law's current holdings. In addition, there is no prohibition against marital rape or statutory rape.In Saudi Arabia, rape cases usually target both the defendant and the victim, and in some cases, the victim can be sentenced to even harsher punishment than the assailant, often being raped again.
Human Rights Watch has investigated the situation, and their report concludes that the rape victim is punished when they speak out against the crime. In one case, the victim's sentence was doubled for speaking out; the court also harassed the victim's lawyer, going so far as to confiscate his professional license.In 2009, the Saudi Gazette reported that a 23-year-old, unmarried woman was sentenced to one year in prison and 100 lashes for adultery. This woman had been gang-raped, became pregnant, and had tried (unsuccessfully) to abort the fetus. The flogging was postponed until after the delivery.
The sentences for rape cases are also extremely unbalanced in Saudi Arabia. In one example from February 2013, a Saudi preacher raped, tortured and murdered his 5-year-old daughter. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, 800 lashes, and a fine of one million riyals ($270,000 USD) to be paid to the girl's mother, his ex-wife. Contrasted with this is the case of two Pakistani citizens who were beheaded by the state after being convicted of a rape.
Saudi Sharia court sentences gang rape victim to 200 lashes
“According to Sharia Law, a Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied by a male guardian at all times in public, something the 19 year old victim did not obey when she went to meet a friend, according to website Live Buddhism.” Not just a “Saudi Arabian woman,” but any woman. Since the victim did not do this, she is at fault. This is Islamic law. It is barbaric and inhumane, but it is Islamic law.
The victim of a violent gang rape has been sentenced by a Saudi Arabian court to 200 lashes and six months in jail for the crimes of speaking to the press and indecency.According to Sharia Law, a Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied by a male guardian at all times in public, something the 19 year old victim did not obey when she went to meet a friend, according to website Live Buddhism.
While in a car with a student friend, retrieving a picture, two men got into the vehicle and drove them to a secluded area. She said she was raped there by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend.
-------------------------------------------How Saudi Arabia Financed Global Terror
Feb 5, 2015
Hillary Clinton Aide Linked To Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia
Aug 23, 2016
New details have come to light regarding Huma Abedin, the closest adviser to Hillary Clinton. Her role as co-editor of her family's controversial publication which produces radical muslim ideology have emerged, which the Clinton camp denies. Abedin has been Clinton's top aide, acting as a conduit between the Clinton Foundation, it's donors and the former Secretary of State for years. 14,900 new emails have been found on Clinton's server, and the FBI is set to release the cache in October.
The REAL reason for Europe's influx of migrants - Assange / WikiLeaks.
Feb 1, 2017
Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11
September 5, 2012
Brzezinski And The Mujahideen 1979
May 18, 2012-------------------------------
Saudi Arabia USA relations in free fall losing almost on all fronts November 2016
Nov 9, 2016
Saudi Arabia is a political corpse that needs to end, Saudi Arabia has to bribe its way to continue to exist. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that is named after the royal family that owns Saudi Arabia.
Chapter 6: Nigeria
Islam in Nigeria
Killing of Christians (By Muslims) In Nigeria Has Increased By 62%
March 6, 2016
Brainwashed girls among the 200 kidnapped at Nigeria’s Chibok school 'are now killing for Boko Haram and torturing the Islamist group’s prisoners,' say witnesses
- Teen forced to marry a Boko Haram militant has revealed killings by girls
- The 17-year-old said she saw Chibok girls slit the throats of Christian men
- Out of 276 schoolgirls captured more than a year ago, 219 are still missing
Muslim Group 'Enjoys' Killing Nigerian Christians
Feb 28, 2012
Blasphemy law in Nigeria
The Federal Republic of Nigeria operates two court systems. Both systems can punish blasphemy. The Constitution provides a Customary (secular) system and a system that incorporates Sharia. The Customary system prohibits blasphemy by section 204 of Nigeria's Criminal Code. Section 204 is entitled "Insult to religion". The section states:
Any person who does an act which any class of persons consider as a public insult on their religion, with the intention that they should consider the act such an insult, and any person who does an unlawful act with the knowledge that any class of persons will consider it such an insult, is guilty of a misdemeanour, and is liable to imprisonment for two years.
Twelve out of Nigeria's thirty-six states have Sunni Islam as the dominant religion. In 1999, those states chose to have Sharia courts as well as Customary courts. A Sharia court may treat blasphemy as deserving of several punishments up to, and including, execution.
Selected cases
On 19 June 2009, a Musliams mob in the town of Sara in Jigawa state burned a police outpost and injured about twelve persons over an alleged blasphemy against the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The mob complained that someone was distributing blasphemous pamphlets, and it demanded that the police give up a mad man who had sought safety at the police outpost.
On 9 August 2008, a Muslim mob in Kano state beat to death a fifty-year-old Muslim man who blasphemed Mohammed.
On 20 April 2008, Muslim rioters in the city of Kano burned the shops and vehicles of Christian merchants after one allegedly disparaged Mohammed.
On 9 February 2008, a Muslim mob rioted in the town of Sumaila in Kano state. The mob acted upon the alleged distribution of a leaflet that allegedly slandered Mohammed. The mob killed a Christian police inspector and two civilians, and wounded twenty others. The mob set fire to vehicles and destroyed the police station.
On 4 February 2008 2:46, a Muslim mob besieged a police station and set it on fire in the city of Yano in Bauchi state. The police station was the refuge of a Christian woman whom the mob accused of desecrating the Quran. One report said that the woman had spurned an offer of marriage from a Muslim man, and that he and his companions had seized the opportunity to riot. In the ensuing violence, five churches were set alight by Muslims, Christian shops were torched, and policemen's homes were attacked and a blood shed happed. The police arrested 1000 children.
In October 2007, a sharia court convicted Sani Kabili, a Christian and a father of six, of the town of Kano, of blasphemy against Mohammed. The court sentenced Kabili to three years in prison. In February 2009, an appeal court overturned the conviction.
On 28 September 2007, a Muslim mob rioted at Tudun Wada in Kano state. The mob killed nine Christians, burned several churches, and destroyed the homes and businesses of some non-Muslims. The Muslims complained that Christian students had drawn a picture of Mohammed. The Christians reported that the violence erupted after they had prevented one of their members from converting to Islam.
On 21 March 2007, a mob of Muslim students and neighbourhood extremists beat to death Christianah Oluwatoyin Oluwasesin, a mother of two and a teacher at Government Secondary School of Gandu in the city of Gombe. A student complained that Oluwasesin, a Christian, had touched a bag which allegedly contained a Quran, and had thereby defiled the Quran.
In February 2006, thousands of Muslim rioters went on rampages in different states. The rioters burned churches, torched Christian shops and homes, and killed Christians. The reason for the violence was ostensibly outrage at the publication in the Danish magazine Jyllands-Posten of cartoons that some Muslims consider blasphemous.
In February 2006 in Bauchi state, Florence Chuckwu, a Christian teacher, confiscated a copy of a Quran from a pupil who was reading it during an English lesson. The incident provoked rioting by Muslims. The riot killed more than twenty Christians and destroyed two churches.
We need to kick all Muslims out of Nigeria.
Chapter 7: Indonesia & Malaysia
Malaysia is known for being one of the worst governments in the world. This is how strict the Malaysian government is, they will pretty much give you life in prison for trying to grow hemp, this is when it is legal as medicine in many free countries. Look at how many of these countries outlaw hemp, while cutting down rainforests and producing tons of plastic trash. The Sharia controlled Indonesian and Malaysian governments have very little respect for the local environment.
Rate of deforestation in Indonesia overtakes Brazil, says study
June 29, 2014
Indonesia lost 840,000 hectares of forest in 2012 compared to 460,000 hectares in Brazil, despite its forest being a quarter the size of the Amazon rainforest.
{Areas such as Syria used to be a giant forest, now it is a desert, this was from people cutting down many trees}.
"No Deforestation" policy - Indonesia | Greenpeace International
Indonesia is a treasure chest of biodiversity; it is home to between 10 and 15 per cent of all known species of plants, mammals and birds. Orang-utans, elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses, more than 1,500 species of birds and thousands of plant species are all a part of the country's natural legacy.
The mass destruction of Indonesia's rainforests and carbon-rich peatlands for palm oil and paper
Toughest Marijuana Laws Around the World
April 10, 2012
We may bemoan the lumbering progress of the compelling and irrefutable argument for cannabis legalization in our own country, but we’re really pretty lucky. Some countries across the world have implausibly draconian laws, with places like Saudi Arabia and Malaysia executing people for trafficking in large amounts. Most of us aren’t interested in importing drugs into countries with monstrous laws, but we might fancy a joint if we’re on holiday somewhere. This article runs through some countries you might want to avoid if you’re off on a marijuana world tour or are looking to move permanently.
Another country you would do well to avoid is Malaysia. Possession
of cannabis can land you in jail for up to five years (Section 6), and
carries a fine of up to 20,000 ringgit (around $6,500). If you are found
with over 50 grams, the sentence is at least five years, plus a
possible lashing of at least ten strikes (Section 39a). Planting a
cannabis seed can get you life in prison plus at least six lashings
(Section 6b). In 2010, a man was jailed
for a total of eight years for being found with just less than 58 grams
of cannabis. One charge was only based on 12.65 grams (less than a half
ounce) and carried a sentence of two years. The worst case scenario,
getting caught dealing a lot of cannabis, can lead to the death sentence.
If you’re journeying across Southeast Asia and fancy a stop in Bali,
marijuana should definitely be off the menu. Getting caught with a
single joint in Indonesia can lead to a jail sentence of up to four years. If you accidentally or purposefully import any cannabis, you can be put in prison for between five and 15 years. One famous case involved an Australian named Schapelle Corby,
who ended up with 20 years in jail, skipping off on a possible sentence
of death by firing squad. This is probably the only time 20 years in an
Indonesian jail could be considered “lucky.”
United Arab Emirates
Possibly the most extreme laws come in the United Arab Emirates. Getting
caught in Dubai with even the tiniest trace of cannabis can get you a
minimum mandatory sentence of four
years. In some extreme circumstances, if you’re caught with any in your
blood or urine, this can be considered “possession.” It’s worth noting
that these absurd laws even extend to things like poppy seeds (the kind you might be covered in if you eat seeded bread on your flight). One man has been jailed
for four years because he was found at the airport with a cigarette
trodden into his shoe. Inside, the authorities found 0.003 grams of
cannabis, and that was enough. Unless he’d come up with a bizarre way to
carry his last, tiny joint, it’s safe to assume this wasn’t even his.
In the UAE, it clearly doesn’t matter.
---------------------------First non-Muslim lashed for breaking Sharia law in Indonesian province
For her crime, violating the tenets of a faith she does not observe, the courts offered two punishments.
Option one: time in a grim jailhouse. Option two: nearly 30 lashes with a cane wielded by a anonymous man, hooded and clad in black robes, as her neighbors watched.
She chose the latter.
Such was the fate of Remita Sinaga, 60, a rare Christian living in Aceh, one of the most stridently Islamic corners of Asia. Her crime: selling bottles of booze on the sly, an illicit act under Aceh’s increasingly hardline enforcement of Sharia, or Islamic law.
Whipped in public just for daring to go on a date: Unmarried couples are flogged for violating Sharia law in Indonesia
- Pictures show a woman crying out as she is lashed with a cane at Al Furqon Mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
- Separate images show a man standing as he receives the same brutal punishment for dating before marriage
- Three Acehnese couples were sentenced to public lashes for violating Sharia law in a brutal new crackdown
Outrage in multi-ethnic Malaysia as government backs Islamic law
The Sharia Law in Indonesia and Malaysia is unacceptable. If this horrible government is left in power, it will destroy the ecosystem and forests in Indonesia and Malaysia. We need to take action get stop the religious Sharia governments of Indonesia and Malaysia, we need to get rid of the current corrupt Sharia governments in Southeast Asia.
Blasphemy law in Indonesia
Blasphemy law in Indonesia (Indonesian: Undang-undang Penistaan Agama) is the legislation, presidential decrees, and ministerial directives that prohibit blasphemy in Indonesia.
Indonesia's laws and policies have produced many instances where members of one religion have persecuted the members of other religions or of other sects. The authorities have not brought to justice many perpetrators of crimes. Crimes are commonly justified by the perpetrators as actions against hatred, heresy, blasphemy, or deviance.
In October 2009, a group of petitioners, including some human rights groups, requested that Indonesia's Constitutional Court review the 1965 Law on Blasphemy. On 19 April 2010, the Court announced its refusal to make the review. “If the Blasphemy Law was scrapped before a new law was enacted . . . it was feared that misuses and contempt of religion would occur and trigger conflicts in society,” Justice Akil Mochtar said. The Court offered an interpretation of the Law. The interpretation says the state recognizes six religions, and "leaves alone" the followers of other religions.
Selected cases
In January 2012, an Indonesian man who said on Facebook that God did not exist is facing jail, as atheism is reportedly "a violation of Indonesian law under the founding principles of the country".
On 6 May 2010, a court sentenced Bakri Abdullah to one year in jail for blasphemy because the 70-year-old claimed to be a prophet and to have visited heaven in 1975 and 1997.
On 2 June 2009, the Central Jakarta District Court convicted Lia Eden, also known as Lia Aminuddin or Syamsuriati, of blasphemy. The court accepted that Eden had proselytized her religion, known as Salamullah, which she invented. The court sentenced her to two years and six months in prison.[8] Eden had already served sixteen months for the same offence because of the same court's sentence on 29 June 2006. In 1997, the MUI had issued an edict declaring Eden's religion deviant. Lia's right-hand man, Wahyu Andito Putro Wibisono, who was also accused of the crime, was given a two-year prison sentence.
On 9 December 2008, hundreds of Muslim rioters damaged sixty-seven houses, a church, and a community hall, and injured five people in Masohi, Central Maluku. The rioters were allegedly angry that a Christian school teacher, Welhelmina Holle, had allegedly said something blasphemous during an after-class tutorial at an elementary school. The police arrested Holle for blasphemy. The police arrested two Muslim men for inciting violence.
In April 2008, a court sentenced Ahmad Moshaddeq, the leader of a sect called Al-Qiyadah al-Islamiyah, to four years in prison for committing blasphemous acts. On 2 May 2008, Padang District Court sentenced Dedi Priadi and Gerry Lufthi Yudistira, also members of the Al-Qiyadah al-Islamiyah sect, to three years in prison under Article 156(a).
On 11 November 2007, the Supreme Court of Indonesia sentenced Abdul Rahman, a senior member of the Lia Eden sect, to three years in prison for blasphemy because he claimed to be a reincarnation of Prophet Mohammed.
In April 2007, police in Malang, East Java, detained forty-two Protestants for disseminating a “prayer video” that instructs individuals to put the Quran on the ground, and to pray for the conversion of Indonesia’s Muslim political leaders. In September 2007, a local court found each of those detained guilty of insulting religion, and sentenced each to five years in prison.
On 10 April 2007, police in the town of Pasuruan, East Java, arrested two men, Rochamim (or Rohim) and Toyib. Toyib was a follower of Rochamim who, according to local residents, said things such as Islam is an Arab religion; prayers five times a day are unnecessary; and the Quran is full of lies. The police charged Toyib under Article 156(a) because he was telling others what Rochamim said.
On 28 June 2006, the Polewali, South Sulawesi state court sentenced Sumardi Tappaya, a Muslim and a high school religious teacher, to six months in prison for heresy after a relative accused him of whistling during prayers. The local MUI declared the whistling deviant.
In May 2006, the press reported that the Banyuwangi, East Java regional legislature voted to oust from office Banyuwangi's Regent, Ratna Ani Lestari. Those in favor of the ouster accused Ratna, a Muslim by birth, of blaspheming Islam by practicing a different religion from the one stated on her identity card. Ratna's supporters stated that she was the target of a religiously motivated smear campaign because of her marriage to a Hindu.
In November 2005, local police on the island of Madura arrested a man for denigrating a religion because he publicly professed a nontraditional version of Islam. A court sentenced the man to two and a half years imprisonment.
In October 2005, police in Central Sulawesi raided their neighborhood Mahdi sect after locals from other villages complained that sect followers were not fasting or not performing ritual prayers during Ramadan. Three policemen and two sect members died in the clash. Local courts tried five Mahdi members for killing the police. In January 2006, the Mahdi members were convicted and sentenced to between nine and twelve years in prison.
In September 2005, an East Java court sentenced each of six drug and cancer treatment counselors at an East Java treatment center to five years in prison and an additional three years in prison for violating key precepts of Islam by using paranormal healing methods. A local MUI edict characterized the center's methods as heretical. Police arrested the counselors while they tried to defend themselves from hundreds of persons who raided the center's headquarters.
In August 2005, East Java's Malang District Court sentenced Muhammad Yusman Roy to two years imprisonment for reciting Muslim prayers in Indonesian, which, according to the MUI, tarnished the purity of Arabic-based Islam. Roy was released from prison on 9 November 2006 after serving eighteen months of his sentence.
In June 2005, police charged a lecturer at the Muhammadiyah University in Palu for heresy. The police held the lecturer for five days before placing him under house arrest after two thousand persons protested against his published editorial: "Islam, A Failed Religion." The editorial, among other things, highlighted the spread of corruption in Indonesia. The lecturer was released from house arrest and was dismissed by the University.
Blasphemy law in Malaysia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Malaysia curbs blasphemy and any insult to religion or to the religious by rigorous control of what people in that country can say or do. Government-funded schools teach young Muslims the principles of Sunni Islam, and instruct young non-Muslims on morals. The government informs the citizenry on proper behavior and attitudes, and ensures that Muslim civil servants take courses in Sunni Islam. The government ensures that the broadcasting and publishing media do not create disharmony or disobedience. If someone blasphemes or otherwise engages in deviant behavior, Malaysia punishes such transgression with Sharia or through legislation such as the Penal Code.
Selected cases
In August 2009, a state court sentenced a Muslim woman to six strokes of the cane and a RM 5,000 ($1,400) fine after she was caught drinking beer in a hotel in the Malaysian state of Pahang.
In March 2009, Malaysian religious authorities threatened to sue the Malaysian Bar, which represents 12,000 of the country’s lawyers, for using the word “Allah” on the Bar's website.
In November 2008, the Malaysian National Fatwa Council told Muslims to refrain from doing yoga because is it blasphemous. The condemnation of yoga followed upon the Council's condemnation of females who wear trousers. The Council said that girls who wear trousers are at risk of becoming sexually-active tomboys.
In 2008, religious authorities were seeking Ayah Pin, the leader of a banned, nonviolent religious group known as the Sky Kingdom, and one of his four wives for supporting "deviant" religious practices. On 3 March 2008, a Sharia Court sentenced Kamariah Ali, 57, who converted from Islam to the banned group, to two years imprisonment for apostasy.
On February 12, 2008, the Internal Security Ministry issued a directive to the Catholic Church to stop using the word "Allah" in its weekly publication, The Herald.[4] On 16 February 2009, the Ministry revised its directive to permit the word "Allah" in Christian publications if each publication bore a notice which indicated the publication was not for Muslims.
In January 2008, officials from the Ministry of Internal Security seized Christian children's books from several bookshops. The books contained drawings representing Moses and Noah. The officials deemed the drawings "caricatures of prophets," and said the drawings were offensive to Muslim sensibilities. The Malaysian Council of Churches accused ministry officials of overstepping their authority by confiscating literature that was not meant for Muslims. The Ministry returned the books.
In August 2007, the government of Malaysia suspended for one month the operations of a daily Makkal Osai (in the Tamil language) for violating the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. On 21 August 2007, the daily had published a caricature of Jesus Christ clutching a cigarette and a can of beer.
On 23 January 2006, the National Fatwa Council, Malaysia's highest Islamic authority, banned Muslims from taking part in the activities associated with Black Metal music. Datuk Mustafa Abdul Rahman, the director-general of the Islamic Development Department, told a press conference on 27 January 2006, that Black Metal often led its followers to worship Satan, rebel, kill, and incite hatred. Nevertheless, the government favored counseling rather than a ban upon the musical genre.
On or about 23 May 2002, a French missionary was arrested on blasphemy charges after distributing a pamphlet about Quranic plagiary. Though he could have been sentenced to two to five years in jail for "acting in a manner which could lead to disharmony between Christians and Muslims," a judge ordered that he be deported.
In 2000, the Sharia High Court in the state of Kelantan sentenced four persons to three years in prison for disregarding a lower court's order to recant their deviant beliefs and "return to the true teachings of Islam." The High Court rejected the argument that Sharia has no jurisdiction over people who have ceased to be Muslims. In dismissing the appeal, the Court of Appeal ruled (in August 2002) that only the Sharia court has jurisdiction to determine whether a person has ceased to be a Muslim.
Chapter 8: Iran
Blasphemy law in Iran
Iran is a constitutional, Islamic theocracy. Its official religion is the doctrine of the Twelver Jaafari School. Iran's law against blasphemy derives from Sharia. Blasphemers are usually charged with "spreading corruption on earth", or mofsed-e-filarz, which can also be applied to criminal or political crimes. The law against blasphemy complements laws against criticizing the Islamic regime, insulting Islam, and publishing materials that deviate from Islamic standards. The regime uses these laws to persecute religious minorities such as the Sunni, Bahai, Sufi, and Christians and to persecute dissidents and journalists. Persecuted individuals are subject to surveillance by the "religious police," harassment, prolonged detention, mistreatment, torture, and execution. The courts have acquitted vigilantes who killed in the belief that their victims were engaged in un-Islamic activities.
Selected cases
On 9 June 2009, the singer Mohsen Namjoo was sentenced in absentia to a five-year jail term for ridiculing the Quran in a song. In 2008, Namjoo had apologized for the song, which he claimed was never meant for public release.
In March 2009, Iranian blogger Omid Mirsayafi died in prison while serving a 30-month sentence for propaganda against the state and criticism of religious leaders. The authorities said Mirsayafi committed suicide.
In February 2009, the Iranian government launched a campaign against Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari, a Shia Muslim cleric, for blasphemy. Shabestari's blasphemy was to say in a speech: “If in a society the three concepts of God, power, and authority are mixed up, a political-religious despotism will find strong roots. ... and the people will suffer greatly.”
In May 2007, authorities arrested eight students at Tehran's Amir Kabir University. The students were associated with a newspaper which had published articles suggesting that no humans were infallible, including Prophet Muhammad.
In October 2006, Ayatollah Hossein Kazemeyni Boroujerdi, a senior Shia cleric who advocates the separation of religion and state, and a number of his followers were arrested and imprisoned after clashes with riot police. He and seventeen of his followers were initially sentenced to death, but the death sentences were later withdrawn. In August 2007, he was sentenced to one year in prison in Tehran followed by another ten years in prison in another part of the country.
In 2002, Hashem Aghajari, a member of the Shia majority, a history professor, and a veteran who lost a leg in 1980-88 war against Iraq, gave a speech in which he called for political reforms. The authorities arrested Aghajari, charged him with blasphemy, and jailed him. A court convicted Aghajari, and made death the penalty. In June 2004, the Supreme Court substituted a charge of "insulting religious values" for the blasphemy charge, and imposed a jail term of three years among other penalties. Aghajari was released on bail on 31 July 2004.
In 1999, Iran put on trial for “insulting the Prophet, his descendants, and the Ayatollah Khomeini,” and for other charges, Abdollah Nouri, the former Minister of the Interior in the Rafsanjani and Khatami cabinets. In 1999, Nouri was the publisher of a daily newspaper that discussed the limits on the Supreme Leader's powers, the rights of unorthodox clerics and groups to air their views, the right of women to divorce, and whether laughing and clapping were un-Islamic. On 27 November 1999, the Special Court for the Clergy found Nouri guilty, and sentenced him to five years' imprisonment and a fine. Nouri was released on 5 November 2002.
In 1988, in the United Kingdom, Salman Rushdie published The Satanic Verses, a novel. Muslims in the United Kingdom accused Rushdie of blasphemy. Some Muslims called upon the Crown to prosecute Rushdie but it did not. On 14 February 1989, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran issued a fatwa which called for Muslims to kill Rushdie and all publishers of The Satanic Verses. In 1991, Hitoshi Igarashi, the novel's Japanese translator was stabbed to death. Shortly afterward, the Italian translator was stabbed but survived. In 1993, the Norwegian publisher of the book was injured in a gun attack.
Judicial system of Iran
A nationwide judicial system in Iran was first implemented and established by Abdolhossein Teymourtash under Reza Shah, with further changes during the second Pahlavi era.
After the 1979 overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty by the Islamic Revolution, the system was greatly altered. The legal code is now based on Islamic law or sharia, although many aspects of civil law have been retained, and it is integrated into a civil law legal system. According to the constitution of the Islamic Republic, the judiciary in Iran "is an independent power". The entire legal system—"from the Supreme Court to regional courts, all the way down to local and revolutionary courts"—is under the purview of the Ministry of Justice, but in addition to a Minister of Justice and head of the Supreme Court, there is also a separate appointed Head of the Judiciary. Parliamentary bills pertaining to the constitution are vetted by the Council of Guardians.
Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution
The Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution, often called Revolutionary Guards or Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) by the English-speaking or U.S. media, is a branch of Iran's Armed Forces, founded after the Iranian revolution on 5 May 1979. Whereas the regular military (artesh) defends Iran's borders and maintains internal order, according to the Iranian constitution, the Revolutionary Guard (pasdaran) is intended to protect the country's Islamic system. The Revolutionary Guards state that their role in protecting the Islamic system is preventing foreign interference as well as coups by the military or "deviant movements".
Many question if Iran should have nuclear energy. Many people think that there is a better alternative to nuclear energy, than using radioactive waste.
With this technology, Iran could research how to eventually make a nuclear bomb as well. Some claim that this is not the case, and that Iran wants nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Most think that if Iran did have nuclear weapons, that Iran would share nuclear weapons research with other countries that have Islamic governments. These countries could also try to ally with each other, to try and gain a bigger military force with nuclear weapons. Many of these countries even already have access to nuclear weapons from the black market. Countries like Pakistan are under Sharia Law, and threaten to use their nuclear weapons against other nations. We need to dismantle the Sharia government in Pakistan. We need to make sure that Pakistan cannot use nuclear weapons, while imposing Sharia Law. We should also dismantle the Sharia government in Iran.
Some think that we are better off getting rid of all governments that practice Sharia Law.
I agree, that we should end Sharia law, and extremism in Islam around the whole world.
I also would not be in favor of another world war. It is sad how many wars have been fought in the world, in the name of a 'religion.'Many of the Sharia extremists want a world war, many of them enjoy holy war, or Jihad. They do not have the technology to fight a war like the west, the people practicing Sharia Law are foolish.
Iran should not be allowed to have nuclear materials to make weapons. We believe that even other countries besides Iran should use alternative means for energy. Some people say with new technology, we can make energy from uranium cleaner. However, we have already seen the problems that mining uranium for weapons and fuel has caused the planet.
Islamic Republic of Iran Army
The Islamic Republic of Iran Army acronymed AJA, simply known as the Iranian Army or Artesh, is the "conventional military of Iran" and part of Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The army is tasked to protect the territorial integrity of Iranian state from external and internal threats and to project power. Artesh has its own Joint Staff[ which coordinates its four separate service branches: Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy and newly-established Air Defense Base.
Why Are Iranian Diplomats Worth $100,000 to the Taliban?
Jan 23, 2015
An exploration the complex web of relations between the Taliban, Iran, Pakistan and fundamentalist Islamic groups, this documentary traces the Taliban turning their attention to Iran and fomenting trouble there. The Taliban take reporters to see Iranian hostages. Caught by the mujahadeen, these diplomats were sold to the Taliban. They’re booty in the intensifying struggle between the two great houses of Islam...
Islamic University of Technology
Islamic University of Technology (IUT) is an educational and research institution in Bangladesh run and funded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The main objective of IUT is to contribute in developing the human resources of the member states of the OIC, particularly in the fields of engineering, technology and technical education.
IUT receives direct endowment from OIC member countries and offers
scholarships to its students in the form of free tuition, boarding,
lodging and medicare. The aesthetic campus was designed by Turkish
architect Pamir Mehmet, an MIT graduate.
Chapter 9: Violence
Modern Muslim Criminality Continues the Tradition of Razzia or Ghazwa criminality
Mohammed told his followers that the earth and everything on it belonged to Allah. Since everybody but Mohammedans were infidels or kuffars (non-believers), Allah has awarded their lands, property, women and children to the true believers. This provided the 'theological' justification for divinely approved criminality of every kind.
Mohammed led the way by raiding caravans and raping captured women. He soon attracted an eager band of followers wanting to follow his example. This tradition of Allah giving the Mohammedans permission take whatever they like from the infidels continues to the present day.
Muslim ingratitude
Muslims need not obey infidel laws where they are in contradiction to sharia, though they will use our laws against us when it suits their purposes, for example by litigation jihad and lawfare to extort money from the infidels. All their ever-growing parasitic demands are just asking for what they regard as rightfully theirs in the first place, and the infidels can expect no thanks for giving it to them. Living with Islam is about give and take - we give, they take.
Muslim Mafia
The 'ethical' principles of Islam are unlike those of any other religion.
Murder, rape, theft, fraud, child prostitution etc are only viewed crimes when committed against fellow Muslims (the Ummah). Predatory attacks on infidels are OK, and have Allah's blessing when they are carried out as part of the global Jihad.
Muslims dominate the British underworld, and control British jails where prisoners are forced to convert to Islam. Those converts who abandon Islam after release are followed up and killed for apostasy.
Muslims are the main drug dealers in Britain, and use heroin not only to earn money for jihad, but as a weapon of war to destroy infidel societies.
Islam is not so much a religion as an international criminal conspiracy. It has more in common with the Mafia than with Methodism. Like the Mafia loyalty to the mob trumps everything, and like the Mafia, once you've joined the only way out is death.
ISIL increased weapons production during Mosul offensive: report
Dec 13, 2016The study by the UK-based Conflict Armament Research says the group increased its production of weapons before and during the offensive on Mosul.
{The following list of Islamic terrorist attacks cannot even tell you the millions of individual terrorist attacks in the history of Islam and Sharia Law}.
List of Islamist terrorist attacks
Grooming Children for Jihad: The Islamic State (Part 2)
Aug 8, 2014
'They prefer boys in Afghanistan': Dancing bachas recruited for sex (RT Documentary)
Mar 6, 2016
In Afghanistan women are forbidden to dance in public. Local men suffer – they want entertainment and sex at any cost. RT talked to “bachas”, boys dressed as women who dance for older men at male-only parties, and “playboys”, the bosses who recruit them. A private party usually ends up with guests bidding for a night with the ‘bacha’ (a ‘boy’ in Farsi).
Undercover camera exposes the hate taught to Muslim children. A must see!
Jan 10, 2017
Pushing Back the Islamic State: The Battle for Rojava (Dispatch 1)
Aug 6, 2015------------
Nov 28, 2015
Caller claims that ISLAM is a religion of peace and accuses paul joseph watson of spreading fear and lies about the faith.
Islam in past history has been spread by war and imperial expansion, some Muslims will claim that Islam was not spread by the sword. Most of the people can see the problem with Islamic expansion that has caused genocide of other cultures, including the the rape of other cultures and their women.
A caliphate is a person considered a religious successor to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad (Muhammad ibn ʿAbdullāh), and a leader of the entire Muslim community. The Rashidun caliphs, who directly succeeded Muhammad as leaders of the Muslim community, were chosen through shura, a process of community consultation that some consider to be an early form of Islamic democracy. During the history of Islam after the Rashidun period, many Muslim states, almost all of them hereditary monarchies, have claimed to be caliphates. Even though caliphs were thought to go back to Muhammad, they were not thought of as having the same prophetic power as he did.
The Sunni branch of Islam stipulates that, as a head of state, a caliph should be elected by Muslims or their representatives. Followers of Shia Islam, however, believe a caliph should be an Imam chosen by God from the Ahl al-Bayt (the "Family of the House", Muhammad's direct descendants).
Umayyad Caliphate (661–750)
Under the Umayyads, the Caliphate grew rapidly in territory, incorporating the Caucasus, Transoxiana, Sindh, the Maghreb and most of the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus) into the Muslim world. At its greatest extent, the Umayyad Caliphate covered 5.17 million square miles (13,400,000 km2), making it the largest empire the world had yet seen, and the sixth-largest ever to exist in history.

The Caliphate, 622–750
Map of the Fatimid Caliphate at its largest extent in the early 11th century

[There are also non political Caliphates as well. The political Caliphates are a serious danger, to the free nations of the world.]
An imam is an Islamic leadership position. It is most commonly in the context of a worship leader of a mosque and Muslim community by Sunni Muslims. In this context, imams may lead Islamic worship services, serve as community leaders, and provide religious guidance. For Shi'a Muslims, the imam has a more central meaning and role in Islam through the concept of Imamah; the term is only applicable to those members of the house of the prophet ahl al-Bayt, designated as infallibles
Muslim Imam Claims Women Who Don't Wear Hijabs are "Asking to be Raped", Arrested for Trying to Rape Woman
"Women are not entitled to respect when they walk around without a Hijab. They are to blame for it when they are attacked," Imam Shahid Mehdi said. Now, however, he is accused of pulling his penis out and chasing a 23-year-old woman around in a park in Malmö.
Even many Muslims in past history have had to rebel against the Caliphate. Look at how crazy many of the Caliphates look in modern day times, I would not trust any of these fanatical religious leaders. Look at how corrupt the Caliphate is. If Muslims will not stop or reform the corrupt caliphate, then the people of the free world will have to dismantle the Caliphate for them.
Zanj Rebellion
The Zanj Rebellion was a major uprising against the Abbasid Caliphate which took place from 869 until 883. Begun near the city of Basra in present-day southern Iraq and led by one 'Ali ibn Muhammad, the insurrection is traditionally believed to have involved enslaved blacks (Zanj) that had originally been captured from the East African coast and transported to the Middle East. It grew to involve many slaves and free men from several regions of the Caliphate, and claimed tens of thousands of lives before it was finally defeated.
Several Muslim historians, such as al-Tabari and al-Mas'udi, consider the Zanj revolt to be one of the "most vicious and brutal uprisings" of the many disturbances that plagued the Abbasid central government. Modern scholars have characterized the conflict as being "one of the bloodiest and most destructive rebellions which the history of Western Asia records," while at the same time praising its coverage as being among the "most fully and extensively described campaign[s] in the whole of early Islamic historical writing." The precise composition of the rebels remains a subject of debate, both as regards their identity and as to the proportion of slaves and free among them – available historical sources being open to various interpretations.
We can see the past history of violent Islamic expansion in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
List of Killings Ordered or Supported by Muhammad
From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam
The use of assassination to achieve political/religious goals has been important throughout the history of Arabia and Islamic expansion, and the very word "assassin" has Arabic roots.
This list contains the results and reasons for the targeted killings and assassinations ordered or supported by Prophet Muhammad, as well as the primary sources which mention these incidents.
Name | Date | Reason(s) for Ordering or Supporting Killing | Result | Notable Primary Sources | |
1 | 'Asma' bint Marwan | January 624 | Kill 'Asma' bint Marwan for opposing Muhammad with poetry and for provoking others to attack him | Asma' bint Marwan assassinated |
2 | Abu 'Afak | February 624 | Kill the Jewish poet Abu Afak for opposing Muhammad through poetry | Abu Afak assassinated |
3 | Al Nadr ibn al-Harith | After Battle of Badr March 624 |
According to Mubarakpuri, Al Nadir was captured during the Battle of Badr. A Qur'an verse was revealed ordering the execution of Nadr bin Harith, he was one of two prisoners who were executed and not allowed to be ransomed by their clans because he mocked and harassed Muhammad and wrote poems and stories criticizing him | Nadr bin Harith beheaded by Ali |
4 | Uqba bin Abu Muayt | After Battle of Badr March 624 |
Uqba bin Abu Muayt was captured in the Battle of Badr and was killed instead of being ransomed, because he threw dead animal entrails on Muhammad, and wrapped his garmet around Muhammad's neck while he was praying | Uqba bin Abu Muayt beheaded by Asim ibn Thabbit or Ali |
5 | Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf | September 624 | According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad ordered his followers to kill Ka'b because he "had gone to Mecca after Badr and inveighed against Muhammad. He also composed verses in which he bewailed the victims of Quraysh who had been killed at Badr. Shortly afterwards he returned to Medina and composed amatory verses of an insulting nature about the Muslim women". | Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf assassinated | |
6 | Abu Rafi' ibn Abi Al-Huqaiq | December 624 | Kill Abu Rafi' ibn Abi Al-Huqaiq for mocking Muhammad with his poetry and for helping the troops of the Confederates by providing them with money and supplies | Abu Rafi assassinated |
7 | Khalid ibn Sufyan | 625 | Kill Khalid bin Sufyan, because there were reports he considered an attack on Medina and that he was inciting the people on Nakhla or Uranah to fight Muslims | Khalid ibn Sufyan assassinated |
8 | Abu 'Azzah 'Amr bin 'Abd Allah al-Jumahi | March 625 | Behead Abu 'Azzah 'Amr bin 'Abd Allah al-Jumahi because he was a prisoner of War captured during the Invasion of Hamra al-Asad, that Muhammad released once, but he took up arms against him again | Abu 'Azzah beheaded by Ali |
9 | Muawiyah bin Al Mugheerah | March 625 | Kill Muawiyah bin Al Mugheerah, because he was accused by Muhammad of being a spy. He went to Uthman (his cousin) for shelter, and Uthman arranged for his return to Mecca, but he stayed too long in Medina. After Muhammad heard he was still in Medina, he ordered his death | Muawiyah bin Al Mugheerah captured and executed |
10 | Al-Harith bin Suwayd al-Ansari | March 625 | Kill Al-Harith bin Suwayd because according to some Islamic traditions, Allah revealed Qur'an 3:86-8, which indicated that those who reject Islam after accepting it should be punished.Al-Harith bin Suwayd was a Muslim who fought in the Battle of Uhud and killed some Muslims, he then joined the Quraysh and left Islam. After being threatened with those verses, Al-Harith sent his brother to Muhammad to ask for his forgiveness. |
Conflicting reports
11 | Abu Sufyan | 627 | Amr bin Umayyah al-Damri sent to assassinate Abu Sufyan (Quraysh leader) | 3 polytheists killed by Muslims |
12 | Banu Qurayza tribe | February–March 627 | Attack Banu Qurayza because according to Muslim tradition he had been ordered to do so by the angel Gabriel. One of Muhammad's companions decided that "the men should be killed, the property divided, and the women and children taken as captives". Muhammad approved of the ruling, calling it similar to God's judgment,after which all male members of the tribe who had reached puberty were beheaded | Muslims: 2 killed Non-Muslims:
13 | Abdullah ibn Ubayy | December 627 (during Invasion of Banu Mustaliq ) |
Kill Abdullah ibn Ubayy, who was accused by Muhammad of slandering his family by spreading false rumors about Aisha (his wife). His son offered to behead him | Muhammad calls off assassination and says to Umar "if I had had him (Abdullah bin Ubai) killed, a large number of dignitaries would have furiously hastened to fight for him" Later he reveals a Quran verse forbidding Muslims from attending the funeral of disbelievers and "hypocrites" |
14 | Al-Yusayr ibn Rizam | February 628 | Kill Al-Yusayr ibn Rizam because Muhammad heard that his group was preparing to attack him | 30 killed by Muslims |
15 | Eight men from 'Ukil | February 628 | Kill 8 men who came to him and converted to Islam, but then apostatized, killed one Muslim and drove off with Muhammad's camels | Muslims: 1 killed Non-Muslims: 8 tortured to death |
16 | Rifa’ah bin Qays | 629 | To kill Rifa’ah bin Qays, because Muhammad heard they were allegedly enticing the people of Qais to fight him | 1 beheaded, 4 women captured by Muslims |
17 | Abdullah bin Khatal | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Abdullah bin Khatal for killing a slave and fleeing, as well and for reciting poems insulting Muhammad | 2 Muslims execute him, after finding him hiding under the curtains of the Ka'aba |
18 | Fartana | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Fartana (a slave girl of Abdullah ibn Khatal), because she used to recite poems insulting Muhammad[ | Fartana is killed |
19 | Quraybah | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Quraybah (a slave girl of Abdullah ibn Khatal), because she used to recite poems insulting Muhammad | Quraybah converts to Islam and is pardoned |
20 | Huwayrith ibn Nafidh | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
When Muhammad's daughters were fleeing Medina, he stabbed their camels, causing injuries. He was a poet who "disgraced and abused" Islam | Huwayrith ibn Nafidh killed by Ali |
21 | Miqyas ibn Subabah | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Miqyas killed a Muslim who accidentally killed his brother, and escaped to Mecca and became an apostate by embracing polytheism | Miqyas killed |
22 | Sarah | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Sarah, because Muhammad claimed that she used to molest him while he was in Mecca | Conflicting reports:
23 | Harith ibn Hisham | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Harith ibn Hisham, reason unknown | According to Ibn Sa'd, Zubayr ibn Abi Umayyah and Harith ibn Hisham both sought refuge in a Muslim relatives house, the relative pleaded with Muhammad for mercy, so he pardoned them on the condition they embrace Islam |
24 | Zubayr ibn Abi Umayyah | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Zubayr ibn Abi Umayyah, reason unknown | See above result |
25 | Habbar Ibn al-Aswad bin Ka`b al-`Ansi | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Habbar ibn al-Aswad because he was a "liar",he claimed he was a Prophet | Habbar ibn al-Aswad killed |
26 | Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl, bcause he was hostile to Muhammad like his father Abu Jahl | Conflicting reports
27 | Wahshi ibn Harb | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Wahshi ibn Harb, for killing Muhammad's uncle during the Battle of Uhud | Wahshi ibn Harb pardoned by Muhammad after he asks for forgiveness and offers to convert to Islam |
28 | Ka'b ibn Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulama | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Assassinate Ka'b ibn Zuhayr ibn Abi Sulama for writing satirical poems about Muhammad | Ibn Ishaq wrote that Muhammad said "Leave him alone, he has become a repentant Muslim after the disposal of his past.", so he was pardoned |
29 | Al-Harith bin al-Talatil | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
For mocking Muhammad through poetry | Al-Harith bin al-Talatil is killed by Ali |
30 | Abdullah ibn Zib'ari | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Abdullah ibn Zib'ari, for writing insulting poems about Muhammad | Abdullah ibn Zib'ari repents and converts to Islam, so Muhammad pardoned him |
31 | Hubayrah | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Hubayrah, for mocking Muhammad through poetry | Tabari Volume 39 states, Hubayrah "ran away when Mecca was conquered, and died in Najran as an infidel" |
32 | Hind bint Utbah | During/after Conquest of Mecca (Jan 630) |
Kill Hind bint Utbah (wife of Abu Sufyan) for cutting out the heart of Muhammad's uncle Hamza after he died, during the Battle of Uhud | Tabari said, Hind "swore allegiance and became a Muslim.", she was pardoned by Muhammad |
33 | Amr ibn Jihash (convert to Islam) | During the Invasion of Banu Nadir (Aug 625) |
According to Ibn Kathir and Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad said to Yamin bim Umayr, about Amr ibn Jash "Have you seen the way your cousin has treated me and what he proposed to do?"Muhammad accused him of trying to assassinate him | Amr ibn Jihash is assassinated after a Muslim offers a reward for his killing |
34 | King or Prince of Dumatul Jandal | October 630 | Attack the chief of Duma for Jizyah and booty | 1 killed, 2 taken captive |
35 | Umaiya bin Khalaf Abi Safwan | Unknown | Kill Umaiya bin Khalaf, Muhammad's reason is unknown. But Bilal wanted to kill him for torturing him | Umaiya bin Khalaf killed by Bilal | |
36 | Blind man's wife/concubine | Unknown | Muhammad supported this killing because the women insulted him | Blind Muslim kills his wife/concubine |
37 | Ibn Sunayna | Unknown | Muhammad reportedly ordered his followers to "kill any Jew that falls into your power", Muhayissa heard this and went out to kill Ibn Sunayna (a Jew) | Ibn Sunayna killed by Muhayissa |
38 | Abdullah ibn Sa‘ad | Unknown | Kill Abdullah ibn Sa‘ad, because he became and apostate (left Islam) and fled to Mecca. He also claimed that he was the one who wrote the Qur'an and started to mock Muhammad, which made him angry | A misunderstanding leads to his pardoning. Abdullah ibn Sa‘ad was brought in front of Muhammad and offered his loyalty, Muhammad upheld his hand to indicate that his followers should kill him, but the Muslims thought he pardoned him. He said "Was not there a wise man among you who would stand up to him when he saw that I had withheld my hand from accepting his allegiance, and kill him?" |
39 | Ibn an-Nawwahah | Unknown | According to Ibn Kathir, Muhammad once said about Ibn an-Nawwahah "I would have cut off your head, if it was not that emissaries are not killed" because he claimed Musaylimah was a Prophet, so Abdullah ibn Masud killed Ibn an-Nawwahah when he was no longer an emissary | Abdullah ibn Masud beheads Ibn an-Nawwahah |
40 | Blind Jew | Unknown | Muhammad's followers kill a blind Jew for throwing dust at his face | Blind Jew killed by Sa'd ibn Zayd |
41 | Nameless spy | Unknown | Kill a man Muhammad suspected of being a spy | Salama bin Al-Akwa chases and kills the suspected spy | |
42 | Man from Aslam tribe | Unknown | Kill a man from the Aslam tribe for Adultery | Man from Aslam tribe stoned to death | |
43 | Kinana ibn al-Rabi | July 628 | Torture Kinana ibn al-Rabi to find location of allegedly hidden treasure | Kinana ibn al-Rabi beheaded |
Assassins ( Hashashin; from Assassiyun: “those faithful to the foundation”) is a name used to refer to the medieval Nizari Ismailis. Often described as a secret order led by a mysterious “Old Man of the Mountain”, the Nizari Ismailis were an Islamic sect that formed in the late 11th century from a split within Ismailism – itself a branch of Shia Islam.
The Nizaris posed a military threat to Sunni Seljuq authority within their territories by capturing and inhabiting many unconnected mountain fortresses throughout Persia, and later Syria, under the leadership of Hassan-i Sabbah. Sabbah is typically regarded as the founder of the Assassins, founding the so-called “Nizari Ismaili state” with Alamut Castle as its headquarters. Asymmetric warfare, psychological warfare, and surgical strikes were often an employed tactic of the hashashin, who would draw their opponents into submission rather than risk killing them. In the modern era the legend of the assassins continues to motivate insurgencies and terrorist cells throughout Western Asia, which seek to replicate the methods and tactics developed by the Assassins.
Over 670 million non-Muslims massacred since the birth of Islam
In Islam, the origin of sharia is the Qu'ran, and traditions gathered from the life of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (born ca. 570 CE in Mecca)
Sharia, in its strictest definition, is a divine law, as expressed in the Quran and Muhammad's example (often called the sunnah). As such, it is related to but different from fiqh, which is emphasized as the human interpretation of the law. Many scholars have pointed out that the sharia is not formally a code, nor a well-defined set of rules. The sharia is characterized as a discussion on the duties of Muslims based on both the opinion of the Muslim community and extensive literature. Hunt Janin and Andre Kahlmeyer thus conclude that the sharia is "long, diverse, and complicated."
( Map of the Muslim world with the main schools of Islamic law)
A 2013 survey based on interviews of 38,000 Muslims, randomly selected from urban and rural parts in 39 countries using area probability designs, by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that a majority—in some cases "overwhelming" majority—of Muslims in a number of countries support making sharia the law of the land, including Afghanistan (99%), Iraq (91%), Niger (86%), Malaysia (86%), Pakistan (84%), Morocco (83%), Bangladesh (82%), Egypt (74%), Indonesia (72%), Jordan (71%), Uganda (66%), Ethiopia (65%), Mali (63%), Ghana (58%), and Tunisia (56%). In Muslim regions of Southern-Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the support is less than 50%: Russia (42%), Kyrgyzstan (35%), Tajikistan (27%), Kosovo (20%), Albania (12%), Turkey (12%), Kazakhstan (10%), Azerbaijan (8%). Regarding specific averages, in South Asia, Sharia had 84% favorability rating among the respondents; In Southeast Asia 77%; In the Middle-East/North Africa 74%; In Sub-Saharan Africa 64%; In Southern-Eastern Europe 18%; And in Central Asia 12%.
A 2008 YouGov poll in the United Kingdom found 40% of Muslim students interviewed supported the introduction of sharia into British law for Muslims.
Abbasid Caliphate (Map of expansion)
The Abbasid dynasty descended from Muhammad's youngest uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (566–653 CE), from whom the dynasty takes its name. They ruled as caliphs, for most of their period from their capital in Baghdad in modern-day Iraq, after assuming authority over the Muslim empire from the Umayyads in 750 CE (132 AH).
What to do When people insult the Prophet
This article goes on to state that it is OK to execute people if they insult Muhammad. This Islamic article also endorses informing and snitching on your neighbor and friends to the Islamic authorities, if they insult Muhammad. This would make an Islamic individual in your home that is really just an informant to the Islamic government. When you bring people in your house with this type of mentality, you are asking for you and your family to be hurt. This is the same as letting someone in your house and around your family, with a gangster type mentality. You do not want to bring this harmful and negative influence around your family. You hear that most people under Sharia Law will just inform on your family to the Islamic government any chance they get, if you break Sharia Law. Muslims will inform on their friends and family, to get them in trouble as well. Muslims even state it is alright to rape women that do not wear a hijab, being a Muslim is soon going to mean you are going to hang out with the blue bands in jail, or have their own Muslim section.
Muslim Iman in UK, KILL CHRISTIANS and JEWS in Europe
Dec 21, 2016{The Islamic Cleric states that you cannot be a True Muslim, and contradict the prophet Muhammad. Many say that Muhammad made Sharia Law, and many say you are a fake Muslim if you do not obey Sharia Law}.
Is Islam a religion? This will always be debated, with different answers from different sides.
Technically, many people can go and make a religion.
Many accuse Sharia government, of being a militant form of a totalitarian regime, this regime spreads Sharia Law around the globe. This is the establishment of the joining of church and state, under religious Sharia government, Sharia Law is the merging of religion and the government. This is what Islam stresses under Islamic Law, that they do not want a separation of church and state under Sharia Law.
Can we have an Islam State, without Sharia Law.
Most Muslims say that you can't have an Islamic State, without Sharia Law.
Some will tell you that Muhammad and Islam always intended to have a set of rules, and to overthrow other cultures, to make them become an Islamic culture, this is why we see such a giant map of countries that are under Sharia Law.
I have seen how when Sharia government is started in a country, sometimes they introduce only partial Sharia Law in the beginning. They try to assimilate that culture into partial Sharia government, to eventually try and pass full Sharia Law in that country. There are some Muslims that do not agree with Sharia government, including Sharia Law.
Some say that certain governments could try to eventually ban religion, and start putting Christians and Muslims in camps or on terror watch lists, this has happened in previous governments and regimes. This has happened in fascist governments that have killed Christians, including people of other religions. This is why I do not wish to harm anyone, on their faith, However, we need to defend against all of these terrorist attacks in the name of Sharia Law, this includes the expansion of Sharia Law that is currently taking place in war. This Sharia government needs to be identified as a totalitarian fascist type military system that needs to be dismantled and stopped by the free armies of the world. This should be achieved while we have the technology to defeat Sharia expansion.
Bohemian grove originated near the areas of ancient Babylonian, including the areas of ancient Canaanites. Many modern day Muslims originated from the same area as the Babylonians. We can see the true nature of many of the Babylonians that would prison people, and inflict violence against people. They would assimilate free people and free cultures, and force them to be a slave to the Babylon type system. We can see the same exact type of events happening under Sharia Law, where people face violence if they do submit to Sharia Law.
I think many people in the past just did not get the severity of Islamic extremism, this is why their culture was eventually a victim of genocide, by the expansion of Sharia Law. Many peaceful free nations fell, because they did not unite to take up arms against the expansion of the Islamic Army. Do you see how many peaceful and non-violent cultures fell to Islam, over religious wars to establish Sharia government, this was under the order of an Islamic army enforcing it.
'Buzkashi Boys' by Sam French: VICE Shorts
Aug 7, 2014
Peshmerga vs. the Islamic State: The Road to Mosul (Full Length)
Jun 11, 2015
ISIS in the Caribbean: Islamic State in alarming call to arms to jihadis on paradise isle
ISLAMIC STATE'S feared terror network has infiltrated idyllic holiday destinations in the Caribbean popular with Britons, in the latest worrying sign that the jihadi group's self-styled Caliphate is expanding.
Christians tortured and half-beheaded in Turkey
Jul 29, 2009
Erdogan: Europeans no longer safe on the streets
Bishop: Christians face double discrimination in Middle East
Dec 12, 2016
Bombing of cathedral that left 25 Coptic Christians dead is just latest illustration of the threats Christians increasingly face in the Middle East. Anba Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Church, reflects on Christians' future in the region
Genocide of Yazidis by ISIL
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, calling itself Islamic State) is recognized by the UN as the perpetrator of a genocide of Yazidis in Iraq. The genocide has led to the expulsion, flight and effective exile of the Yazidis from their ancestral lands in Northern Iraq. The genocide led to the abduction of Yazidi women and massacres that killed at least 5,000 Yazidi civilians during what has been called a "forced conversion campaign" being carried out in Northern Iraq by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), starting in 2014.
ISIL's persecution of the Yazidis gained international attention and it directly led to the American-led intervention in Iraq, which started with United States airstrikes against ISIL. Additionally, the US, UK, and Australia made emergency airdrops to Yazidis who had fled to a mountain range and provided weapons to the Kurdish Peshmerga defending them alongside PKK and YPG forces. ISIL's actions against the Yazidi population resulted in approximately 500,000 refugees and several thousand killed and kidnapped.
We hear about many of these Sharia controlled zones, in these zones, Muslims try to implement Sharia Law. Many people are being prosecuted for these crimes against the European people.
No concerts? Islam would ban many of the following freedoms, freedom of religion, freedom of music, Alcohol, smoking, hemp, gambling, pornography and prostitution. However, in Sharia Law they promote raping women that do not wear hijabs. I say we just start removing all Sharia Law in Europe, America, South America, Africa and Asia, this has now gotten out of hand. We know that many of them will get out of hand, and will continue to expand fascist Sharia Law in different governments. We are better off dismantling all governments that practice Sharia Law. We can also see that every government under Sharia Law is highly corrupt. Fascist religious Sharia Law wants to ban the rights to dance in my country, then personally threaten me with genocide and war against my people and country.
Dancing ban
Dancing bans, legal or religious prohibitions against dancing, have been applied at various times in various jurisdictions around the world. Even more controversial than recreational or artistic dancing have been sexually suggestive forms such as lap dancing, topless dancing, and rave dancing.
Religious bans
In Islam, Salafists and Wahhabis consider dancing in general to be haram (forbidden). Conservative Islamic and Orthodox Jewish traditions prohibit contact between men and women in public (especially those not married to each other), and thus in these societies men and women either dance separately or not at all.
In contrast, Sufi Islam encourages dancing, for example Sufi whirling and dancing to celebrate Mela Chiraghan. This has resulted in conflict in areas influenced by the Taliban.
Islam and war
From the time of the Muhammad, the founding prophet of Islam, many Muslim states and empires have been involved in warfare. The concept of jihad, the religious duty to struggle, has long been associated with violent struggles with non-Muslims, although many observers refer to such struggle as "the lesser jihad" by comparison with inner spiritual striving. Islamic jurisprudence on war differentiates between illegitimate and legitimate warfare and prescribes proper and improper conduct by combatants. Numerous armed anticolonial military campaigns were waged as jihads.Early instances
The first forms of warfare by Muslims occurred after the migration (hijra) of Muhammad and his small group of followers to Medina from Mecca and the conversion of several inhabitants of the city to Islam. At this time, Muslims had been persecuted and oppressed by the Meccans. There were still Muslims who could not flee from Mecca and were still oppressed because of their faith. The Meccans also refused to let the Muslims enter Mecca and by that denied them access to the Ka'aba.
The European crusaders re-conquered much of the territory seized by the Islamic state, dividing it into four kingdoms, the most important being the state of Jerusalem. The Crusades originally had the goal of recapturing Jerusalem and the Holy Land (former Christian territory) from Muslim rule and were originally launched in response to a call from the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Empire for help against the expansion of the Muslim Seljuk Turks into Anatolia. There was little drive to retake the lands from the crusaders, save the few attacks made by the Egyptian Fatimids. This changed, however, with the coming of Zangi, ruler of what is today northern Iraq. He took Edessa, which triggered the Second Crusade, which was little more than a 47-year stalemate. The stalemate was ended with the victory of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (known in the west as Saladin) over the forces of Jerusalem at the Horns of Hattin in 1187. It was during the course of the stalemate that a great deal of literature regarding Jihad was written. While amassing his armies in Syria, Saladin had to create a doctrine which would unite his forces and make them fight until the bitter end, which would be the only way they could re-conquer the lands taken in the First Crusade. It stated that any one who would abandon the Jihad would be committing a sin that could not be washed away by any means. It also put his amirs at the center of power, just under his rule. While this propaganda was successful in uniting his forces for a time, the fervor burned out quickly. Much of Saladin's teachings were rejected after his death.
South Asia
Sir Jadunath Sarkar contends that several Muslim invaders were waging a systematic Jihad against Hindus in India to the effect that "Every device short of massacre in cold blood was resorted to in order to convert heathen subjects." In particular the records kept by al-Utbi, Mahmud al-Ghazni's secretary, in the Tarikh-i-Yamini document several episodes of bloody military campaigns. In the late tenth century, a story spread that before Muhammad destroyed the idols at the Kaaba, that of Manāt was secretly sent to a Hindu temple in India; and the place was renamed as So-Manāt or Somnath. Acting on this, the Shiva idol at the Somnath temple was destroyed in a raid by Mahmud Ghazni in CE 1024; which is considered the first act of Jihad in India.[8] In 1527, Babur ordered a Jihad against Rajputs at the battle of Khanwa. Publicly addressing his men, he declared the forthcoming battle a Jihad. His soldiers were facing a non-Muslim army for the first time ever. This, he said, was their chance to become either a Ghazi (soldier of Islam) or a Shaheed (Martyr of Islam). The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb waged a Jihad against those identified as heterodox within India's Islamic community, such as Shi'a Muslims.
Barbary Pirates
Main article: Barbary Pirates
After the Spanish reconquered Granada from the Moors in 1492, many Moors exiled from the Spanish Inquisition fled to North Africa. After attacks against Spanish shipping took place from North Africa, the Spanish retaliated by seizing Oran, Algiers, and Tunis. By 1518, the pirates were serving in the navies of North African Sultans, conducting activities that included attacks on enemy (especially Christian) trade and raiding European coastlines for potential slaves. However, by 1587, their activity became much more decentralized, and more like traditional piracy.
Much of the Barbary activity was funded through the enslavement of European Christians. In the beginning of the 17th Century, there were more than 20,000 captives to be sold into slavery in Algiers alone. Although people from all over Christendom suffered Barbary attacks, the people who were the most likely victims were from Sicily. However, any Christian nation that refused to pay tribute to Islam and either the Sultanate of Morocco, Eyalet of Tripolitania, or the Regency of Algiers could have been subject to attack.
In 1800, the Eyalet of Tripolitania demanded an increase of tribute in order to "prevent" future attacks against the fledgling United States. However, the U.S. refused to pay the tribute, and this led to the First Barbary War. When the U.S. defeated the Tripolitanians in the Battle of Derne in 1805, the two nations signed a treaty that had favorable terms for the United States. However, a resurgence in Barbary attacks in 1815 lead to the U.S. Navy being used again in the Second Barbary War, which also resulted in a U.S. victory and the ceasing of all Barbary attacks on American shipping without tribute.
Ottoman Empire
Upon succeeding his father, Suleiman the Magnificent began a series of military conquests in Europe. On August 29, 1526, he defeated Louis II of Hungary (1516–26) at the battle of Mohács. In its wake, Hungarian resistance collapsed and the Ottoman Empire became the preeminent power in South-Eastern Europe. In July 1683 Sultan Mehmet IV proclaimed a Jihad and the Turkish grand vizier, Kara Mustafa Pasha, laid siege to Vienna with an army of 138,000 men.
On November 14, 1914, in Constantinople, capital of the Ottoman Empire, the religious leader Sheikh-ul-Islam declares Jihad on behalf of the Ottoman government, urging Muslims all over the world—including in the Allied countries—to take up arms against Britain, Russia, France, Serbia and Montenegro in World War I. On the other hand, Sheikh Hussein ibn Ali, the Emir of Mecca, refused to accommodate Ottoman requests that he endorse this jihad, a requirement that was necessary were a jihad to become popular, due to British pressure and on the grounds that:
'the Holy War was doctrinally incompatible with an aggressive war, and absurd with a Christian ally: Germany'
Central Asia and Afghanistan
Ahmad Shah, founder of the Durrani Empire, declared a jihad against the Marathas, and warriors from various Pashtun tribes, as well as other tribes answered his call. The Third battle of Panipat (January 1761), fought between largely Muslim and largely Hindu armies who numbered as many as 100,000 troops each, was waged along a twelve-kilometre front, and resulted in a victory for Ahmad Shah.
In response to the Hazara uprising of 1892, the Afghan Emir Abdur Rahman Khan declared a "Jihad" against the Shiites. The large army defeated the rebellion at its center, in Oruzgan, by 1892 and the local population was severely massacred. According to S. A. Mousavi, "thousands of Hazara men, women, and children were sold as slaves in the markets of Kabul and Qandahar, while numerous towers of human heads were made from the defeated rebels as a warning to others who might challenge the rule of the Amir". Until the 20th century, some Hazaras were still kept as slaves by the Pashtuns; although Amanullah Khan banned slavery in Afghanistan during his reign, the tradition carried on unofficially for many more years.
Main articles: Wahhabism and Criticism of Wahhabism
The Saudi Salafi sheiks were convinced that it was their religious mission to wage Jihad against all other forms of Islam. In 1901 and 1902, the Saudi Wahhabists under Abdul Aziz ibn Muhammad ibn Saud attacked and captured the holy Shia cities of Karbala and Najaf in Iraq, massacred the Shiites and destroyed the tombs of the Shiite Imam Husayn and Ali bin Abu Talib. In 1902 they overtook Taif. In 1903 and 1904 the Wahhabis overtook Mecca and Medina.
West Africa
The Fula or Fulani jihads, were a series of independent but loosely connected events across West Africa between the late 17th century and European colonization, in which Muslim Fulas took control of various parts of the region. Between 1750 and 1900, one-third to two-thirds of the entire population of the Fulani jihad states consisted of slaves.
Anticolonial warfare in Muslim areas
In 1784, Imam Sheikh Mansur, a Chechen warrior and Muslim mystic, led a coalition of Muslim Caucasian tribes from throughout the Caucasus in a ghazavat, or holy war, against the Russian invaders. Sheikh Mansur was captured in 1791 and died in the Schlüsselburg Fortress. Avarian Islamic scholar Ghazi Muhammad preached that Jihad would not occur until the Caucasians followed Sharia completely rather than following a mixture of Islamic laws and adat (customary traditions). By 1829, Mullah began proselytizing and claiming that obeying Sharia, giving zakat, prayer, and hajj would not be accepted by Allah if the Russians were still present in the area. He even went on to claim that marriages would become void and children bastards if any Russians were still in the Caucasus. In 1829 he was proclaimed imam in Ghimry, where he formally made the call for a holy war. In 1834, Ghazi Muhammad died at the battle of Ghimri, and Imam Shamil took his place as the premier leader of the Caucasian resistance. Imam Shamil succeeded in accomplishing what Sheik Mansur had started: to unite North Caucasian highlanders in their struggle against the Russian Empire. He was a leader of anti-Russian resistance in the Caucasian War and was the third Imam of Dagestan and Chechnya (1834–1859).
Mahdists in Sudan
During the 1870s, European initiatives against the slave trade caused an economic crisis in northern Sudan, precipitating the rise of Mahdist forces. Muhammad Ahmed Al Mahdi was a religious leader, who proclaimed himself the Mahdi—the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will appear at end times—in 1881, and declared a Jihad against Ottoman rulers. He declared all "Turks" infidels and called for their execution. The Mahdi raised an army and led a successful religious war to topple the Ottoman-Egyptian occupation of Sudan. Victory created an Islamic state, one that quickly reinstituted slavery. In the West he is most famous for defeating and later killing British general Charles George Gordon, in the fall of Khartoum.
The First Anglo-Afghan War (1838–42) was one of Britain's most ill-advised and disastrous wars. William Brydon was the sole survivor of the invading British army of 16,500 soldiers and civilians.
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was also a disaster and considered to be their "Vietnam". The invasion and atrocities compelled the west into providing aid to the mujaheddin. The Russian invasion was also the historical event that provoked Osama Bin Laden into migrating to Afghanistan in 1979, the same year he graduated from University.
As in the earlier wars against the British and Soviets, Afghan resistance to the American invaders took the traditional form of a Muslim holy war against the infidels.
During September 2002, the remnants of the Taliban forces began a recruitment drive in Pashtun areas in both Afghanistan and Pakistan to launch a renewed "jihad" or holy war against the pro-Western Afghan government and the U.S-led coalition. Pamphlets distributed in secret during the night also began to appear in many villages in the former Taliban heartland in southeastern Afghanistan that called for jihad. Small mobile training camps were established along the border with Pakistan by al-Qaeda and Taliban fugitives to train new recruits in guerrilla warfare and terrorist tactics, according to Afghan sources and a United Nations report.
Most of the new recruits were drawn from the madrassas or religious schools of the tribal areas of Pakistan, from which the Taliban had originally arisen. As of 2008, the insurgency, in the form of a Taliban guerrilla war, continues.[citation needed]
Although there is no evidence that the CIA directly supported the Taliban or Al Qaeda, some basis for military support of the Taliban was provided when, in the early 1980s, the CIA and the ISI (Pakistan's Interservices Intelligence Agency) provided arms to Afghan mujahideens resisting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the ISI assisted the process of gathering radical Muslims from around the world to fight against the Soviets. Osama Bin Laden was one of the key players in organizing training camps for the foreign Muslim volunteers. The U.S. poured funds and arms into Afghanistan, and "by 1987, 65,000 tons of U.S.-made weapons and ammunition a year were entering the war."
The Soviets completely withdrew from Afghanistan by 1989, ending a war which had become an embarrassment for politicians in Moscow.
In 1830, Algeria was invaded by France; French colonial domination over Algeria supplanted what had been domination in name only by the Ottoman Empire. Within two years, Abd al-Qādir was made an amir and with the loyalty of a number of tribes began a jihad against the French. He was effective at using guerrilla warfare and for a decade, up until 1842, scored many victories. He was noted for his chivalry. On December 21, 1847, Abd al-Qādir was forced to surrender.
Abd al-Qādir is recognized and venerated as the first hero of Algerian independence. Not without cause, his green and white standard was adopted by the Algerian Liberation Front during the War of Independence and became the national flag of independent Algeria.[citation needed]
The Algerian Civil War (1991–2002) was an armed conflict between the Algerian government and various Islamist rebel groups which began in 1991. By 1997, the organized jihad in Algeria had disintegrated into criminal thuggery and Algeria was wracked by massacres of intense brutality and unprecedented size.
The Cham Muslims under Katip Suma declared a Jihad against the Vietnamese invasion of Champa in 1832 under Emperor Minh Mang.
Turkic Kokandi Uzbek Muslim forces under Yaqub Beg declared a Jihad against Chinese Muslims under T'o Ming during the Dungan revolt. Yaqub Beg enlisted non Muslim Han Chinese militia under Hsu Hsuehkung in order to fight against the Chinese Muslims. T'o Ming's forces were defeated by Yaqub, who planned to conquer Dzungharia. Yaqub intended to seize all Dungan territory.
The Boxer Rebellion was considered a Jihad by the Muslim Kansu Braves in the Chinese Imperial Army under Dong Fuxiang, fighting against the Eight-Nation Alliance.
Jihad was declared obligatory and a religious duty for all Chinese Muslims against Japan after 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
Persecution of Non-Muslims to Islamic laws, non-Muslims in Islamic lands should be subdued and be treated as dhimmis (second class citizens). They should be coerced and intimidated to convert to Islam, through special humiliating taxes like Jizyah imposed on them. Following Prophet Muhammad's example, this has been taking place throughout Islam's history. While Muslims demand for concessions in non-Muslim countries, non-Muslims are systematically persecuted, terrorized and ethnically cleansed from Islamic lands.
In 2008 alone, there were 2,204 separate documented incidents of Islamically motivated violence which led to death. In total there were 10,779 deaths and another 18,213 critically injured. That is more people killed each and every year in the name of Islam, than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. More than 29 people are killed in religiously motivated attacks every single day at the hands of Muslims. If you spend just one short hour reading through some of the news articles compiled on this page, there would have been another one to two deaths attributed to Islam and countless other incidents involving beatings, rapes, abductions, forced conversions, desecration of non-Muslim buildings, etc.
- 1 Afghanistan
- 2 Algeria
- 3 Austria
- 4 Australia
- 5 Azerbaijan
- 6 Bangladesh
- 7 Belgium
- 8 Bosnia
- 9 Brazil
- 10 Brunei
- 11 Canada
- 12 Central African Republic
- 13 Chad
- 14 China
- 15 Comoros Islands
- 16 Denmark
- 17 Egypt
- 18 Eritrea
- 19 Ethiopia
- 20 Finland
- 21 France
- 22 Germany
- 23 Greece
- 24 India
- 25 Indonesia
- 26 Iran
- 27 Iraq
- 28 Israel
- 29 Italy
- 30 Ivory Coast
- 31 Jordan
- 32 Kazakhstan
- 33 Kenya
- 34 Kosovo
- 35 Kuwait
- 36 Kyrgyzstan
- 37 Lebanon
- 38 Libya
- 39 Macedonia
- 40 Malawi
- 41 Malaysia
- 42 Mali
- 43 Mauritania
- 44 Maldives
- 45 Morocco
- 46 Netherlands
- 47 Niger
- 48 Nigeria
- 49 Norway
- 50 Pakistan
- 51 Palestinian Authority area
- 52 Philippines
- 53 Russia
- 54 Saudi Arabia
- 55 Senegal
- 56 Serbia
- 57 Somalia
- 58 Sudan
- 59 Spain
- 60 Sweden
- 61 Switzerland
- 62 Syria
- 63 Tajikistan
- 64 Tanzania
- 65 Thailand
- 66 Trinidad and Tobago
- 67 Tunisia
- 68 Turkey
- 69 Turkmenistan
- 70 Uganda
- 71 United Kingdom
- 72 United Arab Emirates
- 73 United States
- 74 Uzbekistan
- 75 Yemen
Genocide of Shias by ISIL
Genocide claims
On the 17th of March 2016, United States Secretary of State John Kerry declared that the violence initiated by ISIL against Shia Muslims and others in Iraq and Syria amounted to genocide. He said:
Genocide of Christians by ISIL
The genocide of Christians by ISIL refers to the genocide of Christian minorities, within its region of control in Iraq, Syria and Libya by the Islamic extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Persecution of Christian minorities climaxed following its takeover of parts of Northern Iraq in June 2014.
According to US diplomat Alberto M. Fernandez, "While the majority of victims in the conflict raging in Syria and Iraq have been Muslims, Christians have borne a heavy burden given their small numbers."
On February 3, 2016, the European Union recognized the persecution of Christians by Islamic State in Syria as genocide. The vote was unanimous. The United States followed suit on March 15, 2016, in declaring these atrocities as genocide. The vote was unanimous. On April 20, 2016, British Parliament voted unanimously to denounce the actions as genocide. A similar motion however failed in Canada when it was opposed by the majority of PM Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party.
We can see how the Sharia extremists want to destabilize Syria, to genocide Christians. Then the same people want to bring in military aged Muslims into Europe. This is why we need to get rid of all Muslim immigrants and refugees in Europe, and America. Eventually you will be welcomed back, once the Caliphate and Sharia governments, stop threatening the genocide of the west. Many individuals in ISIL and Sharia military, also want to genocide all Christians and Hebrew people near the Middle East.
Here is our video marathon on the war crimes of Israel.
12/31/2018 - War Crimes And Genocide By The Israeli Government Part 1 -
We do not like how Israel was spying on America, manufacturing illegal nuclear weapons,
white phosphorus, including the map of Israeli expansion.
We can see the amount of land Israel has taken from the Palestinian people, many Palestinian people are not Islamic. The problem is that Muslims continue to attack multiple nations, and will not listen to a ceasefire. Even if we moved Israel to Africa, the Muslims would still try to attack Israel. Some people think that the country of Israel should not even exist, some people say that Israel is a religious government and a Zionist State with illegal nuclear weapons.
There are millions of people that voted for making the state of Israel, some so that Israel is too much of a risk. Look at the problems with adding a new religious government in the world that has nuclear weapons, and many Jews believe in different end-times prophecies. Some Jews even go as far as to bring about the apocalypse so that the messiah will come down to Earth . Israel was formed by the League of Nations and England. We can see that the Muslims try to genocide dozens of different cultures. This is the biggest problem in the Middle East currently, including Zionist extremists. The government of Israel and ISIS continue to both work together to expand their territory in war, we should not trust either of these religious groups and religious governments.
There has always been a dispute about this from the beginning, the Rothschilds have a lot of do with the founding of a new Israeli State. Many Israelis I know will also tell you that it is not originally Israel, and that the government is a farce. Many claim the current Israeli government does not represent the people.
This video talks about the harms of political Zionist extremists. We should be cautious of Zionist extremism, as much as any other type of religious extremist organisation. The European people have a right to not face genocide from Islam or Zionist extremists as well. We need to stop all refugee and immigration programs in America and Europe currently, until we get to the bottom of what is going on. We need to have all Muslims, Zionist extremists and Jews in general need to leave America and Europe. We need to end both of these religious cults around the world, from infiltrating the governments of the world. We need a separation of church and state.
It just seems that too many Muslims conspire to genocide and overthrow other cultures, while other Muslims start to complain how Muslims are being persecuted. Many people now see the problem, and no longer buy this military tactic used by Sharia extremists.
You know what most people can agree on, and that everyone in the planet is tired of all of the Semitic whining and complaining by these two religious groups. If anything the world would be better off without these two religious groups endangering the planet.
There are plenty of Islamic Palestinian citizens, Palestine is even currently trying to change their government into an Islamic government.
Even many Islamic extremists visit Palestine to act as Palestinians, to create terrorist attacks on Israel, then Israel attacks back and occupies the Palestinian lands in war. Some question if Mossad is behind some of these attacks. Some think that the same people that run the Mossad, are behind trying to use ISIL, to attack and destabilize the west. We can see the problems with the amount of Islamic attacks against other nations, in all wars in the name of Islamic expansion and Sharia Law. We can see too many past cases of the history of violence being carried out in the name of Sharia Law. Many intelligence communities can see this, and try to radicalize Muslims to try to become violent.
I try to expose all bad corrupt governments. All the governments in the Middle East are highly corrupt.
It is also very hard for me to think that Islamic countries that have Sharia Law, should be allowed to have, or continue in wanting to expand and get more weapons.
The problem is that many think that the Israeli government wants to drag us in a war.
Some say that Mossad could even be behind some of the terrorist attacks.
We know that there have been over 29,000 terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists, since September 11th, 2001. We can see the past history of terror attacks, in the name of Sharia Law. This will continue to exist, as long as Sharia government and Sharia law is in place.
So after the west set up this state of Israel, we can see how this religious Zionist state is trying to expand across the globe. This leads many to think that this was a mistake to give Israel too much power. We should have the separation of church and state in the governments of the world.
Some say that since millions of people voted for this country to be named Israel, could we vote on another country that was not named Israel, and that was not a Zionist State. What if Israel were to fall, and that Jews would be forced to live in another country. Would the world be better off without the state of Israel? That would depend on who you ask. Should we even let these religious groups even have another chance to try and undermine to world and destroy Europe. The answer is that the white race must come first before any of these religious groups, including their religious agendas to kill off and genocide the white European people.
We are not for the expansion of the joining of government and religion, through the expanding of an imperial religious Sharia State or religious Zionist State.
The problem is that radical Muslims keep attacking Israel, Europe and America. The expansion of radical Islam is equal of a problem, they are both religious governments that want to continue to expand. Both of these religious governments,threaten the peace and prosperity of all beings on this planet.
Israel already has illegal nuclear weapons, including dozens of other bad crimes, war crimes and spying on America. This includes a base for wanting to expand more religious Zionist governments across the globe. It would be one thing if Israel did not expand its borders and collect an illegal nuclear arsenal. The Sharia governments and Islamic radical terrorist attacks are as equal of a problem. We can already see how much land Israel has stolen from the Palestinian people. What if we did shutdown the government of Israel on behalf of all of the problems that have happened in the past. We think it would be a good idea, to shutdown the corrupted government of Israel, including all religious Sharia governments. Many Jews are against Israel, because they even claim that Israel is a Zionist State. They say that it is not how Jews originally intended to live. If we didn't have so many Islamic Sharia controlled countries, maybe we could have more open and free societies in the Middle East. Should we still have a land near the Middle East, where Jews could worship and live freely, without persecution from Islamic extremists? This would be to where the Jews would not have control of an Army, weapons and that we should try to quarantine Jews from western society at all costs. We should round up all the Jews in western society and deport them to Israel for starters. We should have never let the Jews have a religious government and nuclear weapons, but look at what happens even if you just give Jews several miles of land with people such as the Rothschilds trying to expand this government.
{Section added 3-13-17: We can also take a look at the Muslim world, including the European Empires of the past, as well as the Vatican that have a vast amount of power as well. We also must not forget different Asian countries including China and Russia gaining power around the globe as well. The point I am trying to make here, is that all of these nations have wanted to have a good quality of life for themselves, their nation and their family. Many cultures wanted to expand their cultures and empires across the planet, to also avoid becoming a weak society that could fall victim to cultural genocide through war or passive influence.
If the Jews don't get their own land, then where are they to go? Over to Europe? Israel and the Hebrew people would not last a year, if it were not for the western nations defending Israel. All of the Islamic Sharia countries would slaughter many Jews, if they were not defended by other nations. Now in 2019, Israel might have a slight chance, but they are still too small of a land area. I hear eventually that they could try to establish Israel over in Africa, cause some Jews claim that is where they originated. We hear about the Jews being in ancient Egypt, etc, etc. We have seen too many problems with the current illegal activities of the State of Israel. We should hold the Israeli government accountable for their actions. Maybe we are just better off dismantling the current government of Israel.
Some have mentioned that eventually Israel might not exist for various reasons, and that the Jews will have to move to a different country. We also have the right to not want the expansion of a Zionist State or a Sharia State across the Middle East and the world. A Zionist State would be considered a joining of a religious movement and a government. This would be the same as an Islamic Sharia State trying to expand across the globe. We have seen the problems with the expansion of Sharia Law around the globe, and it needs to be stopped as well. We are for these two groups to live in peace and without fighting each other in war. We currently think that all Sharia and Zionist governments (Israel) are corrupt. We can see how fanatic religious zealots that get in political power, and why the world is now threatened with destruction, from these two political religious governments and groups. I think I have explained this very well, this is why I can state with good faith that I am against these religious governments getting more power and more nuclear weapons. The world would be better off without these two religious governments threatening the happiness and lives of the entire planet. Both of these Zionist and Sharia governments do not want one another to expand, and are willing to go to war over this, I am trying to say this from a tolerant scientific type of logic. I have every right to say that I would not be in favor of a religious government in any of these countries. I am for these two groups to have better systems of government that is not corrupted. I believe that Sharia government is highly corrupt and that we should not have it expand. The Muslims would kill off the Jews, just like the genocide of the Armenian people, which was carried out by the radical Muslims. These two groups would kill each other in the Middle East, if it were not for western countries defending Israel, this has given Israel time to build up an illegal nuclear arsenal. This is why many of the Israelites do not want want to dismantle Israel, they want to defend this state with illegal nuclear weapons. We should not allow any religious Sharia government or religious Zionist government to have nuclear weapons. Do you see how insane this has now become? This is a huge burden on us, I think it will even be more of a burden for future generations, if we do not stop these religious fanatics from trying to dominate and harm the planet. These two religious political extremist groups are a nuisance to the planet, and I personally think we would be better off without Sharia or Zionist governments, especially with nuclear weapons}.
Palestinians want to live under Sharia Law
10/28, 2010
A newly published public opinion poll shows that young Palestinian
Arabs think their corruption-ridden government is doing just fine, but
would prefer to see it transformed into an Islamic dictatorship.
Conducted by the Palestinian Center for Research and Cultural Dialogue, the poll
asked 1,000 Palestinian Arabs between the ages of 18 and 30 to rate the
performance of the Palestinian democracy, such as it is. Seventy-one
percent evaluated Palestinian democracy as either “good” or “average,”
and an equal number said they were satisfied with the human rights
situation in Palestinian-controlled areas.
We should not allow the expansion of Sharia government in Palestine.
8/9/2019 - Pollution Science 101 - Israel (Fate of the Middle East)
EXCLUSIVE – Gaza Cleric: Jerusalem Truck Attack Permitted by Sharia
1-10- 2017Sunday’s deadly truck-ramming attack in Jerusalem is permitted by Sharia law, a Palestinian cleric claimed to Breitbart Jerusalem.
Zionist Jews Happily Brag About Being At The Center Of The Muslim Invasion Of Europe
Jan 7, 2017
Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe
Jan 11, 2017
The Dangers of Legitimizing Muslim Grievance
Chapter 10: India vs Pakistan
The History of India: Every Year
May 16, 2016A note on Kashmir: To maintain neutrality, I've simply shown the lines of actual control. Neither the Indian nor Pakistani claims are recognised outside the area they administer.
Numbered Kingdoms:
1: Western Coastal Plains States
2: Pundravardhana
3: Vangala
4: Khandesh Sultanate
5: Bidar
6: Gingee
7: Tanjore
8: Gingee (Maratha last-stand)
9: Madurai
10: Nawab of Bahawalpur
Tensions Between India And Pakistan May Rise Over Nuclear Deal
At the recent visit of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the U.S. in May 2016, the closer relationship between the U.S. and India was clear. A logical step forward was further seen when U.S. President Obama stated his approval for India to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). While this would be a great move for overall worldwide security and nuclear non-proliferation, there is a danger of greater tensions between India and Pakistan.
Pakistan: Islamists angry at new law against forced conversions
Every year in Pakistan, hundreds of people - mostly Hindus - are forced to convert to Islam. To address this problem, the Sindh province recently passed a bill that criminalises forced religious conversions. But it's been labelled "anti-Islam" by hardline Islamists, who want lawmakers to amend it. Our correspondents in Pakistan report.
Pakistan threatens to DESTROY India with atomic bomb as nuclear enemies edge towards brink
Sep 29, 2016
INDIA and Pakistan have edged even closer to full-blown conflict after Pakistan's defence minister threatened to "eliminate" India if it declared war.
2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff
The 2001–2002 India–Pakistan standoff was a military standoff between India and Pakistan that resulted in the massing of troops on either side of the border and along the Line of Control in the region of Kashmir. This was the second major military standoff between India and Pakistan following the successful detonation of nuclear devices by both countries in 1998 and the most recent standoff between the nuclear rivals. The other had been the Kargil War in 1999.
Islamicide: How the Mullah Mafia Is Destroying Pakistan
A boy cuts off his own right hand because it offended God. Pedophilia is holy. To question is to risk execution. Welcome to a nation in thrall to suicidal fanaticism.
India-Pakistan partition 1947
Dec 18, 2012
Pakistan's War With The Taliban
Sep 23, 2013
Islamic conquest of India. Bloodiest in the history of World
Mar 30, 2012
Five sentenced to death in Pakistan for lynching and burning Christian couple in a kiln
23 November 2016
Illiterate couple were falsely accused of throwing away pages of the Quran.
Russia Today Report Pakistan The Next American Enemy
Nov 25, 2016-------------------------
Blasphemy law in Pakistan
The Pakistan Penal Code prohibits blasphemy against any recognized religion, providing penalties ranging from a fine to death. From 1987 to 2014 over 1300 people have been accused of blasphemy, Muslims constitute the majority of those booked under these laws.
Over 60 people accused of blasphemy have been murdered before their respective trials were over, and prominent figures who opposed the blasphemy law have been assassinated. Since 1990, 62 people have been murdered as a result of blasphemy allegations.
According to one religious minority source, an accusation of blasphemy commonly subjects the accused, police, lawyers, and judges to harassment, threats, attacks and rioting. Critics complain that Pakistan's blasphemy law "is overwhelmingly being used to persecute religious minorities and settle personal vendettas," but calls for change in the blasphemy laws have been strongly resisted by Islamic parties - most prominently the Barelvi school of Islam.
Pakistan's laws became particularly severe between 1980 and 1986, when a number of clauses were added to the laws by the military government of General Zia-ul Haq, to "Islamicise" the laws and deny the Muslim character of the Ahmadi minority. Prior to 1986, only 14 cases pertaining to blasphemy were reported.
Cases under blasphemy law have also been registered against Muslims who have harassed Non Muslims.
Religious Offences and Punishments
PPC | Description | Penalty |
§ 298 | Uttering of any word or making any sound or making any gesture or placing of any object in the sight with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of any person. | 1 years imprisonment, or fine, or both |
§ 298A | Use of derogatory remarks etc., in respect of holy personages. 1980 | 3 years imprisonment, or fine, or both |
§ 298B | (Ahmadi blasphemy law) Misuse of epithets, descriptions and titles etc., reserved for certain holy personages or places, by Ahmadis. 26 April 1984 | 3 years imprisonment and fine |
§ 298C | (Ahmadi blasphemy law) Aka Ordinance XX: f a Muslim, or preaching or propagating his faith, or "in any manner whatsoever" outraging the religious feelings of Muslims, or posing himself as a Muslim. 26 April 1984 | 3 years imprisonment and fine |
§ 295 | Injuring or defiling places of worship, with intent to insult the religion of any class | Up to 2 years imprisonment or fine, or both |
§ 295A | Deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs. 1927 | Up to 10 years imprisonment, or fine, or both |
§ 295B | Defiling, etc., of Quran. 1982 | Imprisonment for life |
§ 295C | Use of derogatory remarks, spoken, written, directly or indirectly, etc. defiles the name of Muhammad (S.A.W). 1986 | Mandatory Death and fine (Feb. 1990) Trial must take place in a Court of Session with a Muslim judge presiding. |
We are still on good terms with many of those in Hindu religion and culture, this includes the people of India, many of Indians wear turbans and are not associated with Islam. We wish peace upon the Hindu people, we wish to not confuse these people, with being associated with Islam. Many people do not want radical Islam and Sharia government, to further harm the Hindu and Indian people. Many of the Hindu type songs and dancing that we all love, would be banned under Sharia Law, this is a shame, because I love the ancient Indian culture. Even Islamic extremists try to damage ancient remains of statues and ancient history in India.
35 Invaluable Hindu and Buddhist Statues Destroyed in Maldives by Extremist Islamic Group
February 23, 2012
------List of massacres in India
Persecution of Hindus
Chapter 11: Schools
Teacher To Be Prosecuted For Calling Mohammed Child Molester
11 May 2016
Schoolchildren BANNED from singing Silent Night over fears it will OFFEND other religions
Dec 27, 2016
Pro-Sharia law middle school worksheet angers parents
Jan 22, 2017
After students at a southern Indiana middle school were assigned to study and complete a worksheet that allegedly portrays the oppressive and brutal Islamic Sharia law in a positive light, parents are speaking out in strong opposition.
Seventh graders at Highland Hills Middle School in Georgetown, Indiana, were given the pro-Muslim assignment that spurred several parents to voice their disapproval of it at a recent New Albany-Floyd Country School Board meeting, alleging that it indoctrinated students certain beliefs about the Middle Eastern religion, according to the Courier-Journal.
Parents Sue School for Forcing Daughter to ‘Convert’ to Islam
Feb 1, 2016
Assignment included lesson which had students recite, "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah"
Dec 13, 2016
Unreal-Muslims students Wants to remove Jesus from Catholic Schools
Feb 11, 2013------------
Catholic Church BANS Islam from school classrooms to dismay of Muslim leaders
Nov 8, 2015
THE Catholic Church has become embroiled in controversy after it effectively banned schools from teaching students about Islam in religious studies.
Chapter 12: Christianity and Islam
How the Vatican created Islam
How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.
Islamic Values vs. Judeo-Christian Values
Islam and Mormonism
Christianity and Islam
Christianity and Islam are amongst the largest religions in the world and share a historical and traditional connection, with some major theological differences. The two faiths share a common place of origin in the Middle East, and consider themselves to be monotheistic.
Christianity developed out of Judaism in the 1st century CE. It is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow him are called Christians.
Islam is a monotheistic religion that developed in the 7th century CE. Islam, which literally means "surrender" or "submission," was founded on the teachings of Muhammad as an expression of surrender to the will of Allah.
Muslims have a range of views on Christianity, often considering Christians and Jews to be People of the Book or as heretics. Christian views on Islam are diverse and range from considering Islam a fellow Abrahamic religion worshipping the same God, to believing Islam to be heresy or an unrelated cult.
Christianity and Islam both consider Jesus to have been sent by God. Christians generally consider Jesus to be the Son of God, while Muslims consider the Trinity to be a division of God's Oneness and a grave sin. Muslims believe Jesus (Isa) to be a messenger of God, not the son of God.
Christianity and Islam have different scriptures, with Islam using the Quran and Christianity the Bible. Both texts offer an account of the life and works of Jesus. Belief in Jesus is an important part of Islamic theology, and Muslims view the Christian Gospels as altered, while Christians consider Gospels to be authoritative and the Quran to be a later, fabricated or apocryphal work. Both religions believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, but the Biblical and Islamic accounts differ.
Historically, Christianity and Islam have both peacefully co-existed and engaged in extended periods of warfare. Western and Islamic histories offer differing accounts of both periods of tolerance and violence.
Islamic view of angels
Factors that caused Muhammad to reject Christianity and start his own religion:
The evangelism and preaching by Christians is the primary #1 cause of the rise of Islam. Arabs were "late bloomers" when it came to rejecting polytheism and adopting monotheism. While much of the world had rejected polytheism, Arabs, like late blooming adolescents finally gave up their eternal history of paganism.... thanks to the direct influence of Christians.
Muslims today believe the myth that Muhammad introduced monotheism to the area around Mecca and Arabia in general. The truth is that Muhammad got tired of the Christians constantly preaching monotheism to his fellow Arabs, knowing in his heart, that they were correct in their criticism of Arab paganism. There can be little doubt that Christians, in their evangelism of the area around Mecca, charged the Arabs with paganism and polytheism. Christians criticized those worshipping 260 pagan gods at the Kabah and offered Christianity as a far superior monotheistic religion. In his heart, Muhammad knew the Christians were right and had a better religion of monotheism. But some Muslims today, are totally ignorant of the fact that monotheism was widely preached before, during and after the rise of Muhammad, by the Christians. It was a well known theology and the Arabs were familiar with it. Amazingly, today Muslims criticize as polytheists, the very one's who taught Muhammad about monotheism!
Chapter 13: The Pope
Pope Francis Converts To Islam!
May 23, 2016
Alex Jones talks with Infowars reporter Wayne Madsen discusses the openly globalist Pope and how he's helping to push the NWO agenda.
Does the Catholic Church have 2 popes? Controversy is revived as Benedict aide makes stunning remarks
30 May 2016
Alex Jones: Is The Pope The Devil?
Aug 8, 2015
Alex Jones reports from outside the Vatican City on Pope Francis and just how incredibly evil he truly is.
Savage Censored as Pope Calls Journalists "Terrorists”
Sep 29, 2016
Michael Savage & Alex Jones spoke 2 weeks ago about the coming censorship and 2 days ago we saw it in action as Savage had his show shut down when he began talking about Hillary’s health. But he’s not alone. Donald Trump Jr.’s social media post was censored over “copyright” 10 days after it caused a stir. And the Pope has labelled as “terrorism’ any journalism he subjectively labels as “gossip” or “rumor” (think “conspiracy theories” or “deplorable”).
Pope Francis Declares Himself The Anti Christ
May 20, 2016
In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates.”
“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
Pope Calls For One World Religion
Apr 5, 2016
On today's show, researcher Leo Zagami breaks down how the "Panama Papers" could influence global politics.
Pope Francis Calls For A One World Race
May 7, 2016
As for a record, here are a few more articles on the Pope and his influence in Jerusalem.
The Pope Is Not Welcome in Jerusalem
By Israel Shamir
Why Doesn’t the Pope Live in Jerusalem?
Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian’
FEB 18, 2016
Pope Francis to world leaders: Open your doors to migrants
Mar 16, 2016
Vatican City - On Wednesday Pope Francis renewed his appeal on behalf of the tens of thousands struggling to enter other countries as they flee war and violence, asking global leaders to “open their hearts” and doors to migrants and refugees.
Pope Francis Calls Migrant Crisis ‘Arab Invasion’
Mar 7, 2016
Pope Francis has described the European migration crisis as an “Arab invasion”
Peres proposes ‘UN for religions’ to pope at Vatican
VATICAN CITY – Former president Shimon Peres emerged from a Vatican City audience with Pope Francis Thursday after proposing a kind of United Nations for religions.
Peres, 91, who was the world’s oldest head of state until his term ended six weeks ago, met with Francis amid heightened tensions in the Middle East.
Pope Francis I and CIA 'Operation Condor' - Death Squads
Mar 16, 2013
00:01 In 1973, Pope Francis was appointed the provincial of Argentina for the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). He was the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina, during the military dictatorship of Jorge Videla. The Pope later became Bishop and Arch Bishop of Buenos Aires. Francis was elevated to Cardinal in 2001, by Pope John Paul.
2:30 - General Videla is convicted of human rights violations, murder, abductions, torture and kidnappings. In 1985 General Videla was sentenced to life in prison. One of his key appointments Jose Alfredo Martinez, the Minister of Economy, was a close friend to David Rockefeller. The currency market in Argentina was manipulated by these politicians, to cause an economic collapse.
4:20 The Catholic Church Hierarchy played a central role in sustaining the legitimacy of this dictatorship, under General Videla. The Catholic Church was closely associated with Argentina's economic elites, they were firmly behind the military dictatorship. The video claims that this government was against leftist's movements and other political parties.
5:00 In 2005, Human Rights lawyer Miriam Brockmann filed a criminal lawsuit against Pope Francis, who was a Cardinal at the time of the incidents that took place in Argentina. The lawsuit accuses Pope Francis of conspiring with the military dictatorship at the time. this includes two missing Jesuit Priests that were fired.
6:00 In 2010, the survivors of the dirty war accused Pope Francis of complicity of the kidnapping of two members of the Society of Jesus.
6:20 In the 2005 trial, Pope Francis twice invoked his right under Argentinian law to refuse to appear in open court. When Pope Francis eventually did testify in 2010, his answers were evasive. At least two cases involved Pope Francis, one of the cases examined the torture of two Jesuits that went missing in 1976. Pope Francis is accused of handing the two missing Jesuits over to a death squad. According to Miriam Brockmann, Pope Francis' own statements proved that church officials knew early on, that the government at the time was torturing and killing its citizens. This was happening while church officials endorsed the dictators. The dictatorship could not have operated this way, without this key support, this is noted by the LA times in April, 2005.
8:00 The Catholic Church was complicit in torture and mass killings. There is an estimation of 22,000 people that died or disappeared from 1976 to 1978. Thousands of additional victims were killed between 1978 and 1983, when the military was forced from power.
Pope Francis, CIA and ‘Death Squads’
March 16, 2013
Exclusive: In the 1970s, Father Jorge Bergoglio faced a moment of truth: Would he stand up to Argentina’s military neo-Nazis “disappearing” thousands including priests, or keep his mouth shut and his career on track? Like many other Church leaders, Pope Francis took the safe route, Robert Parry reports.
The election of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis brings back into focus the troubling role of the Catholic hierarchy in blessing much of the brutal repression that swept Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s, killing and torturing tens of thousands of people including priests and nuns accused of sympathizing with leftists.
The Vatican’s fiercely defensive reaction to the reemergence of these questions as they relate to the new Pope also is reminiscent of the pattern of deceptive denials that became another hallmark of that era when propaganda was viewed as an integral part of the “anticommunist” struggles, which were often supported financially and militarily by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
It appears that Bergoglio, who was head of the Jesuit order in Buenos Aires during Argentina’s grim “dirty war,” mostly tended to his bureaucratic rise within the Church as Argentine security forces “disappeared” some 30,000 people for torture and murder from 1976 to 1983, including 150 Catholic priests suspected of believing in “liberation theology.”
Much as Pope Pius XII didn’t directly challenge the Nazis during the Holocaust, Father Bergoglio avoided any direct confrontation with the neo-Nazis who were terrorizing Argentina. Pope Francis’s defenders today, like apologists for Pope Pius, claim he did intervene quietly to save some individuals.
But no one asserts that Bergoglio stood up publicly against the “anticommunist” terror, as some other Church leaders did in Latin America, most notably El Salvador’s Archbishop Oscar Romero who then became a victim of right-wing assassins in 1980.
Indeed, the predominant role of the Church hierarchy from the Vatican to the bishops in the individual countries was to give political cover to the slaughter and to offer little protection to the priests and nuns who advocated “liberation theology,” i.e. the belief that Jesus did not just favor charity to the poor but wanted a just society that shared wealth and power with the poor.
In Latin America with its calcified class structure of a few oligarchs at one end and many peasants at the other, that meant reforms, such as land redistribution, literacy programs, health clinics, union rights, etc. But those changes were fiercely opposed by the local oligarchs and the multinational corporations that profited from the cheap labor and inequitable land distribution.
So, any reformers of any stripe were readily labeled “communists” and were made the targets of vicious security forces, often trained and indoctrinated by “anticommunist” military officers at the U.S.-run School of the Americas. The primary role of the Catholic hierarchy was to urge the people to stay calm and support the traditional system.
It is noteworthy that the orchestrated praise for Pope Francis in the U.S. news media has been to hail Bergoglio’s supposedly “humble” personality and his “commitment to the poor.” However, Bergoglio’s approach fits with the Church’s attitude for centuries, to give “charity” to the poor while doing little to change their cruel circumstances as Church grandees hobnob with the rich and powerful.
Another Pope Favorite
Pope John Paul II, another favorite of the U.S. news media, shared this classic outlook. He emphasized conservative social issues, telling the faithful to forgo contraceptives, treating women as second-class Catholics and condemning homosexuality. He promoted charity for the poor and sometimes criticized excesses of capitalism, but he disdained leftist governments that sought serious economic reforms.
Elected in 1978, as right-wing “death squads” were gaining momentum across Latin America, John Paul II offered little protection to left-leaning priests and nuns who were targeted. He rebuffed Archbishop Romero’s plea to condemn El Salvador’s right-wing regime and its human rights violations. He stood by as priests were butchered and nuns were raped and killed.
Instead of leading the charge for real economic and political change in Latin America, John Paul II denounced “liberation theology.” During a 1983 trip to Nicaragua then ruled by the leftist Sandinistas the Pope condemned what he called the “popular Church” and would not let Ernesto Cardenal, a priest and a minister in the Sandinista government, kiss the papal ring. He also elevated clerics like Bergoglio who didn’t protest right-wing repression.
John Paul II appears to have gone even further, allowing the Catholic Church in Nicaragua to be used by the CIA and Ronald Reagan’s administration to finance and organize internal disruptions while the violent Nicaraguan Contras terrorized northern Nicaraguan towns with raids notorious for rape, torture and extrajudicial executions.
The Contras were originally organized by an Argentine intelligence unit that emerged from the country’s domestic “dirty war” and was taking its “anticommunist” crusade of terror across borders. After Reagan took office in 1981, he authorized the CIA to join with Argentine intelligence in expanding the Contras and their counterrevolutionary war.
A key part of Reagan’s Contra strategy was to persuade the American people and Congress that the Sandinistas represented a repressive communist dictatorship that persecuted the Catholic Church, aimed to create a “totalitarian dungeon,” and thus deserved violent overthrow.
Origins of Communist Pope Exposed
Sep 24, 2015
Alex Jones talks with Vatican expert Leo Zagami about Pope Francis and his real agenda.
'Mega' Agenda 21 resurrected with pope's help
Short of a global economic collapse, the U.N.’s rollout of its new agenda for sustainable development could have the most far-reaching impact of all these events.
“Basically they are rebooting Agenda 21,” said Tom DeWeese, president and founder of the American Policy Center, and they are calling on the world’s most visible religious leader to promote the agenda.
The U.N. 2030 Agenda includes 17 goals that aim for the re-ordering of all human activity.
Despite the failure of Agenda 21 to “end poverty,” the pope and the U.N. will ask 193 national leaders to go home from the Sept. 25-27 summit and promote the new U.N. plan to usher in its planned global utopia, DeWeese said.
“These same NGOs (who failed to end poverty through Agenda 21) are headed to New York City to announce their new 2030 Agenda to ‘Transform the World,'” he said. “The preamble to the document says ‘All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.'”
But unlike 1992, when nobody was paying much attention as Agenda 21 was rolled out at the U.N. Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, all eyes will be on the pope as he sings the praises of the new U.N. plan on Sept. 25, DeWeese said.
DeWeese and others expect a massive promotional campaign to combat climate change. That’s where the pope comes in. He will wrap the sustainability principles in the verbiage of social justice and helping the poor, perhaps even citing Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, encouraging other world religious leaders to follow his lead in embracing the U.N. prescription for mankind.
The ‘overthrow’ of capitalism
But what is “sustainable development?”
Patrick Wood, an economist and author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” says it’s clear the U.N. and its supporters see sustainable development as more than just the way to a cleaner environment. They see it as the vehicle for creating a long-sought new international economic order, or “New World Order.”
Wood’s new book traces the modern technocracy movement to Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission in the early 1970s.
Wood says their goal is the overthrow of capitalism and the free enterprise system on a global scale.
He points to Christiana Figueres, the U.N.’s top climate change official, who admitted as much in a comment earlier this year.
“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history,” Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters in February.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution,” Figueres said.
Francis, as the first Jesuit pope, is well known for his socialist leanings.
His statements in his encyclical about the need for global governance to combat “climate change” must be looked at in the context of the pope’s background and announced priorities.
‘A New World Order based on socialism’
Author Tom Horn points out that Father Malachi Martin predicted in his book “The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church,” what might happen if a Jesuit ever gets control of the Vatican.
As a Jesuit himself and a longtime Vatican insider, Martin, who died in 1999, had hoped that what he predicted would never come to pass, but it is becoming apparent that his predictions are playing out exactly as he feared they would, Horn said in a recent commentary on SkyWatch TV.
“He said there was a secret war between the Jesuits and the other Catholic priests to take control of the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican in particular,” Horn said. Traditionalists such as Cardinal Raymond Burke have been demoted by Francis.
Horn believes the pope’s recent encyclical on climate change and the reshuffling of key Vatican leaders may have something to do with what’s about to occur on the global stage.
“Malachi (Martin) said the Jesuits would use the Vatican, because it’s not like any other Christian denomination,” Horn said. “It’s got 90 ambassadors parked there on any day. It’s got political relationships with most of the nations of the world, and Malachi said that’s why the Jesuits wanted to seize control of the Vatican, so they could use it as a machine. He said that would give assistance to the rise of a New World Order, and he very specifically said they would use it to do the things that Pope Francis is doing now – a New World Order based on socialism, Marxism – and that they would work in tandem ultimately with the rise of the antichrist for the implementation of the objectives of the antichrist.”
If they succeed in doing away with capitalism, which Figueres openly stated was the goal, the question is, what will replace it?
“I say it’s technocracy,” Wood said. “They say it’s the ‘green economy’ and ‘sustainable development.'”
But regardless of what you call it, the U.N. plan calls for a centrally managed economy, more regulations of human activity, less freedom, he says.
Phasing out national sovereignty
In the summary of the High-Level Political Forum of Sustainable Development that came up with the 17 goals to be implemented by 2030, it clearly states that member nations will be expected to make “constitutional amendments and creation or adjustments of institutions” to implement the goals.
Martin Sajdik, president of the U.N. Economic and Social Council, states in the summary that “Governments must respond with policies that support individuals throughout their life course and promote non-discrimination and inclusivity,” with “adequate attention” given to “marginalized and disadvantaged groups, including children, youth, the old, women, indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and migrants.”
The U.N. is calling for a massive propaganda campaign at all levels to bring its “transformative global agenda” into being. It even has a slogan: “Leave no one behind.”
Sajdik in his summary describes how U.N. Agenda 2030’s goals will be promoted, extending into social media, traditional media and even embedded in every nation’s pop culture through music and art:
“Communication should aim to make people understand how they personally contribute to the global agenda and to feel proud of this. It will be important to project that this is a universal agenda, with a much greater level of ambition than one could have imagined a few years ago. The motto to ‘Leave no one behind’ is also a powerful vehicle for mobilizing people. It can be a two-way street, and be used to collect data on what people want and to create feed-back loop.
“The agenda should be communicated through social media, traditional media and traditional civil society mobilization techniques as well as art, music and culture. Communication will have to happen in all countries and at all levels, down to the local grass roots level where implementation takes place. It needs to reach all groups and to be tailored to various countries and groups. It is also good to identify and target trend-setters in various communities.”
While a small cadre of activists are poised to expose the U.N. 2030 agenda as a war against national sovereignty and the middle class, the vast majority of Americans are completely unaware of the U.N.’s plan to reorder society and transform the global economic system.
There has been virtually no coverage of the 2030 Agenda in the establishment media to date, but Wood says to get ready for a barrage of media indoctrination that appeals to emotional themes like world poverty and income inequality.
“The people are so unaware of the magnitude of this,” Wood said. “Agenda 21 was introduced as a voluntary program, very innocuous, where all their apologists said, ‘We didn’t force it on you, so what’s the harm?'”
In reality, very little about Agenda 21 turned out to be voluntary. Expect the same with the 2030 Agenda.
Pope Francis: questions remain over his role during Argentina's dictatorship
13 March 2013
Jorge Bergoglio was head of the Jesuit order in the 1970s when the church backed military government and called for patriotism
Despite the joyful celebrations outside the Municipal Cathedral in Buenos Aires yesterday, the news of Latin America's first pope was clouded by lingering concerns about the role of the church – and its new head – during Argentina's brutal military dictatorship.
The Catholic church and Pope Francis have been accused of a complicit silence and worse during the "dirty war" of murders and abductions carried out by the junta that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983.
The evidence is sketchy and contested. Documents have been destroyed and many of those who were victims or perpetrators have died in the years that followed. The moral argument is clear, but the reality of life at that time put many people in a grey position. It was dangerous at that time to speak out and risk being labelled a subversive. But many, including priests and bishops, did so and subsequently disappeared. Those who stayed silent have subsequently had to live with their consciences — and sometimes the risk of a trial.
Pope Francis First Speech: ‘We Must Build A New World Order’
Monday, March 18, 2013
Top Illuminati Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” (WW3)
Mar 24, 2016After Islam is used for its purpose, it will be done away with to make way for the religious system of pure Luciferianism. All Muslims will partake in the new system and worship Lucifer.
Illuminati Ritual at Vatican today will SHOCK you! (R$E)
Nov 20, 2016
Feb 15, 2015Anthropologist and Ceremonial Magician, Poke Runyon explains and demonstrates the authentic techniques of ancient Ritual Magick. Learn how to invoke Angels and evoke Spirits to visible appearance. Stand in the Magick Circle with Masters of the Art as they conjure the Spirits of Bael and Astaroth (Baal and Astarte) to visible appearance in the Dark Mirror upon Solomon s Triangle. Discover the scientific truth and psychological validity behind our own culture s unique and powerful form of Shamanism. Experience the Mystery and Transformative Power of Solomon s Magick!
POPE FRANCIS has declared himself God.
Nov 23, 2016
Jun 19, 2016
The Church 'does not pretend' - Vatican warns Christianity is at risk
JULY 9, 2014
In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion
September 28, 2015
Biblical Prophecy From Book of Obadiah Reveals Pope’s Shocking Jewish Agenda
That’s the contention of Rabbi Tovia Singer, a Jewish expert in both Hebrew and Christian Scripture and director of the counter-missionary organization, Outreach Judaism. Singer opens his case by noting the proximity of two recent news items...
‘Not recognizing Israel as Jewish is anti-Semitic, Pope says’
Francis also said to backtrack on statements attributed to him to the effect that Abbas is a ‘bit an angel of peace’
In what would constitute a stunning rhetorical volte-face, Pope Francis reportedly walked back earlier statements praising Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and dubbed some of Israel’s detractors “anti-Semitic.”
Berlin to build very First Temple of Chrislam for One World Religion
Chrislam, USA
June 22, 2014 — The House of One, as it is being called, will be a synagogue, a church and a mosque under one roof. Pope Francis is a man on a mission to fulfill bible prophecy, and he is getting more done than any other Pope in the last 100 years. The Pope is working to combine all religions into one. Pope Francis is here to make some serious and drastic changes not only in the Catholic Vatican system, in the professing Christianity as well. He is creating the One World Religion. An architecture competition has been held and the winner chosen. The striking design is for a brick building with a tall, square central tower. Off the courtyard below will be the houses of worship for the three faiths—the synagogue, the church and the mosque. It is to occupy a prominent site—Petriplatz—in the heart of Berlin.
Seven-in-Heaven Way, Hybrid Pope, & “Chrislam”
June 23, 2011
Chrislam is a portmanteau of Christianity and Islam, and may refer to:
Chrislam (Yoruba), a blend of Christianity and Islam among the Yoruba of Nigeria
Chrislam, a derogatory term used by American evangelist Jack Van Impe to refer to an anticipated one-world religion
Chrislam, a fictional religion in Arthur C. Clarke's 1993 novel The Hammer of God (Clarke novel)
Julius Wellhausen
Julius Wellhausen (17 May 1844 – 7 January 1918), was a German biblical scholar and orientalist. In the course of his career, he moved from Old Testament research through Islamic studies to New Testament scholarship. Wellhausen contributed to the composition history of the Pentateuch/Torah and the formative period of Islam. For the former, he is credited with being one of the originators of the documentary hypothesis.[
In the early 1900s, when the Catholic Church was allied with Mussoluni, many claimed that the Catholicism was the most dangerous religion. Now the experts say how they can see the true nature of the toxicity of Sharia Law. Sharia Law is the most dangerous religion on the planet.
We know that the Pope still has more power. However, this is why many think the Pope wants to use Islam to his benefit. The Pope and Vatican want to destablize Europe, and create a new era of religion and race. The Vatican understands that many American and Europeans are tired of the Catholic Church molesting kids, the Catholic Church is losing a lot of members because of this. Many consider Chrislam, a way for the Vatican to increase their number of worshipers. This is why the Pope is promoting even more immigrants and migrants, in Europe. Many
say that this is actually a one world Jewish race, where Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the Old Testament.
If this were hundreds of years ago, then men of Europe would not allow Muslims trying to come over and impose Sharia law. We know that many warriors would kill the invading Islamic Sharia Army trying to create genocide of Europe and Spain, many hundreds of years ago. History is now repeating itself again. We are going to ask all free nations to stand and fight back against Sharia Law, in your own self defense to preserve your people and culture from genocide, under expansive Sharia government. Do not listen to the Vatican or the Pope, they are guilty of covering-up child molesting rings. We must not allow the Pope or the government to bring in more refugees and immigrants in Europe, until we resolve this matter of the genocide of the European cultures. Rome and Germany have been at war before, the Pope hated Germany in the past. This is another way how the people say that Rome is trying to get back at the German People. Now we can truly see the harm of many mainstream organised religions are doing to independent nations and cultures.
Mamluk Sultanate (Cairo)
Reign of Baybars
Baybars rebuilt the Bahriyyah's former headquarters in Rawdah island and put Qalawun, one of his most senior associates, in command of it. In 1263, Baybars deposed al-Mughith of al-Karak based on allegations of collaborating with the Mongol Ilkhanate of Persia, and thus consolidated his authority over Muslim Syria. During his early reign and through heavy financial expense, Baybars rebuilt and stringently trained the Mamluk army, which grew from 10,000 cavalry to 40,000, with a 4,000-strong royal guard at its core. The new force was rigidly disciplined and highly trained in horsemanship, swordsmanship and archery...
Chapter 14: Paganism & Islam
Ramadan was a non-Muslim pagan Arab festival difference between pre-Islamic Ramadan and Islamic Ramadan is, pre-Islamic Ramadan was practiced by a Pagan tribe in Arabia, and Islamic Ramadan is practiced by Muslims all over the world.
During Ramadan, Pagan Arabs used to abstain from food, water, sexual contact etc. Muslims practice the same Pagan Ramadan rituals.
It is a well-known fact that Islam adapted the Pagan practice of fasting. There is a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari that mentions the ritual.
Bukhari 5:58:172 – Narrated Aisha: ‘Ashura was a day on which the tribe of Quraish used to fast in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it. When the fasting of Ramadan was enjoined, it became optional for the people to fast or not to fast on the day of Ashura.’
The fasting for Ashura (10th of Muharram) originated from a Quraish Pagan practice. Ramadan fasting came later from Sabian tradition. Sabians are mentioned in several verses of the Quran [al-Baqarah 2:62], [al-Hajj 22:17] , [al-Maa’idah 5:69] along with Christians and Jewish. Sabians, a non-Muslim Iraqi tribe, believed in monotheism, observed fasting 30 days a year, and prayed 5 times a day.
Not only Ramadan fasting, other Pagan rituals were also Islamized. The Ka’aba in Mecca was a center of idol-worship. 360 idols were kept in the Ka’aba. According to Hadith Bukhari 3:43:658 Narrated Abdullah bin Masud: The Prophet entered Mecca and (at that time) there were three hundred-and-sixty idols around the Ka’aba. He started stabbing the idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting: “Truth (Islam) has come and Falsehood (disbelief) has vanished.”
The Black-stone or al-Ḥajar al-Aswad of the Ka’aba became the central shrine object in Islam. It was one of the many stones and idols venerated by pre-Islamic Pagans. The Black Stone was kissed by people during pre-Islamic pagan worship. Muhammad did not completely abolish Idol worship, he made the Black Stone stay and allowed people to continue the practice of kissing the stone. It is the same pre-Islamic Pagan stone that Muslims kiss today during Hajj and Umrah. The Islamic historians believe that the black stone was a pagan deity called ‘Al-Lat’, one of the three daughters of Allah, the Pagan moon-god. She was once venerated as a cubic rock at Ta’if in Arabia.
Why is it in the Quran it states that 1) 2:62 - "Believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabeans; whoever believes in God and the last day and does what is right, shall be rewarded by their Lord; they have nothing to fear or regret." Then why is it that many modern day Islamic extremists are trying to genocide the western Christian people and their culture. It does say in the Quran to also kill Jews and Christians to expand Islam as well.
Pagan Origins of Islam
Veneration of the Black-stone
The pagan gods of pre-Islamic Arabia were worshiped in the form of rectangular stones or rocks. For example, the pagan deity 'Al-Lat', mentioned in Qur'an 53:19, and believed by pre-Islamic pagans to be one of the daughters of Allah, was once venerated as a cubic rock at Ta'if in Saudi Arabia. An edifice was built over the rock to mark it apart as a house of worship.{Some might mention that this sounds very similar to people lining up to kiss the Pope's ring}.
Praying 5 Times Towards Mecca
Pagans prior to Islam would pray five times per day towards Mecca. Muhammad retained for Islam, this pre-Islamic practice, sanctioning it with a story of a night trip to heaven on a mythical beast called al-Buraq. In heaven, the Hadith tells us that Allah demanded 50 prayers per day per Muslim. Upon advice from Moses, Muhammed bargains with Allah and successfully reduces it to five prayers per day.Zoroastrians are also expected to recite their (kusti) prayers at least five times a day having first cleansed themselves by washing (ablution). So even today, this is not a practice unique to Islam. But, contrary to the Muslims, they pray in the direction of the Sun (at each time of the day) and/or of the Holy Fire (if they are in a Fire Temple).
Fasting on the 10th of Muharram
Muhammad's pagan tribe, the Quraish, fasted on the 10th of Muharram. Though optional, Muhammad retained this pagan practice too.Narrated 'Aisha: 'Ashura' (i.e. the tenth of Muharram) was a day on which the tribe of Quraish used to fast in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it. When the fasting of Ramadan was enjoined, it became optional for the people to fast or not to fast on the day of Ashura.
Requirement of Ihram
Ihram is a state a Muslim enters into for his pilgrimage to Mecca. It involves a series of procedures like ritual washing, wearing 'Ihram garments', etc. Ihram was originally a pagan requirement for worshipping idols during pre-Islamic times. Muhammad retained this practice for Islam. Muslims assume Ihram to perform the Hajj or Umrah.Narrated 'Urwa: I asked 'Aisha : ...But in fact, this divine inspiration was revealed concerning the Ansar who used to assume “Ihram” for worshipping an idol called “Manat” which they used to worship at a place called Al-Mushallal before they embraced Islam, and whoever assumed Ihram (for the idol), would consider it not right to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa.
Circumambulation 7 Times
Circumambulation is to go in circles around a particular object. In Islam, worshippers and pilgrims do this around the Ka'aba at Mecca. Pre-Islamic pagans used do it to please the moon god Hubal, the 360 deities and Allah (who was merely one among the many deities worshipped there). Muhammad himself used to do it, even before the 360 idols inside the Ka'aba were removed.
Judaism and Christianity (the religions of those who are considered People of the Book) do not practice ritual circumambulation to please God. Two other faiths which do are Hinduism and Buddhism, religions older than Islam and accused by Islam of “paganism” and practicing idolatry.
Crescent Moon Symbol
Hubal was the moon god worshiped at the Ka’aba. The crescent moon was Hubal’s symbol. Muhammad's pagan grandfather Abd al-Muttalib almost slaughtered Muhammad's father Abdallah at the Ka’aba, to Hubal. From Ibn Hisham:Is moon-god Hubal no longer "higher"? Is Islam completely free of the 'moon' influence? Take a closer look at mosques all over the world, and you are likely to find Hubal’s symbol, the crescent moon, positioned at a high point of the mosque. As with the Cross for Christianity and the Star of David for Judaism, the Crescent moon is today a universal symbol for Islam.
It may not be a deliberate effort to worship Hubal. And yet, interestingly, through Islam, the pagan prayer of Muhammad's enemy Abu Sufyan at Badr has been answered, "O Hubal be high".
Zamzam Well
Millions of Muslims visit the well each year while performing the Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages, in order to drink its water and, in many cases, to take home some of its water for distribution among friends and relations believing the well and the water which it pumps to be miraculous.
However, in May 2011, a BBC investigation found that genuine Zamzam water taken from the well contained arsenic levels three times the legal limit, something which could contribute to increasing people's risk of cancer. In addition to the dangerous arsenic levels, the holy water contained high levels of nitrate and potentially harmful bacteria.
Why is the Muslim Kaaba in Mecca 666 nautical miles from Jerusalem ?
Here's what some Muslims say in their defense, that Islam originated from pagan rituals.
If Ramadan was a pagan festival in pre-Islamic Arabia, why was it included in Islamic rituals by Allah in the Quran?
Answer: ...So, can anyone say that Pilgrimage or fasting are a pagan act that Islam stole? Islam is older than all these pagan and human beliefs. Islam is as old as the Humanity.
How the Vatican created Islam
How the Vatican created Islam. The astonishing story from an ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, which was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.
2006 04 13
By Alberto Rivera |
Chapter 15: Jinn
Jinn, also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies (with the more broad meaning of demons), are supernatural creatures in early Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology. An individual member of the jinn is known as a jinni, djinni, or genie. They are mentioned frequently in the Quran (the 72nd sura is titled Surat al-Jinn) and other Islamic texts. The Quran says that the jinn were created from a smokeless and "scorching fire", but are also physical in nature, being able to interact in a tactile manner with people and objects and likewise be acted upon.
Devil (Islam)
In Islam, the Devil is known as Iblis Shay?an, or Shaitan.
The primary characteristic of the Devil is hubris; not only did he deem himself a superior creation to Adam, he also demonstrated arrogance by challenging Allah's judgment in commanding him to prostrate. His primary activity is to incite humans and jinn to commit evil through deception, which is referred to as "whispering into the hearts." The Quran mentions that satans are the assistants of those who disbelieve in God: "We have made the evil ones friends to those without faith."
Namings and etymology
The term Iblis may have derived from Ancient Greek (diábolos), also the ultimate source of English 'devil.' Or it may derive from the Arabic verbal root (balasa, "he despaired"). The term Shaytan has the same origin as Hebrew (Satan), source of the English Satan.
In Islamic theology, "Shaytan", is often simply translated as "the Devil," but the term can refer to any being who disobeys God and follows Iblis and intends to harm someone or does mischief.
The Devil in Islamic theology
According to The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, shaytan in the singular and the plural shayatin are used in the Quran often interchangeably with Iblis, who is "considered to be a particular shaytan."[8] In islamic theology, Iblis is a Being created from fire who was allowed to mingle with Angels in the heavens until he rejected the command of God to bow before Adam. When God created Adam, the first human, He said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth.". The angels respond: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?" God affirms and all the angels prostrate, but Iblis does not. Iblis justified his decision, because he claims to be better than a human: "I am better than he: Thou didst create me from fire, and him from clay." Iblis requested trying to mislead the people to prove that he was right. Although God grants the request, he also warns Iblis that he would have no authority over his ‘ibad or "servants". As for My servants, no authority shalt thou have over them. Islamic scholars discussed the essence of Iblis. Because he was in heaven and among the angels, he could be an angel. But otherwise, he is called a Jinn in Surah 18:50. Those who reject Iblis angelic nature argue if he were an angel, he couldn´t disobey God´s command. Therefore scholars developed different interpretations about the essence of Iblis:
1) Iblis was the leader of an angelic tribe, called Jinn. One tribe was created of fire and the other was created of light. When Iblis refused to prostrate, he and his tribe, were cast out of heaven.
2) Iblis was the only angel created of fire and with a free will, while he is the only Jinn created in heaven. When he was cast out of heaven, he fathered the Jinns as his children. So Iblis would be the father of the Jinns, like Adam is mentioned to be the father of mankind.
3) Iblis was an angel, who was not able to bow before someone else than God. But by refusing God´s command, he was cast out of heaven and turned into a Jinn. So he did not refuse, because of lower desires, but because of his pride, and doubt in the good of mankind.
4) Iblis was one of the last believers of the Jinn, when God sent the angels to earth to punish the evil Jinn. Because Iblis was a great believer, he was evoke to heaven among the angels.
Why does Shaytan have two names?
Although the question doesn't have a specific answer (I'll mention the reason below), I will try to make this one clear enough.First to know is generally (not specific to Quran) that:
- Ibles is the Grand Shaytan, he is a Jinn, and the first one of all Shaytans. He is the one who disobeyed Allah's order to him to prostrate to Adam (PBUH), while
- Shaytan is every unbeliever Jinn (i.e, Kafer of Jinn), and so Ibles is one of them.
Now that's for generally speaking, BUT FOR Quran there is a specification. In fact in Quran, that rule doesn't apply, as the word "Shaytan" is mentioned sometimes with the meaning of Ibles, and some other times in the meaning of all Shaytans (i.e, Shaytan Kind).
For example, in this Aya, the word (Shaytan) means the whole Shaytan Kind, as Ibrahim (PBUH) tells his father not to worship Shaytans (written Satan in the translation):
Is Satan in Islam the same as Satan in the Bible?
1- Satan in Islam:
Satan in Islam is not the same satan in the bible. The Satan of Islam was a "Jinn", created from fire as all Jinns were and still are. Angels were and still are created from light. While Angels and Jinns are considered "Angels" in Islam, because they were created from the same material (fire is light, and light is fire), but Jinns are lower than the Angels, because Jinns are like humans; they do sin, while the Angels are perfect and Sinless. The similarity between Angels and Jinns is like the similarity between humans and animals. Created from almost the same material, but two different WORLDS. We also have "human-angels" V.S. evil and bad ones.
Order Out Of Chaos And The Coming Muslim Messiah/Antichrist
May 24, 2016
ISIS and the “End of the World”: How Apocalyptic Beliefs Influence Their Terror
Right-wing Christians aren’t the only ones who believe in an apocalypse, it also turns out that the Islamic State does as well. Their version of events also includes a “Mahdi” – a prophecy that the Islamic State is currently trying to fulfill.
During the last years of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, the Islamic State’s immediate founding fathers, by contrast, saw signs of the end times everywhere. They were anticipating, within a year, the arrival of the Mahdi—a messianic figure destined to lead the Muslims to victory before the end of the world. McCants says a prominent Islamist in Iraq approached bin Laden in 2008 to warn him that the group was being led by millenarians who were “talking all the time about the Mahdi and making strategic decisions” based on when they thought the Mahdi was going to arrive. “Al-Qaeda had to write to [these leaders] to say ‘Cut it out.’” (Source)
Make no mistake about it, ISIS wants to draw countries like the United States, France, and Russia into a final conflict in the Middle East. They believe, just like Christian fundamentalists, that there will be a great war which will fulfill religious prophecies. You know they’re crazy when even Al-Qaeda had to tell them to “cut it out.”
Magicians assisted by Jinns/Demons
Dec 18, 2015
Some people mention that Jesus was just a magician, others think that certain abilities and powers can exist in individuals to make them perform miracles. Some say Jesus is the Son of God, as we are all Sons of God. It is debated by different Christian groups if Jesus was a God, or if Jesus had certain powers invested in him, or was born with these powers. Some even question if Jesus is just a combination of different stories, from different books.
Chapter 16: Mexico
We Mexicans welcome Muslims as the new Public Enemy Number One
10 December 2015
Pope Francis gets very angry in Mexico and filmed shouting
Feb 17, 2016
Islam in Mexico
Thousands of Muslim Migrants entering US through Mexican border
November 30, 2016
Dec 1, 2016------------------
Nov 29, 2016
African Migrants in Tijuana; Update
Sep 14, 2016
Dec 2, 2016
Many people want to visit America and Europe to experience the different cultures. Even many people from Africa, Asia and the Middle East do not like how Europe is losing its identity to Islam.
We think that different cultures should be able to visit across the world to see different cultures. We should not take in refugees in America and Europe. Americans and Europeans want to help out other people in the planet. Some say that if you do give refugees a job in the west, it is on the condition for when they leave, they can go to different parts of the world, with their spirit enriched from travel. We are now for banning all immigrants and refugees in America and Europe, we need jobs for Americans, and not foreigners.
Canada Overwhelmed By 100,000 Chinese Millionaire Immigrants
Jun 13, 2016
I hear that certain millionaire Chinese are now bribing their way into America, this is happening when all the Visas from Chinese visitors are maxed out, this needs to stop.
There are rumors that they want to make America the next billion person country, while allowing many immigrants to illegally come across the border. Many say that the world is already overpopulated. We need to expand on other planets, where we could have billions of people living on different planets, this is why we need to really treat each other better on this planet.
Visa program for wealthy investors maxed out by Chinese demand
Aug 29, 2014
EMERGENCY ALERT: Communist Chinese Now Taking Over US Media
Jan 26, 2017
For more information of the corruption in China, view the article Pollution Science 101 China -
If anyone wants to save their identity from Globalism, it is many of the Chinese people. Look at all the nice Chinese history and artwork. Wouldn't it be horrible if none of it ever even existed, and was only more Islamic history. It would seem very boring to many, to only have Islamic culture across the globe. Many Chinese, including other Asian countries are just concerned about losing their identity, just as in Europe, Africa and America. 1.2 billion Chinese is a lot of people, look at the amount of pollution that China is creating. Even many countries in Africa are afraid of losing their culture. We can see all the great ancient African culture, and how tribal it is, I love this culture, its art and music. I would hate to see tribal African nations such as Nigeria, fall victim to Sharia Law, and lose its culture. Many Nigerians are on the verge of facing genocide, by Sharia Law and Islamic expansion.
You often hear about different genocides such as the Armenian Genocide. Many have now called the millions of refugees flooding many European countries a form of genocide. Genocide can also be the loss of a culture.
In response to this genocide, the best thing to do is start kicking out all Islamic/Sharia immigrants and refugees out of Europe and America, this includes Muslims that are in support of Sharia Law. We are also now in favor of a Moratorium on Islamic/Sharia expansion in the United States. When the Caliphates and Sharia Muslims stop calling for the genocide of the free nations of this planet, you will be allowed to travel to many of these countries again.
Chapter 17: Noahide Laws
Be a Jew Not a Noahide!
Jun 24, 2009
Noahide laws - DHS & TSA investigation 23
Mar 21, 2011
Seven Laws of Noah Seven Laws of Noah, also referred to as the Noahide Laws or the Noachide Laws (from the English transliteration of the Hebrew pronunciation of "Noah"), are a set of imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a binding set of laws for the "children of Noah" – that is, all of humanity.
Accordingly, any non-Jew who adheres to these laws because they were given by Moses is regarded as a righteous gentile, and is assured of a place in the world to come, the final reward of the righteous.
The seven Noahide laws as traditionally enumerated are the following:
- Do not deny God.
- Do not blaspheme God.
- Do not murder.
- Do not engage in illicit sexual relations.
- Do not steal.
- Do not eat from a live animal.
- Establish courts/legal system to ensure obedience to the law.
Chapter 18: The Kalergi Plan
Report: EU Intentionally Collapsing European Countries With Illegals
August 28, 2015
The 'Kalergi Plan' Started in the 70s
Illegal Muslim refugee trafficking is now creating chaos at the Greece-Macedonia border and the constant flood of boats arriving from Libya reveal a network that uses structured routes that seem unstoppable as they generate money for the mafia and the terrorist organizations involved like ISIS.
This scenario seems to fit perfectly with a secret plan of the New World Order known as the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan that some people in European right-wing circles say was created for the systematic genocide of the people of Europe.This plan was apparently devised by an Austrian diplomat and Freemason named Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894- 1972). The Kalergi family roots can be traced back to Byzantine royalty via Venetian aristocracy. Coudenhove-Kalergi was actually the first proponent of a unified Europe back in the 1920s and for this reason Coudenhove-Kalergi is recognized as the founder of the first popular movement for a United Europe.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi European Prize is awarded every two years to European leaders who have excelled in promoting what is beyond any political or religious ideology. Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompuy, two of the top pawns in the Bilderberg Club, have received this award in recent years.
Coudenhove-Kalergi’s father, initially an anti-semite, later became a close friend of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, but his son, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, also has strong connections with the Catholic elite due to his aristocratic status.
In 1922, he co-founded the Pan-European Union (PEU) with Archduke Otto von Habsburg, a staunch Catholic who was the head of the Habsburg dynasty and former Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary. He became involved with the Pan-European Union after becoming Grand Master and Sovereign of the highly influential Order of the Golden Fleece in 1922. Otto became International President of the PEU in 1973, after Coudenhove’s death.
According to Coudenhove-Kalergi’s autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 through Baron Louis de Rothschild he was in contact with Max Warburg, who offered to finance his movement for the next 3 years giving him 60,000 gold marks.
The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan becomes evident in 1925 when he writes in Practical Idealism (Praktischer Idealismus): “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
This book is very hard to get a hold of today. In Germany the book is practically censored, although it isn’t present on the official list of books censored by the German government. In 1990, the publishing company, “Independent News,” [Unabhängige Nachrichten], published a summary of the book and contemplated printing it in it’s entirety, but the government initiated a police search of the premises and the only copy of Praktischer Idealismus was confiscated. The book is not mentioned on the official internet pages of the Pan-European Movement, which is understandable because its content is directly in opposition to the movement’s official program.
Coudenhove-Kalergi suggested Beethoven’s hymn as the EU’s national anthem and was very active in connection with the design of the EU logo which contains masonic symbols. He was initiated in Freemasonry in the Humanitas Lodge in Vienna in the early 1920’s but left in 1926 to avoid the heavy criticism which occurred as a result of the relationship between the Pan-European movement and Freemasonry. Some say later, in 1947, he founded the powerful Ur-Lodge Pan-Europa that is still active to this day and draws members from the political and economic elite.
Coudenhove-Kalergi’s ground work prepared the EU for what many Christian’s familiar with the prophecies of “The Book of Revelation” perceive as “The New Holy Roman Empire.”
The socialist elite of Europe born out of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s plan have created a United Europe backed by the Vatican under a centralized government, a system that actually will be the prototype for the US and the rest of the world when the New World Order is finalized.
In the meantime, tensions rise as the Muslim population is being pushed like never before towards Europe to fulfill “The Kalergi Plan.” This will create civil unrest and wars in most areas of southern Europe almost certainly by the 2020’s facilitating population reduction.
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi

(EU Kalergi Stamp)
Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi (November 16, 1894 – July 27, 1972) was an Austrian-Japanese politician, philosopher and count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. The pioneer of European integration, he served as the founding president of the Paneuropean Union for 49 years which would be the preliminary ideological foundation of the European Union. His parents were Heinrich von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austro-Hungarian diplomat, and Mitsuko Aoyama, the daughter of an oil merchant, antiques-dealer, and major landowner in Tokyo. His childhood name in Japan was Aoyama Eijiro. He became a Czechoslovak citizen in 1919 and then took French nationality from 1939 until his death.
His first book, Pan-Europa, was published in 1923, and contained a membership form for the Pan-Europa movement which held its first Congress in Vienna in 1926. In 1927, Aristide Briand was elected honorary president of the Pan-Europa movement. Public figures who attended Pan-Europa congresses included Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann and Sigmund Freud.
Coudenhove-Kalergi was the first recipient of the Charlemagne Prize in 1950. The 1972–1973 academic year at the College of Europe was named in his honour. Coudenhove-Kalergi proposed Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as the music for the European Anthem. He also proposed a Europe Day, European postage stamp and many artefacts for the movement (e.g. badges and pennants)
Views on race and religion
In his attitudes towards race and religion, Coudenhove-Kalergi continued the work of his father. In his youth, the elder Coudenhove-Kalergi was an antisemite. He had expected to confirm his antipathy towards the Jews when he started working on his treatise Das Wesen des Antisemitismus (The Essence of Antisemitism); but, Coudenhove-Kalergi came to a different conclusion by the time he published his book in 1901. Following an ironic critique of the new racial theories, he declared that the essence of antisemitism amounted to nothing more credible than fanatical religious hatred. He traced that fanaticism to religious bigotry that originated in the promulgation of Torah under Ezra. According to the elder Coudenhove-Kalergi, Jewish religious bigotry provoked opposition from the relatively tolerant Greco-Roman polytheists, eliciting their anti-Judaic reaction. Heinrich Coudenhove-Kalergi credited the Jews with originating religious intolerance, and condemned it as a violation of genuine religious principles. He branded every sort of anti-Judaism unchristian. He further urged liberal Christians and Jews to ally in protecting both of their religions, and religion as such, against the emerging menace of secularism.In spite of his opposition to simplistic racial theory, Heinrich Coudenhove-Kalergi agreed that Jews are racially distinct. Although he pointed out that there is no Semitic race, because Semitic is a language family, he equivocated by also remarking that the charges that Semites were uncreative were belied by civilizations formed by the Assyrians and Babylonians, who spoke Semitic languages. He further sought to defend the Jews against charges of parasitic greed and cowardice with anecdotal counterexamples of Jewish industriousness and martial courage.
In an interview in the first Pan-European Congress in 1926, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi expressed the supports on Jews by the Pan-European movement and the benefits to Jews with the elimination of racial hatred and economic rivalry brought by the United States of Europe.
In 1932 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi composed a preface for a new edition of his father's condemnation of antisemitism, reissued by his own publishing house. In 1933 he responded to the ascendance of National Socialism by collaborating with Heinrich Mann, Arthur Holitscher, Lion Feuchtwanger, and Max Brod in writing and publishing the pamphlet Gegen die Phrase vom jüdischen Schädling (Against the Phrase 'Jewish Parasite').
In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism), written in 1925, he describes the future of Jews in Europe and of european racial composition with the following words:
The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
Real fascists such as Kalergi, including the people that support him, do not realize how much they go out of their way to harm other people, including their culture. This is how many dictators get in power, this is also how many wars are started.
There is nothing new about crimes against white people and Europeans, this has been going on for some time. Even some cultures believe that whites should be dead, cause they are a different skin color. Just look at how Albinos are treated in Africa, and many Albino people are killed for their body parts in Africa, this practice has been going on for thousands of years.
Albino Mutilations and Killings
Challenges for Persons with Albinism in Tanzania:
- Lack of low vision aids
- Epidemic rates of skin cancer
- Widespread social discrimination fueled by powerful myths
Muslim Rape Gangs roaming Europe seeking white rape victims.
Jan 7, 2012
Why Muslim Rapists Prefer Blondes: A History
The Muslim penchant to target “white” women for sexual exploitation—an epidemic currently plaguing Europe, especially Britain and Scandinavia—is as old as Islam itself, and even traces back to Muhammad.
Much literary evidence attests to this in the context of Islam’s early predations on Byzantium (for centuries, Christendom’s easternmost bulwark against the jihad). According to Ahmad M. H. Shboul (author of “Byzantium and the Arabs: The Image of the Byzantines as Mirrored in Arabic Literature”) Christian Byzantium was the “classic example of the house of war,” or Dar al-Harb—that is, the quintessential realm that needs to be conquered by jihad. Moreover, Byzantium was seen “as a symbol of military and political power and as a society of great abundance.”
The similarities between pre-modern Islamic views of Byzantium and modern Islamic views of the West—powerful, affluent, desirable, and the greatest of all infidels—should be evident. But they do not end here. To the medieval Muslim mind, Byzantium was further representative of “white people”—fair haired/eyed Christians, or, as they were known in Arabic, Banu al-Asfar, “children of yellow” (reference to blonde hair).
Muslims say they will make it legal to rape white women when they take over Europe
Sep 28, 2015
According to an editorial comment in the German newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, police are refusing to go public about crimes involving refugees and migrants because they do not want to give legitimacy to critics of mass migration. As a result, one recent rape was hushed up the the police for nearly three months, leaving other potential victims ignorant of the danger.
Muslims say they will make it legal to rape white women when they take over Europe
Aug 3, 2014
Shocking: Sweden is now the RAPE capital of the West. Here’s why…
While the rest of Europe struggles to absorb the flood of young male immigrants from Muslim-majority countries, countries may be well advised to look at Sweden for a terrifying glimpse of the future.“Sweden began opening its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Today it pays a high price for having done so. The group suffering the severest consequences of such an open door policy has been Swedish women,” according to The Daily Caller.
“As Muslim men immigrated to Sweden, they brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture bad enough inherently in the treatment of its own women. Under sharia, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband.”
History of slavery in the Muslim world
Slavery in the Muslim world first developed out of the slavery practices of pre-Islamic Arabia, and were at times radically different, depending on social-political factors such as the Arab slave trade. Two rough estimates by scholars of the number of slaves held over twelve centuries in Muslim lands are 11.5 million and 14 million.
Under Sharia, children of slaves or prisoners of war could become slaves but only non-Muslims. Manumission of a slave was encouraged as a way of expiating sins. Many early converts to Islam, such as Bilal ibn Rabah al-Habashi, were the poor and former slaves. In theory, slavery in Islamic law does not have a racial or color component, although this has not always been the case in practice.
Throughout Islamic history, slaves served in various social and economic roles, from powerful Emirs to harshly treated workers. Early on in Muslim history they were used in plantation labor similar to that in the Americas, but this was abandoned after harsh treatment led to destructive slave revolts, the most notable being the Zanj Rebellion. Slaves were widely employed in irrigation, mining, pastoralism, but the most common use was as soldiers, guards and domestic workers. Some rulers relied on military and administrative slaves to such a degree that the slaves were sometimes in the position to seize power. Among black slaves, there were roughly two females to every one male.
Because internal growth of the slave population was not enough to fulfill the demand in Muslim society, massive numbers of non-Muslim slaves were imported, resulting in enormous suffering and loss of life from their capture and transportation.
The Arab slave trade was most active in West Asia, North Africa, and Southeast Africa. In the early 20th century (post World War I), slavery was gradually outlawed and suppressed in Muslim lands, largely due to pressure exerted by Western nations such as Britain and France. Among the last states to abolish slavery were Saudi Arabia and Yemen, which abolished slavery in 1962 under pressure from Britain; Oman in 1970, and Mauritania in 1905, 1981, and again in August 2007. However, slavery claiming the sanction of Islam is documented presently in the predominantly Islamic countries of Chad, Mauritania, Niger, Mali, and Sudan.
Slavery in Islamic Arabia
Roles of slaves
A system of plantation labor, much like that which would emerge in the Americas, developed early on, but with such dire consequences that subsequent engagements were relatively rare and reduced. Moreover, the need for agricultural labor, in an Islam with large peasant populations, was nowhere near as acute as in the Americas. Slaves in Islam were mainly directed at the service sector - concubines and cooks, porters and soldiers - with slavery itself primarily a form of consumption rather than a factor of production. The most telling evidence for this is found in the gender ratio; among black slaves traded in Islam across the centuries, there were roughly two females to every male. Almost all female slaves had domestic occupations. This included the gratification of the master's sexual impulses. This was a lawful motive for their purchase, and the most common one.
In recruiting barbarians from the "martial races" beyond the frontiers into their imperial armies, In the scale of this recruitment, however, and the preponderant role acquired by these recruits in the imperial and eventually metropolitan forces, Muslim rulers went far beyond any precedent.
Arab slave trade
Bernard Lewis writes: "In one of the sad paradoxes of human history, it was the humanitarian reforms brought by Islam that resulted in a vast development of the slave trade inside, and still more outside, the Islamic empire." He notes that the Islamic injunctions against the enslavement of Muslims led to massive importation of slaves from the outside. According to Patrick Manning, Islam by recognizing and codifying the slavery seems to have done more to protect and expand slavery than the reverse.
The 'Arab' slave trade is sometimes called the 'Islamic' slave trade. Bernard Lewis writes that "polytheists and idolaters were seen primarily as sources of slaves, to be imported into the Islamic world and molded in Islamic ways, and, since they possessed no religion of their own worth the mention, as natural recruits for Islam." Patrick Manning states that religion was hardly the point of this slavery. Also, this term suggests comparison between Islamic slave trade and Christian slave trade. Propagators of Islam in Africa often revealed a cautious attitude towards proselytizing because of its effect in reducing the potential reservoir of slaves.
Arab or Islamic slave trade lasted much longer than Atlantic or European slave trade: "It began in the middle of the seventh century and survives today in Mauritania and Sudan. With the Islamic slave trade, we're talking of 14 centuries rather than four." Further, "whereas the gender ratio of slaves in the Atlantic trade was two males to every female, in the Islamic trade, it was two females to every male," according to Ronald Segal.
In the 8th century, Africa was dominated by Arab-Berbers in the north: Islam moved southwards along the Nile and along the desert trails. One supply of slaves was the Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia which often exported Nilotic slaves from their western borderland provinces, or from newly conquered or reconquered Muslim provinces. Native Muslim Ethiopian sultanates (rulership) exported slaves as well, such as the sometimes independent sultanate (rulership) of Adal .
For a long time, until the early 18th century, the Crimean Khanate maintained a massive slave trade with the Ottoman Empire and the Middle East. Between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly 1 million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast of North Africa.
On the coast of the Indian Ocean too, slave-trading posts were set up by Muslim Arabs. The archipelago of Zanzibar, along the coast of present-day Tanzania, is undoubtedly the most notorious example of these trading colonies. Southeast Africa and the Indian Ocean continued as an important region for the Oriental slave trade up until the 19th century. Livingstone and Stanley were then the first Europeans to penetrate to the interior of the Congo basin and to discover the scale of slavery there.[40] The Arab Tippu Tib extended his influence and made many people slaves. After Europeans had settled in the Gulf of Guinea, the trans-Saharan slave trade became less important. In Zanzibar, slavery was abolished late, in 1897, under Sultan Hamoud bin Mohammed. The rest of Africa had no direct contact with Muslim slave-traders.
While slaves were sometimes employed for manual labour during the Arab slave trade, this was usually the exception rather than the norm. The vast majority of labour in the medieval Islamic world consisted of free, paid labour. The only known exceptions to this general rule was in the plantation economy of 9th-century southern Iraq (which led to the Zanj Revolt), in 9th-century Ifriqiya (modern-day Tunisia), and in 11th-century Bahrain (during the Karmatian state).
Marriage and slavery
Mulai Ismail had a considerable impact on the overall views and customs of slave society. Mulai was well in control of his massive set of slaves. He knew how to placate those under his mighty hand and keep them under his control. He "is claimed to possess no fewer than two thousand concubines of almost every nation, – an inconceivable figure, of course, but one revealing Western hyperbolized fantasies about Muslim harems and the danger that lies in store for captured women" (Bekkaoui 13). This also further insinuates the power of European stereotypes of Moroccan society on the views of those involved. There was also a trend of using slave marriage to breed more trustworthy slaves – "Moulay Ismail had hit upon this idea of breeding slaves early in his reign. He found mulattos to be the most trustworthy of his servant-slaves and often forced his white slaves to wed black women in order to replenish his household of loyal half-castes" (Milton 128). Mulai truly enjoyed marrying off his charges and thought of it as a game. The children that came from these arranged marriages were then taken and raised by Mulai's men to be upright and obedient Islamic slaves.
19th and 20th centuries
The strong abolitionist movement in the 19th century in England and later in other Western countries influenced slavery in Muslim lands. Though the "position of the domestic slave in Muslim society was in most respects better than in either classical antiquity or the nineteenth-century Americas", thanks to regulation by Sharia law, the enlightened incentives and opportunities for slaves to be emancipated meant there was a strong market for new slaves and thus strong incentive to enslave and sell human beings. Appalling loss of life and hardships often resulted from the processes of acquisition and transportation of slaves to Muslim lands and this drew the attention of European opponents of slavery. The continuing pressure from European countries eventually overcame the strong resistance of religious conservatives who were holding that forbidding what God permits is just as great an offence as to permit what God forbids. Slavery, in their eyes, was "authorized and regulated by the holy law". Even masters persuaded of their own piety and benevolence sexually exploited their concubines, without a thought of whether this constituted a violation of their humanity. There were also many pious Muslims who refused to have slaves and persuaded others to do so. Eventually, the Ottoman Empire's orders against the traffic of slaves were issued and put into effect.
According to Brockopp, in the 19th century, "Some authorities made blanket pronouncements against slavery, arguing that it violated the Qur?anic ideals of equality and freedom. The great slave markets of Cairo were closed down at the end of the nineteenth century and even conservative Qur?an interpreters continue to regard slavery as opposed to Islamic principles of justice and equality."
Slavery in the forms of carpetweavers, sugarcane cutters, camel jockeys, sex slaves, and even chattel exists even today in some Muslim and non-Muslim countries (though some have questioned the use of the term slavery as an accurate description).
According to a March 1886 article in The New York Times, the Ottoman Empire allowed a slave trade in girls to thrive during the late 1800s, while publicly denying it. Girl sexual slaves sold in the Ottoman Empire were mainly of three ethnic groups: Circassian, Syrian, and Nubian. Circassian girls were described by the American journalist as fair and light skinned. They were frequently sent by Circassian leaders as gifts to the Ottomans. They were the most expensive, reaching up to 500 Turkish lira and the most popular with the Turks. The next most popular slaves were Syrian girls, with "dark eyes and hair", and light brown skin. Their price could reach to thirty lira. They were described by the American journalist as having "good figures when young". Throughout coastal regions in Anatolia, Syrian girls were sold. The New York Times journalist stated Nubian girls were the cheapest and least popular, fetching up to 20 lira.
According to Murray Gordon, unlike Western societies in which developed anti-slavery movements, no such organizations developed in Muslim societies. In Muslim politics the state interpreted Islamic law this then extended legitimacy to the traffic in slaves.
Writing about the Arabia he visited in 1862, the English traveler W. G. Palgrave met large numbers of black slaves. The effects of slave concubinage were apparent in the number of persons of mixed race and in the emancipation of slaves he found to be common. Charles Doughty, writing about 25 years later, made similar reports.
According to British explorer (and abolitionist) Samuel Baker, who visited Khartoum in 1862 six decades after the British had declared slave trade illegal, slave trade was the industry "that kept Khartoum going as a bustling town". From Khartoum slave raiders attacked African villages to the south, looting and destroying so that "surviving inhabitants would be force to collaborate with slavers on their next excursion against neighboring villages," and taking back captured women and young adults to sell in slave markets.
In the East Indies, slavery was common until the end of the 19th century. In Singapore in 1891 there was a regular trade in Chinese slaves by Muslim slaveowners, with girls and women sold for concubinage.
20th-century suppression and prohibition
See also: Abolitionism § National abolition dates
At Istanbul, the sale of black and Circassian women was conducted openly until the granting of the Constitution in 1908.
Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, slavery gradually became outlawed and suppressed in Muslim lands, due to a combination of pressure exerted by Western nations such as Britain and France, internal pressure from Islamic abolitionist movements, and economic pressures.
By the Treaty of Jeddah, May 1927 (art.7), concluded between the British Government and Ibn Sa'ud (King of Nejd and the Hijaz) it was agreed to suppress the slave trade in Saudi Arabia. Then by a decree issued in 1936 the importation of slaves into Saudi Arabia was prohibited unless it could be proved that they were slaves at that date.
In 1953, sheikhs from Qatar attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom included slaves in their retinues, and they did so again on another visit five years later.
In 1962 that all slavery practice or trafficking in Saudi Arabia was prohibited.
By 1969 it could be observed that most Muslim states had abolished slavery although it existed in the deserts of Iraq bordering Arabia and it still flourished in Saudi Arabia, the Yemen and Oman.[69] Slavery was not formally abolished in Yemen and Oman until the following year.[70] The last nation to formally enact the abolition of slavery practice and slave trafficking was the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in 1981.
Salafi and traditionalist juridical support for slavery
In recent years, according to some scholars, there has been a "reopening" of the issue of slavery by some conservative Salafi Islamic scholars after its "closing" earlier in the 20th century when Muslim countries banned slavery and "most Muslim scholars" found the practice "inconsistent with Qur'anic morality."
In 2003, Shaykh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body, the Senior Council of Clerics, issued fatwa claiming “Slavery is a part of Islam. Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.” Muslim scholars who said otherwise were "infidels".
While Saleh Al-Fawzan's fatwa does not repeal Saudi laws against slavery, the fatwa carries weight among many Salafi Muslims. According to reformist jurist and author Khaled Abou El Fadl, it "is particularly disturbing and dangerous because it effectively legitimates the trafficking in and sexual exploitation of so-called domestic workers in the Gulf region and especially Saudi Arabia." Organized criminal gangs smuggle children into Saudi Arabia where they are enslaved, sometimes mutilated, and forced to work as beggars. When caught, the children are deported as illegal aliens.
Mauritania and Sudan
In Mauritania slavery was abolished in the country's first constitution of 1961 after independence, and abolished yet again, by presidential decree, in July 1980. The "catch" of these abolitions was that is slave ownership was not abolished. The edict "recognized the rights of owners by stipulating that they should be compensated for their loss of property". No financial payment was provided by the state, so that the abolition amounted to "little more than propaganda for foreign consumption". Religious authorities within Mauritania assailed abolition. One leader, El Hassan Ould Benyamine, imam of a mosque in Tayarat attacked it as
"not only illegal because it is contrary to the teachings of the fundamental text of Islamic law, the Koran. The abolition also amounts to the expropriation from Muslims of their goods, goods that were acquired legally. The state, if it is Islamic, does not have the right to seize my house, my wife or my slave.`
In 1994-5 a Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights documented the physically and emotionally abuse of captives by the Sudanese Army and allied militia and army. The captives were "sold as slaves or forced to work under conditions amounting to slavery". The Sudanese government responded with "fury", accusing the author, Gaspar Biro of "harboring anti-Islam and Anti-Arab sentiments". In 1999 the UN Commission sent another Special Rapporteur who "also produced a detailed examination of the question of slavery incriminating the government of Sudan." At least in the 1980s, slavery in Sudan was developed enough for slaves to have a market price—the price of a slave boy fluctuating between $90 and $10 in 1987 and 1988.
21st century
According to the U.S. State Department as of 2005:
Saudi Arabia is a destination for men and women from South and East Asia and East Africa trafficked for the purpose of labor exploitation, and for children from Yemen, Afghanistan, and Africa trafficking for forced begging. Hundreds of thousands of low-skilled workers from India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Kenya migrate voluntarily to Saudi Arabia; some fall into conditions of involuntary servitude, suffering from physical and sexual abuse, non-payment or delayed payment of wages, the withholding of travel documents, restrictions on their freedom of movement and non-consensual contract alterations. The Government of Saudi Arabia does not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so.
Main article: Slavery in 21st-century Islamism
In 2014, Jihadist groups in the Middle East (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and Northern Nigeria (Boko Haram) have not only justified the taking of slaves in war but actually enslaved women and girls. Abubakar Shekau, the leader of the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram said in an interview, "I shall capture people and make them slaves". Shekau has justified his actions stating, "[w]hat we are doing is an order from Allah, and all that we are doing is in the Book of Allah that we follow". Of the 2014 Chibok kidnapping of over 200 non-Muslim schoolgirls, he stated "Allah instructed me to sell them: they are his properties. I will sell them in the market by Allah.".
In the digital magazine Dabiq, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed religious justification for enslaving Yazidi women whom they consider to be from a heretical sect. ISIL claimed that the Yazidi are idol worshipers and their enslavement part of the old shariah practice of spoils of war. The Economist reports that ISIS has taken "as many as 2,000 women and children" captive, selling and distributing them as sexual slaves, and in April 2015, a United Nations special envoy visiting Iraq was given a copy of an Islamic State list of prices for captured women and children. (Prices on the list varied from $165 for slaves 1–9 years old, to $41 for women 41–50 years old.)
ISIL appealed to apocalyptic beliefs and "claimed justification by a Hadith that they interpret as portraying the revival of slavery as a precursor to the end of the world." In late September 2014, 126 Islamic scholars from around the Muslim world signed an open letter to the Islamic State's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, rejecting his group's interpretations of the Qur'an and hadith to justify its actions. The letter accuses the group of instigating fitna—sedition—by instituting slavery under its rule in contravention of the anti-slavery consensus of the Islamic scholarly community.
Arab slave trade
Islamic views on slavery
Islamic views on slavery first developed out of the slavery practices of pre-Islamic Arabia, and were at times radically different, depending on social-political factors such as the Arab slave trade.
In Islamic law, the topic of slavery is covered at great length. The Quran (the holy book) and the hadith (the sayings of Muhammad) see slavery as being allowed, but only as an exceptional condition that can be entered into under certain limited circumstances. Only children of slaves or non-Muslim prisoners of war could become slaves, never a freeborn Muslim. They also consider manumission of a slave to be one of many meritorious deeds available for the expiation of sins. According to Sharia, slaves are considered human beings and possessed some rights on the basis of their humanity. In addition, a Muslim slave is equal to a Muslim freeman in religious issues and superior to the free non-Muslim.
In practice, slaves played various social and economic roles, from Emir to worker. Slaves were widely employed in irrigation, mining, pastoralism, and the army. Some rulers even relied on military and administrative slaves to such a degree that they seized power. In some cases, the treatment of slaves was so harsh that it led to uprisings, such as the Zanj Rebellion. However, this was an exception rather than the norm, as the vast majority of labor in the medieval Islamic world consisted of free, paid labour. For a variety of reasons, internal growth of the slave population was not enough to fulfill the demand in Muslim society. This resulted in massive importation, which involved enormous suffering and loss of life from the capture and transportation of slaves from non-Muslim lands. In theory, slavery in Islamic law does not have a racial or color component, although this has not always been the case in practice.
Slavery in pre-Islamic Arabia
Slavery was widely practiced in pre-Islamic Arabia, as well as in the rest of the ancient and early medieval world. The minority were white slaves of foreign extraction, likely brought in by Arab caravaners (or the product of Bedouin captures) stretching back to biblical times. Native Arab slaves had also existed, a prime example being Zayd ibn Harithah, later to become Muhammad's adopted son. Arab slaves, however, usually obtained as captives, were generally ransomed off amongst nomad tribes. The slave population increased by the custom of child abandonment (see also infanticide), and by the kidnapping, or, occasionally, the sale of small children. There is no conclusive evidence of the existence of enslavement for debt or the sale of children by their families; the late and rare accounts of such occurrences show them to be abnormal, Brunschvig states (According to Brockopp, debt slavery was persistent.) Free persons could sell their offspring, or even themselves, into slavery. Enslavement was also possible as a consequence of committing certain offenses against the law, as in the Roman Empire.
Slave women were required mainly as concubines and menials. A Muslim slaveholder was entitled by law to the sexual enjoyment of his slave women. While free women might own male slaves, they had no such right. The property of a slave was owned by his or her master unless a contract of freedom of the slave had been entered into, which allowed the slave to earn money to purchase his or her freedom and similarly to pay bride wealth. The marriage of slaves required the consent of the owner. Under the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools of jurisprudence male slaves could marry two wives, but the Maliki permitted them to marry four wives like the free men. According to the Islamic law, a male slave could marry a free woman but this was discouraged in practice. Islam permits sexual relations between a male master and his female slave outside marriage. This is referred to in the Qur'an as ma malakat aymanukum or "what your right hands possess". There are some restrictions on the master; he may not co-habit with a female slave belonging to his wife, neither can he have relations with a female slave if she is co-owned, or already married.
In ancient Arabian custom, the child of a freeman by his slave was also a slave unless he was recognized and liberated by his father. In theory, the recognition by a master of his offspring by a slave woman was optional in Islamic society, and in the early period was often withheld. By the High Middle Ages it became normal and was unremarkable in a society where the sovereigns themselves were almost invariably the children of slave concubines. The mother receives the title of "umm walad" (lit. mother of a child), which is an improvement in her status as she can no longer be sold. Among Sunnis, she is automatically freed upon her master's death, however for Shi'a, she is only freed if her child is still alive; her value is then deducted from this child's share of the inheritance. Lovejoy writes that as an umm walad, they attained "an intermediate position between slave and free" pending their freedom, although they would sometimes be nominally freed as soon as they gave birth.
There is no limit on the number of concubines a master may possess. However, the general marital laws are to be observed, such as not having sexual relations with the sister of a female slave. In Islam, "men are enjoined to marry free women in the first instance, but if they cannot afford the bridewealth for free women, they are told to marry slave women rather than engage in wrongful acts." One rationale given for recognition of concubinage in Islam is that "it satisfied the sexual desire of the female slaves and thereby prevented the spread of immorality in the Muslim community." Most schools restrict concubinage to a monogamous relationship between the slave woman and her master, According to Sikainga, "in reality, however, female slaves in many Muslim societies were prey for members of their owners' household, their neighbors, and their guests."
In Shiite jurisprudence it is unlawful for a master of a female slave to grant a third party the use of her for sexual relations. The Shiite scholar Shaykh al-Tusi stated: "It is not permissible to loan (the slave girl) for enjoyment purpose, because sexual intercourse cannot be legitimate through loaning" and the Shiite scholars al-Muhaqiq al-Kurki, Allamah al-Hilli and Ali Asghar Merwarid made the following ruling: "It is not permissible to loan the slave girl for the purpose of sexual intercourse"
Under the legal doctrine of kafa'a(lit."efficiency"), the purpose of which was to ensure that a man should be at least the social equal of the woman he marries, a freedman is not as good as the son of a freedman, and he in turn not as good as the grandson of a freedman. This principle is pursued up to three generations, after which all Muslims are deemed equally free. Lewis asserts that since kafa'a "does not forbid unequal marriages", it is in no sense a "Muslim equivalent of Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany or the apartheid laws of South Africa. His purpose, he states, is not to try to set up a moral competition - to compare castration and apartheid as offenses against humanity."
Should Whites Apologize For Slavery?
BuzzFeed says yes
May 3, 2017Why do white people get the blame for slavery when virtually every race in human history engaged in the slave trade?
Look at how much of the world attempts to say how bad white people are at slavery, when many different cultures were involved in slavery, especially the people from the Middle East, Asia and Africans tribes enslaving each other. I refuse to listen to anymore conversations about this, unless you first mention the Moors, the history of Muslims and many other cultures in Africa that attack people based on their skin color. Even many of these tribes started wars, and have tried to hunt down Albino people, and people of white skin color. This is why the European people went over to America, to avoid more problems, such as the Moors invading Spain, which Muslims hate to talk about. This has been going on for thousands of years, and I see why is it that many people trying to live in the ghetto are so violent. The European people are way more technologically advanced, and why they were able to expand around the world, and could have defeated many other cultures, but decided not to. The European people do not want to face genocide. We will not tolerate African-Muslim tribes, such as the Moors, from trying to start a war and breed white people out of Europe. You should hear all the racist comments and how much people "hate white people," from all different cultures. We can see that history repeats itself, and that many people hate white people, and want to kill them. This is why America was founded, to avoid genocide by Muslim nations. This is why it was even illegal for interracial breeding in America, cause the Muslims would just try to come over and breed out the American people. Why is it that so many people of foreign influence hate America and want to destroy it.
I would advise many of these people that hate white people to just relax and stop your hateful ways, you are actually causing more harm than good. Please stop threatening to genocide off white people, cause you honestly do not want a race war. I do not want a race war, and want people to live in peace.
Do you want to know what a real race war would mean? Do not forget that there are even race specific weapons that could eliminate different races of people entirely. We even have the technology to eliminate entire races of people, this is pretty gruesome technology. This is why I want different people and different tribes to live in peace, while opposing the Soros globalist plan. I wish people wouldn't hate each other based on race, I think we just need different culture zones around the world. It doesn't help when the globalist government brings in Muslims to try and genocide off your people and culture, this is how cultural wars are started.
This is a good example of why Dictators such as Hitler end up coming to power. No decent European wants Europe to be overran by foreigners from different sides of the world, that all joke about and want to bring down the European people and Europe. We need to stop many of these groups such as the Rothschilds and George Soros, from trying to destroy Europe with more unwanted foreigners and foreign globalist influence that we do not want. I would rather have millions of Muslims die in the streets of Europe, than to have these Muslims try and genocide off my own people, as we can see history now repeating itself. I am not afraid to stand up for Europe and its people, while stopping this murderous Islamic influence. I say we make America, Europe and Canada a majority white areas, and that we start kicking out many of these third world low IQ degenerates. Brown people have plenty of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America to roam.
The Very First Americans May Have Had European Roots
Some early Americans came not from Asia, it seems, but by way of Europe
DNA links Native Americans with Europeans
Ancient DNA reveals that the ancestors of modern-day Native Americans had European roots. The discovery sheds new light on European prehistory and also solves old mysteries concerning the colonisation of America
Rethinking the Peopling of the Americas
Mar 21, 2017
Indo-Aryan peoples
Indo-Aryan peoples are a diverse Indo-European-speaking ethnolinguistic group of speakers of Indo-Aryan languages. There are over one billion native speakers of Indo-Aryan languages, most of them native to South Asia, where they form the majority.
An old Irish legend about an ancient Egyptian princess
Aug 16, 2016
Ancient Aryans and the Ramayana Epic Poem
Sep 3, 2016
Flower Power: Stories from the Black Sea
Mar 14, 2017
Giant Mummies and Pyramids of China
Apr 4, 2011Perfectly preserved Caucasoid mummies and pyramids discovered in China, thousands of years before the Silk road, the earliest inhabitants to the area.
Yingpan Man, his 2.00 meter (six-foot, six-inch) long body and the clothes and artifacts discovered in the surrounding tombs suggest the highest level of civilization in the ancient Tarim Basin region. Buddhism origins.
Documentary: China's Pyramids National Geographic
Aug 31, 2013
Ancient White Mummies of Asia
Sep 14, 2014
10 Things You May Not Know About Genghis Khan
April 29, 2014There is no definitive record of what he looked like.
Perhaps the most surprising description comes courtesy of the 14th century Persian chronicler Rashid al-Din, who claimed Genghis had red hair and green eyes. Al-Din’s account is questionable—he never met the Khan in person—but these striking features were not unheard of among the ethnically diverse Mongols.
Ancient Bloodlines and Lost Civilizations - ROBERT SEPEHR
Jul 6, 2016
The Hidden History of the Khazarian Empire
Sep 12, 2016
Gypsies: Wanderers No More - ROBERT SEPEHR
Mar 26, 2017
The Armenian Stonehenge
The Armenian Stonehenge predates that on the British Isles by 4500 years but it's origins and purpose is equally mysterious.
For more information on this history, view our article titled Pollution Science 101 Russia -
We see how even many countries such as Greece have been infiltrated by so much violence from the Middle East, for thousands of years as well. We can see a long giant history of darker skinned humans, wanting to try kill people with lighter and fair skin, this has been going on for thousands of years. This is why white people join in groups and create the most advanced civilizations, in order to get away from racial persecution from Muslims, including other tribes.
War against Islam
Chapter 19: Empires
The Moors were an Islamic tribe in Northern Africa. The Moors invaded Spain, and raped many European women, this is why many Spanish are darker skinned. Many Muslims even try to claim that Spain is rightfully their land still, this shows the true murderous nature of past Islamic cultures. You can see how it was toxic religion, that causes Islam to try and take over other nations. If our European ancestors could use drone strikes in the days when Muslims were murdering, raping and pillaging other nations, I honestly think they would have used as many resources to stop the expansion of Sharia Law.
I do not want to be a part of any type of genocide of any culture on this planet.
Part of me thinks that we do have a legitimate reason for using force, to stop all expansion of Sharia government. A thousand years ago, force was the only way to stop the violent Islamic expansion of raping and pillaging other cultures. Do you see how Islamic extremists trying to use Sharia Law to genocide other cultures, causes peaceful people and nations to finally stand up and defend themselves from this fascist Sharia Law.
What if I said that I think we should drone strike governments and armies under Sharia Law. What if we dedicated to have one area where there would be Islamic Sharia Law, let's say Saudi Arabia for instance.
Some say that we could still have just only one country that would be allowed to have Sharia Law, this would be very controlled as well, to make sure that they do not expand Sharia Law, or gain nuclear weapons, etc. I personally think we should just get rid of all the Sharia Law, if it is going to be such a problem. Many think we would be better off just killing the supporters of Sharia, than having them try to Genocide Europe. We have the superior technology to defeat ISIS. We can limit the number of Sharia supporters, and make the world a better place for our children. I do not want my children being threatened by Sharia Law. I would despise if my daughter was forced to wear a veil over her face. Then face being executed under Sharia Law, if my daughter did not comply with the laws of this fascist Sharia regime.
I can see now how different governments want to end all religion when it sees radical Islam, however, I think that is also another extreme as well. We see how the fascist government in China, under Mao, outlawed religion many years ago. We can take truth from any religion that we see, it is also difficult to ban an idea. We are going to ask all Sharia/Muslims to leave Europe and America, and stop trying to genocide our culture with your acts of rape and violence to our people.
When the Moors (Muslims) Ruled Europe: Documentary (full)
Oct 17, 2009
Spain under ISLAM Siege - Spain Resists Islamic 'Invasion'
Nov 7, 2015---------------
Dec 10, 2016
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
The nature and length of this "Golden Age" has been a subject of much debate, as there were at least three Golden Ages interrupted by periods of oppression of Jews and non-Jews. A few scholars give the start of the Golden Age as 711–718, the Muslim conquest of Iberia. Others date it from 912, under the rule of Abd-ar-Rahman III. The end of the age is variously given as 1031, when the Caliphate of Cordoba ended, 1066, the date of the Granada massacre, 1090, when the Almoravides invaded, or the mid-12th century, when the Almohades invaded.
When the Moors invaded Spain, it was an Islamic conquest, they established a Caliphate in Spain even. This Caliphate allowed Jews in Spain to help them take over Europe. Why is it now, that many Muslims don't allow Jews to exist. We even see how Albinos are treated very violently, because of their skin color in many parts of Africa. Some cultures think that white people, are a weird race of people, unlike any of the world. Some people are ""xenophobic,"" and want to kill whites when they see them. This is true, and takes place in many places of Africa, Asia, South America and Middle East, with all respects. Even many areas in Europe a thousand years ago, people would kill you in many northern parts of the world, if you were brown skinned. Much of this was a survival instinct, of tribes killing any types of outsiders. This made it to where many Europeans would have to defend against these attacks from the Middle East. Slavery was rampant in much of the Middle East, Europe and Africa. The highest rate of slavery, is in the Middle East. We can now see that the British, French, Spanish, Dutch and Germans, expanded their Empires, to fight against the Islamic expansion. We can see that Rome and Greece also expanded their Empires, this was also done to keep royal families in power, that would even oppress their own people. We can even see that the Persian empire, was a very formidable Empire of expanding across the central globe, just look at the movie 300.
We see how its the Templar's, the Pope and British monarch, including Spanish monarch, that fought against the expansion of the Caliphate. However, many of these groups have their own agenda, and also wanted political power. Many of these groups tried to hand down their political power to their offspring.
Some people think it is good Europe expanded around the globe, this was to fight the expansion of Sharia, this includes the attacks from the Moors, and the Middle East.
The Reconquista: Every Year
{Look at how much the Spanish expanded their empire after Islamic assaults on Spain. This
also radicalized Spain to attacking other cultures, to gain more power to defeat the Islamic armies. Spain didn't even deserve to occupy many countries in the Americas, this should have gone to England, America, Germany or France. We should not allow Mexico to try and take over any parts of America}.
5/1/2019 - Pollution Science 101 - Mexico - Faults of Mexico -
Map of the Spanish Empire
Persian Empire
Roman Empire
The British Empire
Map of the French Empire
The Spread of the Indo-Europeans
The Dutch Empire
We can see how different countries in the world tried to expand their empire. This was in order to have more influence in the globe, than other empires with different people and religions. It became a race for many to conquer different far away lands, in the name of their religion and royal empires.
Look at how the British Monarch still has power. We can see how we have the Vatican, the British Royals, Sharia military Law, including the Freemasons and other secret societies have power. Many of these groups and families even try to ally to gain more power. We can see how many of these groups try to all get their share of power. The free world wishes that none of these groups would continue to have power over the free people of the world.
Anglican Communion
The Anglican Communion is an international association of independent churches consisting of the Church of England and national and regional Anglican churches in full communion with it. Full participation in the sacramental life of each church is available to all communicant Anglicans.
Church of England
The Church of England is the Anglican Christian state church of England. Headed by the Archbishop of Canterbury (currently Justin Welby) and primarily governed from London with the monarch as the supreme governor, the Church of England is also the mother church of the international Anglican Communion. The church dates its formal establishment as a national church to the 6th-century Gregorian mission in Kent led by Augustine of Canterbury, with considerable features introduced and established during and following the English Reformation in the 16th century.
The English church renounced papal authority when Henry VIII sought to secure an annulment from Catherine of Aragon in the 1530s. The English Reformation accelerated under Edward VI's regents before a brief restoration of papal authority under Queen Mary I and King Philip. The Act of Supremacy 1558 renewed the breach and the Elizabethan Settlement charted a course whereby the English church was to be both Catholic and Reformed:
Church of England
Classification: Anglican
Orientation: Anglicanism
Polity: Episcopal
Supreme Governor: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
Separated from: Roman Catholic Church
Queen's Bench
The Queen's Bench (French: Cour du banc de la Reine; or, during the reign of a male monarch, the King's Bench, Cour du banc du Roi) is the superior court in a number of jurisdictions within some of the Commonwealth realms. The original King's Bench, founded in 1215 in England, was one of the ancient courts of the land and is now a division of the High Court of Justice of England and Wales.
The Court of Queen's Bench is the superior court in several Canadian provinces, including:
Alberta (Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta),
Manitoba (Court of Queen's Bench of Manitoba),
New Brunswick (Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick),
Saskatchewan (Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan).
There was formerly a Court of King's Bench created in the British colony of Quebec in 1764; it was also known as the supreme or superior court until 1775. It was then abolished and re-established in 1777, following the Quebec Act. Following the separation of Upper and Lower Canada in 1791, the single court was replaced by several courts of King's bench of each region of the two new provinces. In 1849, the districts in were reunited once again.
England and Wales
Main articles: Court of King's Bench (England) and Court of King's Bench (Ireland)
Court of Queen's Bench
In England and Wales, the Court of King's Bench (or Court of Queen's Bench) was the name of two courts. Each was a senior court of common law, with civil and criminal jurisdiction, and a specific jurisdiction to restrain unlawful actions by public authorities.
The English Court of Queen's Bench was abolished in 1875 by the Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873. The Court's jurisdiction passed in each case to a new High Court of Justice and specifically to the Queen's Bench Division of that court. The Irish Court of Queen's Bench was abolished by the Supreme Court of Judicature (Ireland) Act 1877. The Queen's Bench jurisdiction is now vested in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court in Northern Ireland.
Monarchy of Canada
The Monarchy of Canada is at the very core of both Canada's federal structure and Westminster-style of parliamentary and constitutional democracy. The monarchy is the foundation of the executive (Queen-in-Council), legislature (Queen-in-Parliament), and judiciary (Queen-on-the-Bench) in the federal and each provincial jurisdiction. The Canadian sovereign is the personification of the Canadian state and, as a matter of constitutional law, is Canada. The current Canadian monarch, since 6 February 1952, is Queen Elizabeth II. Royal succession is determined according to common and statute law, which stipulates the throne is inherited by the sovereign's eldest living, non-Catholic child or, in the case of a childless sovereign, the nearest collateral line. As such, Elizabeth's son, Prince Charles, is heir apparent.
Governor General of Canada
Constitutional role
Blasphemy law in the Republic of Ireland
In the Republic of Ireland, blasphemy is required to be prohibited by Article 40.6.1.i. of the 1937 Constitution. The common law offence of blasphemous libel, applicable only to Christianity and last prosecuted in 1855, was ruled in 1999 to be incompatible with the Constitution's guarantee of religious equality. The lacuna was filled in 2009 by a new offence of "publication or utterance of blasphemous matter", against any religion. The continued existence of a blasphemy offence is controversial, with proponents of freedom of speech and freedom of religion arguing it should be removed. The government formed in 2016 has committed to holding a referendum on abolishing the constitutional offence.
The advocacy group Atheist Ireland responded to the enactment by announcing the formation of the "Church of Dermotology" (named after Dermot Ahern). On the date on which the law came into effect, it published a series of potentially blasphemous quotations on its website and vowed to challenge any resulting legal action.
After the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting, Ali Selim of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland suggested that the blasphemy provision of the Defamation Act 2009 should be applied to any media outlet reproducing cartoons depicting Muhammad as part of the "Je suis Charlie" campaign.
In 2016, Neville Cox said, "My view is the 2009 act fulfilled a constitutional obligation on the crime of blasphemy, but skilfully rendered the law completely unenforceable. I am not saying that was the intention."
Blasphemy law in Australia
Australia's Constitution (Section 116) prohibits Australia from having a state religion, and the Crown has rarely acted to protect religion. With the establishment of the Australian colonies, blasphemy law was "received" with the common law of England. As a federation, the law in independent Australia differs between states; the English blasphemy laws have been abolished in some jurisdictions and replaced with legislation in others. Consequently, blasphemy law varies by jurisdiction.
Religion to which the offences relate
In England where the common law offences originated, the question was considered settled in 1838 by Gathercole's Case. Baron Charles Alderson, speaking for the court, declared that "A person may, without being liable to prosecution for it, attack Judaism, or Mahomedanism, or even any sect of the Christian religion (save the established religion of the country); and the only reason why the latter is in a different situation from the others is, because it is the form established by law, and is therefore a part of the constitution of the country". As Australia and Australian states and territories have no established religion it is doubtful that the common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel apply in Australia.
Position of the Anglican church
The English common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel received into Australian law were intended to protect the tenets of the Anglican church but the Anglican church no longer supports the retention of these laws. At a meeting in the chapel of the Houses of Parliament in early 2015, Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury said that Christians must stand up for religious freedom of atheists and Muslims as much as themselves and that he was opposed to all restrictions on freedom of speech concerning religion which did not constitute hate speech. He thanked the former MP Evan Harris, a humanist, for his efforts to abolish the blasphemy laws in the UK.
Islam's Flag will fly over Australia - They think
Jun 9, 2013
Muslim Sharia Law In Australia
Jul 14, 2011
Australians Against Islam - AAI
Nov 9, 2015
After Importing Thousands Of Refugees, Canadians Now Say Muslim Immigrants Have ‘Fundamentally Different Values’
Immigration Watch Canada
Survey: Canadians regretting Muslim refugees, believe mainstream Islam promotes violence
How Islamophobia is driving young Canadian Muslims to reclaim their identity
Pressure to answer for Islamic extremism might explain why young Muslims feel more Muslim than Canadian
Apr 27, 2016
Canadian Muslims’ fear over safety grows after Quebec City mosque attack
Jan. 30, 2017
Finnish lady describes the Muslim violence, they brag of attacks.
Jan 17, 2017
Chapter 20: History
When MongoLs gave MusLims TASTE of their own Medicine of CrueLty, Barbarism & DESTRUCTION
Dec 9, 2016
What if the Crusades Never Happened?
Aug 10, 2015
The First Crusade: A Defensive War
Jul 24, 2016
How the Crusades Saved Europe
Sep 5, 2013
Islam was at war with Europe during the Crusades. Now the European governments betray the people of Europe, and let many people trying to enforce Sharia law in the streets of Europe. Many of these foreigners,want to undermine the people of Europe and implement Sharia Law. I know that hundreds of years ago, that for certain, our ancestors would have fought and died to stop Sharia Law from spreading across Europe like a plague. Europe has some of the most beautiful women in the world, many people that want to enforce Sharia law, want to put rags and bags, over the heads of the most beautiful women, then bully women into wearing it. This is why we must expel this type of Sharia political law out of Europe, including the religious extremists enforcing it.
List of religious populations says "Sizes shown are approximate estimates, and are here mainly for the purpose of ordering the groups, not providing a definitive number".
Adherents | Percentage | |
Christianity | 2.2 billion | 31.50% |
Islam | 1.6 billion | 22.32% |
Secular /Nonreligious /Agnostic/Atheist | ≤1.1 billion | 15.35% |
Hinduism | 1 billion | 13.95% |
Chinese traditional religion | 394 million | 5.50% |
Buddhism | 376 million | 5.25% |
Ethnic religions excluding some in separate categories | 300 million | 4.19% |
African traditional religions | 100 million | 1.40% |
Sikhism | 23 million | 0.32% |
Spiritism | 15 million | 0.21% |
Judaism | 14 million | 0.20% |
Bahá'í | 7.0 million | 0.10% |
Jainism | 4.2 million | 0.06% |
Shinto | 4.0 million | 0.06% |
Cao Dai | 4.0 million | 0.06% |
Zoroastrianism | 2.6 million | 0.04% |
Tenrikyo | 2.0 million | 0.02% |
Neo-Paganism | 1.0 million | 0.01% |
Unitarian Universalism | 0.8 million | 0.01% |
Rastafarianism | 0.6 million | 0.01% |
Nestorianism is a Christological doctrine that emphasizes a distinction between the human and divine persons of Jesus. It was advanced by Nestorius (386–450), Patriarch of Constantinople from 428 to 431, influenced by Nestorius's studies under Theodore of Mopsuestia at the School of Antioch.
Nestorius's teachings brought him into conflict with other prominent church leaders, most notably Cyril of Alexandria, who criticized especially his rejection of the title Theotokos ("Bringer-forth of God") for Mary, the mother of Jesus. Nestorius and his teachings were eventually condemned as heretical at the Council of Ephesus in 431 and the Council of Chalcedon in 451, which led to the Nestorian Schism; churches supporting Nestorius broke with the rest of the Christian Church.
Following that, many of Nestorius's supporters relocated to the Sasanian Empire, where they affiliated with the local Christian community, known as the Church of the East. Over the next decades the Church of the East became increasingly Nestorian in doctrine, leading to it becoming known alternatively as the Nestorian Church.
Nestorianism is a form of dyophysitism. It can be seen as the antithesis to monophysitism, which emerged in reaction to Nestorianism. Where Nestorianism holds that Christ had two loosely united natures, divine and human, monophysitism holds that he had but a single nature, his human nature being absorbed into his divinity. A brief definition of Nestorianism Christology can be given as: "Jesus Christ, who is not identical with the Son but personally united with the Son, who lives in him, is one hypostasis and one nature: human;" This contrasts with Nestorius' own teaching that the Word, which is eternal, and the Flesh, which is not, came together in a hypostatic union, 'Jesus Christ', Jesus thus being both fully man and God, of two ousia (Ancient Greek) but of one prosopon. Both Nestorianism and monophysitism were condemned as heretical at the Council of Chalcedon. Monophysitism survived and developed into the Miaphysitism of the Oriental Orthodoxy.History
Following the exodus to Iran, scholars expanded on the teachings of Nestorius and his mentors, particularly after the relocation of the School of Edessa to the Persian city of Nisibis (modern-day Nusaybin) in 489, where it became known as the School of Nisibis.
Nestorianism never again became prominent in the Roman Empire or later Europe, though the diffusion of the Church of the East in and after the seventh century, spread it widely across Asia.
However, not all churches affiliated with the Church of the East appear to have followed Nestorian Christology; indeed, the modern Assyrian Church of the East, which reveres Nestorius, does not follow all historically Nestorian doctrine.
Despite this initial Eastern expansion, the Nestorians' missionary success was eventually deterred. David J Bosch observes, "By the end of the fourteenth century, however, the Nestorian and other churches—which at one time had dotted the landscape of all of Central and even parts of East Asia—were all but wiped out. Isolated pockets of Christianity survived only in India. The religious victors on the vast Central Asian mission field of the Nestorians were Islam and Buddhism[.
Nestorian doctrine
Nestorius developed his Christological views as an attempt rationally to explain and understand the incarnation of the divine Logos, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity as the man Jesus. He had studied at the School of Antioch where his mentor had been Theodore of Mopsuestia; Theodore and other Antioch theologians had long taught a literalist interpretation of the Bible and stressed the distinctiveness of the human and divine natures of Jesus. Nestorius took his Antiochene leanings with him when he was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople by Byzantine emperor Theodosius II in 428.
Nestorius's teachings became the root of controversy when he publicly challenged the long-used title Theotokos (Bringer forth of God) for Mary. He suggested that the title denied Christ's full humanity, arguing instead that Jesus had two persons, the divine Logos and the human Jesus. As a result of this duality, he proposed Christotokos (Bringer forth of Christ) as a more suitable title for Mary.
Nestorius' opponents found his teaching too close to the heresy of adoptionism – the idea that Christ had been born a man who had later been "adopted" as God's son. Nestorius was especially criticized by Cyril of Alexandria, Patriarch of Alexandria, who argued that Nestorius's teachings undermined the unity of Christ's divine and human natures at the Incarnation. Some of Nestorius's opponents argued that he put too much emphasis on the human nature of Christ, and others debated that the difference that Nestorius implied between the human nature and the divine nature created a fracture in the singularity of Christ, thus creating two Christ figures. Nestorius himself always insisted that his views were orthodox, though they were deemed heretical at the Council of Ephesus in 431, leading to the Nestorian Schism, when churches supportive of Nestorius and the rest of the Christian Church separated. A more elaborate Nestorian theology developed from there, which came to see Christ as having two natures united, or hypostases, the divine Logos and the human Christ. However, this formulation was never adopted by all churches termed "Nestorian". Indeed, the modern Assyrian Church of the East, which reveres Nestorius, does not fully subscribe to Nestorian doctrine, though it does not employ the title Theotokos.
Nestorian Schism and early history
In 431 Theodosius called the Council of Ephesus. However, the council ultimately sided with Cyril, holding that Christ is two natures in one person (hypostasis, subsistence), and that the Virgin Mary is the mother of God. The council accused Nestorius of heresy, and deposed him as patriarch. Nestorianism was officially anathematized, a ruling reiterated at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. However, a number of churches, particularly those associated with the School of Edessa, supported Nestorius – though not necessarily his doctrine – and broke with the churches of the West. Many of Nestorius' supporters relocated to the Sasanian Empire of Iran, home to a vibrant but persecuted Christian minority.
Nestorianism and the Persian Church
Iran had long been home to a Christian community that had been persecuted by the Zoroastrian majority, which had accused it of Roman leanings. In 424, the Persian Church declared itself independent of the Byzantine Church and all other churches, in order to ward off allegations of foreign allegiance. Following the Nestorian Schism, the Persian Church increasingly aligned itself with the Nestorians, a measure encouraged by the Zoroastrian ruling class. The Persian Church became increasingly Nestorian in doctrine over the next decades, furthering the divide between Chalcedonian Christianity and the Nestorians. In 486 the Metropolitan of Nisibis, Barsauma, publicly accepted Nestorius' mentor, Theodore of Mopsuestia, as a spiritual authority. In 489 when the School of Edessa in Mesopotamia was closed by Byzantine Emperor Zeno for its Nestorian teachings, the school relocated to its original home of Nisibis, becoming again the School of Nisibis, leading to a wave of Nestorian immigration into Persia. The Persian patriarch Babai (497–502) reiterated and expanded upon the church's esteem for Theodore, solidifying the church's adoption of Nestorianism.
Now firmly established in Iran, with centers in Nisibis, Ctesiphon, and Gundeshapur, and several metropolides, the Nestorian Persian Church began to branch out beyond the Sasanian Empire. However, through the sixth century, the church was frequently beset with internal strife and persecution by Zoroastrians. The infighting led to a schism, which lasted from 521 until around 539, when the issues were resolved. However, immediately afterward Roman-Persian conflict led to the persecution of the church by the Sassanid emperor Khosrow I; this ended in 545. The church survived these trials under the guidance of Patriarch Aba I, who had converted to Christianity from Zoroastrianism.
The church emerged stronger after this period of ordeal, and increased missionary efforts farther afield. Missionaries established dioceses in the Arabian Peninsula and India (the Saint Thomas Christians). They made some advances in Egypt, despite the strong Miaphysite presence there. Missionaries entered Central Asia and had significant success converting local Turkic tribes. Nestorian missionaries were firmly established in China during the early part of the Tang dynasty (618–907); the Chinese source known as the Nestorian Stele records a mission under a Persian proselyte named Alopen as introducing Nestorian Christianity to China in 635. Following the Muslim conquest of Persia, completed in 644, the Persian Church became a dhimmi community under the Rashidun Caliphate. The church and its communities abroad grew larger under the Caliphate; by the 10th century it had fifteen metropolitan sees within the Caliphate's territories, and another five elsewhere, including in China and India.
Some Nestorian Christians do not believe in the Trinity. Some Christians do not celebrate Christmas or Easter either. Some say they do not know the exact date Jesus was born, therefore they do not celebrate. Some Christians even refuse to use cross symbolism, because they say they do not want to use symbols.
I know many Muslim that know a lot about religion say how they can respect Christianity in its original form. However, we can see that many religions have prophets. We can that Muhammad studied many religions before him that had prophets. This is how Muhammad was able to influence people to join with Muhammad. It was just someone taking the Old Testament and New Testament, then adding his own words in order to get certain people to follow.
Bahá'í Faith
The Bahá'í Faith is a monotheistic religion which emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humankind. Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, that there is only one God who is the source of all creation; the unity of religion, that all major religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God; and the unity of humanity, that all humans have been created equal, coupled with the unity in diversity, that diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance.'%C3%AD_Faith
Zoroastrianism, or more natively Mazdayasna, is one of the world's oldest extant religions, "combining a cosmogonic dualism and eschatological monotheism in a manner unique [...] among the major religions of the world". Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra), it exalts a deity of wisdom, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), as its Supreme Being. Major features of Zoroastrianism, such as messianism, heaven and hell, and free will have allegedly influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, and Islam. With possible roots dating back to the second millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters recorded history in the 5th-century BCE, and along with a Mithraic Median prototype and a Zurvanist Sassanid successor it served as the state religion of the pre-Islamic Iranian empires from around 600 BCE to 650 CE. Zoroastrianism was suppressed from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633-654.
See how when even Islam was just formed, that it was waging war against other cultures, we can see how this has always been a problem for the world. Why are there always so many problems and acts of violence in the Islamic religion. Can we just stop all the toxic religious groups that want to create Holy War. Some of these religious groups in Judaism, Christianity and Islam want the world to end. It is very dangerous when you have religious fanatics with their finger on a nuclear trigger. My uncle always told me that it should be one of our jobs, to ensure that religious fanatics do not destroy the world.
Manichaeism; was a major religious movement that was founded by the Iranian prophet Mani 216–276 AD) in the Sasanian Empire.
Manichaeism taught an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness. Through an ongoing process which takes place in human history, light is gradually removed from the world of matter and returned to the world of light, whence it came. Its beliefs were based on local Mesopotamian gnostic and religious movements.
Gnosticism (from Ancient Greek: γνωστικός gnostikos, "having knowledge", from γνῶσις gnōsis, knowledge) is a modern term categorizing a collection of ancient religions whose adherents shunned the material world – which they viewed as created by the demiurge – and embraced the spiritual world. Gnostic ideas influenced many ancient religions that teach that gnosis (variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or 'oneness with God') may be reached by practicing philanthropy to the point of personal poverty and diligently searching for wisdom by helping others. However, practices varied among those who were Gnostic.
The Muslim Jesus ¦ History Documentary ¦National Geographic
Lost Secrets Of Quran And Islam - Facts & Truth About Koran (Full Documentary)
Shia Islam
Why Christianity’s holiest shrine is guarded by two Muslim families
One of the daughters of Muhammad was named Fatimah (Fátima). However, they say there is no relation between Muhammad's daughter Fátima, and "The Blue Army of our Lady of Fátima." The name Fatima also means "the shining one." Some disagree, and actually say that there is a connection.
For more information about the Blue Army of Fátima, view our article, Pollution Science 101 Russia. - Http://
Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima
The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima, now mostly known as the World Apostolate of Fátima, is a public international association of the Christian faithful that has as its general purpose "the promotion of the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and the strict adherence to the tenets of the Gospel; the personal sanctification of adherents through faithful adherence to the Message of Fátima and the promotion of the common good by the spreading of that Message of Fátima".
Membership in its most basic sense is through making a Pledge promising the following:
To offer up every day the sacrifices demanded by one's daily duty to the faithful observance of God's law
To say five decades of the Rosary daily while meditating on the mysteries
To wear the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as a sign and reminder of personal consecration to our Lady and
On the first Saturday of five consecutive months, with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, confess and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep company with Our Lady for fifteen minutes while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary.
The official pledge of membership is :
I pledge myself to Our Lady and wish, thereby, to join the World Apostolate of Fátima.
Dear Queen and Mother, who promised at Fátima to convert Russia and bring peace to all mankind, in reparation for my sins and the sins of the whole world, I solemnly promise to Your Immaculate Heart:
To offer up every day the sacrifices demanded by my daily duty
To pray at least five decades of the Rosary daily while meditating on the Mysteries
To wear the Scapular of Mount Carmel as profession of this promise and as an act of consecration to You,
To accomplish the devotion of the Five First Saturdays of the month, including the fifteen-minute meditation on the Mysteries of the Rosary.
I shall renew this promise often, especially in moments of temptation.
The daily offering mentioned, is traditionally the following:
O my God in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary (here kiss the brown scapular). I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus from all the altars throughout the world, joining with it the offering of my every thought, word and action of this day.
Consecration of Russia
The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by a specific act of a Pope along with all the other bishops of the world has been demanded in the belief that this will usher in a period of world peace following Armageddon and the final return of Jesus Christ.
This controversial belief is associated with the reported Marian apparitions at Fátima to three Portuguese children in 1917 and later to the one survivor of the three, Lúcia dos Santos at the city of Tuy, Spain in 1929, in which Sister Lucia reported a vision representing God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Lúcia stated that at different times the Virgin Mary had given her messages that emphasized praying the Rosary, wearing the Brown Scapular; and that she had made a number of prophecies and promises, one of these being that the consecration of Russia would usher in a period of world peace but will then usher the wars of End Times.
The Torah ("instruction, teaching"), or in Christianity, the Pentateuch ("five books"), is the central reference of the religious Judaic tradition. It has a range of meanings. It can most specifically mean the first five books of the twenty-four books of the Tanakh, and it usually includes the rabbinic commentaries (perushim). The term "Torah" means instruction and offers a way of life for those who follow it; it can mean the continued narrative from Book of Genesis to the end of the Tanakh, and it can even mean the totality of Jewish teaching, culture and practice. Common to all these meanings, Torah consists of the foundational narrative of Jewish peoplehood: their call into being by God, their trials and tribulations, and their covenant with their God, which involves following a way of life embodied in a set of moral and religious obligations and civil laws.
One thing that Christianity, Judaism and Islam have in common, is that they all believe in Adam and Eve from the Old Testament.
There is Adam and Eve, then there are atomic atoms and nuclear atoms as well. What the Old Testament talks about, is an intelligent being, this intelligent being takes a rib from Adam, from this rib has DNA and atomic atoms, these atoms are used to make a human being.
Does this mean that humans were actually created by an intelligent being.
{{{ Update April 4th, 2018: Secrets of Adam and Eve - (The Ah-dam) - }}}
What if creationism and evolution could both have different truths to them.
The old Testament also talks about a great flood in the world, which we know that happened as well.
When Noah was told to gather up all of the animals from the world, some question how he was able to get all the animals on one boat, without fighting each other. Some claim that they could have even gathered up the DNA of those animals, and put the DNA in different vaults and in arks as well. Some question if these stories are metaphors.
When we are born, we are given our own unique DNA. Does this mean that if our DNA makes us our own individual, and that without our DNA, we would not be who we are. Our DNA makes us our own individual thoughts and energy signal. Does this mean, that if we are reincarnated, or go into another afterlife, do we lose or keep our DNA? Your DNA can also change and mutate over a period of time as well, so this would be a difficult question to fully answer.
Some claim that when we die, our energy goes back into the collective of energy, some claim this energy could be recycled or redistributed in various forms of different energy.
What if we could be born into a different body after this life on Earth.
We can see that the same energy that created life is all connected through all living beings. Our energy could possibly go to different places and dimensions.
I think that animals evolve, we can see this with different species of crossbreeding of animals. I also believe that an intelligent energy made the life here on Earth, something had to. However, what created that energy, or is that energy eternal.
We can see how different species of animals look different around the world, this is because they adapt to their climate.
What if some of the technology on this planet, such as nuclear weapons, to synthetic chemicals, to GMOs was the 'forbidden' knowledge on this planet that we were not supposed to have. What if our planet is better off without much of this technology. We could also use technology for good to save our planet. We can already see how much better off our planet would be, if we didn't produce many of these harmful chemicals and materials.
Moment Of Clarity - What Happens After You Die
Jan 2, 2017
If you would like to learn more about religion, visit our video on Secret Societies.
Many religious groups, even the Freemasons, had their influence around the globe.
What it means to be a Mason. - Secret societies and royal orders investigation 1
Sep 23, 2010
The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turkic people, who created what for its duration was the most powerful polity to emerge from the breakup of the Western Turkic Kaganate. Astride a major artery of commerce between northern Europe and southwestern Asia, Khazaria became one of the foremost trading emporia of the medieval world, commanding the western marches of the Silk Road and playing a key commercial role as a crossroad between China, the Middle East and Kievan Rus'. For some three centuries (c. 650–965) the Khazars dominated the vast area extending from the Volga-Don steppes to the eastern Crimea and the northern Caucasus.Khazaria long served as a buffer state between the Byzantine Empire and both the nomads of the northern steppes and the Umayyad Caliphate, after serving as Byzantium's proxy against the Sasanian Persian empire. The alliance was dropped around 900. Byzantium began to encourage the Alans to attack Khazaria and weaken its hold on Crimea and the Caucasus, while seeking to obtain an entente with the rising Rus' power to the north, which it aspired to convert to Christianity. Between 965 and 969, the Kievan Rus' ruler Sviatoslav I of Kiev conquered the capital Atil and destroyed the Khazar state.
The native religion of the Khazars is thought to have been Tengrism, like that of the North Caucasian Huns and other Turkic peoples. The polyethnic populace of the Khazar Khaganate appears to have been a multiconfessional mosaic of pagan, Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshippers. The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Halevi and Abraham ibn Daud to have converted to Rabbinic Judaism in the 8th century, but the scope of the conversion within the Khazar Khanate remains uncertain. Proposals of Khazar origins have been made regarding the Slavic Judaising Subbotniks, the Bukharan Jews, the Muslim Kumyks, Kazakhs, the Cossacks of the Don region, the Turkic-speaking Krymchaks and their Crimean neighbours the Karaites to the Moldavian Csángós, the Mountain Jews and others.
In the late 19th century, a theory emerged that the core of today's Ashkenazi Jews are genetically descended from a hypothetical Khazarian Jewish diaspora who had migrated westward from modern Russia and Ukraine into modern France and Germany. This theory still finds occasional support, but most scholars view it with skepticism. The theory is sometimes associated with antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
Ashkenazi Jews
Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or simply Ashkenazim are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced as a distinct community in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium. The traditional diaspora language of Ashkenazi Jews is Yiddish (which incorporates several dialects), while until recently Hebrew was only used as a sacred language.
The Ashkenazim settled and established communities throughout Central and Eastern Europe, which was their primary region of concentration and residence from the Middle Ages until recent times. They subsequently evolved their own distinctive culture and diasporic identities. Throughout their time in Europe, the Ashkenazim have made many important contributions to philosophy, scholarship, literature, art, music, and science.
Sephardi Jews
Sephardi Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews or simply Sephardim ("The Jews of Spain"), are a Jewish ethnic division whose ethnogenesis and emergence as a distinct community of Jews coalesced in the Iberian Peninsula around the start of the 2nd millennium (i.e., about the year 1000). They established communities throughout Spain and Portugal, where they traditionally resided, evolving what would become their distinctive characteristics and diasporic identity. Their millennial residence as an open and organised Jewish community in Iberia was brought to an end starting with the Alhambra Decree by Spain's Catholic Monarchs in the late 15th century, which resulted in a combination of internal and external migrations, mass conversions and executions.
Mizrahi Jews
Mizrahi Jews, Mizrahim, also referred to as Edot HaMizrach Communities of the East; Mizrahi Hebrew: Bene HaMizrah ("Sons of the East") or Oriental Jews, are Jews descended from local Jewish communities of the Middle East from biblical times into modern era. They include descendants of Babylonian Jews and Mountain Jews from modern Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Uzbekistan, Caucasus, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Yemeni Jews are sometimes also included, but their history is separate from Babylonian Jewry.
The Krymchaks are Jewish ethno-religious communities of Crimea derived from Turkic-speaking adherents of Orthodox Judaism. They have historically lived in close proximity to the Crimean Karaites, also Turkic but who follow Karaite Judaism.At first krymchak was a Russian descriptive used to differentiate them from their Ashkenazi Jewish coreligionists, as well as other Jewish communities in the former Russian Empire such as the Georgian Jews, but in the second half of the 19th century this name was adopted by the Krymchaks themselves. Before this their self-designation was "Срель балалары" (Srel balalary) - literally "Children of Israel". The Crimean Tatars referred to them as zuluflı çufutlar ("Jews with pe'ot") to distinguish them from the Karaites, who were called zulufsız çufutlar ("Jews without pe'ot").
Persecution of Jews
Persecution of Jewish people has occurred on many occasions and in widely different geographical locations. Persecution has been a major part of Jewish history. Europe and the Middle East have been the chief areas of persecution throughout the ages while South Asia usually provided a refuge as in the case of the Baghdadi Jews.
History of the Jews in the Middle Ages
Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain
The golden age of Jewish culture in Spain coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, a period of Muslim rule throughout much of the Iberian Peninsula. During intermittent periods of time, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life blossomed.
The nature and length of this "Golden Age" has been a subject of much debate, as there were at least three Golden Ages interrupted by periods of oppression of Jews and non-Jews. A few scholars give the start of the Golden Age as 711–718, the Muslim conquest of Iberia. Others date it from 912, under the rule of Abd-ar-Rahman III. The end of the age is variously given as 1031, when the Caliphate of Cordoba ended, 1066, the date of the Granada massacre, 1090, when the Almoravides invaded, or the mid-12th century, when the Almohades invaded.
The nature of the Golden Age
Image of a cantor reading the Passover story in Al Andalus, from the 14th century Haggadah of Barcelona.
Having invaded the areas throughout Southern Spain, and coming to rule in a matter of seven years, Islamic rulers were confronted with many questions relating to the implementation of Islamic Rule on a non-Islamic society. The coexistence of Muslims, Jews, and Christians during this time is revered by many writers. Al-Andalus was a key center of Jewish life during the early Middle Ages, producing important scholars and one of the most stable and wealthy Jewish communities and a relatively educated society for the Muslim occupiers and their Jewish collaborators, as well as some Christians who openly collaborated with the Muslims and Jews.
María Rosa Menocal, a specialist in Iberian literature at Yale University claims that "Tolerance was an inherent aspect of Andalusian society". Menocal's 2003 book, The Ornament of the World, argues that the Jewish dhimmis living under the Caliphate, while allowed fewer rights than Muslims, were still better off than in the Christian parts of Europe. Jews from other parts of Europe made their way to al-Andalus, where in parallel to Christian sects regarded as heretical by Catholic Europe, they were not just tolerated, but where opportunities to practise faith and trade were open without restriction save for the prohibitions on proselytisation.
Bernard Lewis takes issue with this view, calling it ahistorical and exaggerated. He argues that Islam traditionally did not offer equality nor even pretend that it did, arguing that it would have been both a "theological as well as a logical absurdity." However, also Lewis states:
Generally, the Jewish people were allowed to practice their religion and live according to the laws and scriptures of their community. Furthermore, the restrictions to which they were subject were social and symbolic rather than tangible and practical in character. That is to say, these regulations served to define the relationship between the two communities, and not to oppress the Jewish population.
Jews were allowed certain freedoms but, like their Christian counterparts, were prohibited from having administrative authority over Muslims except in a few cases.
Mark Cohen, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University, in his Under Crescent and Cross, calls the idealized interfaith utopia a "myth" that was first promulgated by Jewish historians such as Heinrich Graetz in the 19th century as a rebuke to Christian countries for their treatment of Jews. This myth was met with the "counter-myth" of the "neo-lachrymose conception of Jewish-Arab history" by Bat Yeor and others, which also "cannot be maintained in the light of historical reality".
History of the Jews in Europe
Rescue of the Danish Jews
The rescue of the Danish Jews occurred during Nazi Germany's occupation of Denmark during World War II. On October 1, 1943, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler ordered Danish Jews to be arrested and deported. Despite great personal risk, the Danish resistance movement, with the assistance of many ordinary Danish citizens, managed to evacuate 7,220 of Denmark's 7,800 Jews, plus 686 non-Jewish spouses, by sea to nearby neutral Sweden.
Rothschild family Rothschild family is a wealthy family descending from Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a court Jew to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel, in the Free City of Frankfurt, who established his banking business in the 1760s. Unlike most previous court Jews, Rothschild managed to bequeath his wealth and established an international banking family through his five sons, who established themselves in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples.
During the 19th century, the Rothschild family possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as the largest private fortune in modern world history. The family's wealth was divided among various descendants and today their interests cover a diverse range of fields, including financial services, real estate, mining, energy, mixed farming, winemaking and nonprofits.
The Rothschild family has frequently been the subject of conspiracy theories, many of which are antisemitic in nature.
- 1 Family overview
- 2 The Napoleonic Wars
- 3 International high finance
- 4 British branch
- 5 French branches
- 6 Austrian branch
- 7 Naples branch
- 8 Jewish identity and positions on Zionism
- 9 Modern businesses, investments and philanthropy
- 10 Cultural references
- 11 Conspiracy theories
- 12 Prominent descendants of Mayer Amschel Rothschild
- 13 Coat of arms
- 14 See also
- 15 Notes
- 16 Further reading
- 17 External links
It would help if all the people of the world could unite against the Rothschilds, Secret societies and tyrannical monarchs in the world. We should kick out all European royalty, along with many of the immigrants, Muslims and refugees that they gradually have brought in to destabilize the nations of the West.
There would not be as much poverty, strife and chaos for native Europeans. Instead, it appears that many religious zealots want to instigate chaos and problems,
this is the problem with many religious zealots that support Sharia Law.
Some of the intelligence agencies of the world want to cause another world war, including a religious war and race war. It would be much more difficult for legitimate people to unite together, to try and defeat the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Royal establishments, including the secret societies protecting many of these people. It will make it much more difficult if the free world is forced to fight an invading Sharia Army.
Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild & Hitler
Some people will tell you that Hitler was financed by the Rothschilds. Other people will tell you that Hitler booted the Rothschilds out of Germany, when Hitler came to power.
We know the German side of the war killed millions of people, it is debated how many were actually murdered by the German army.
Some people even mention how the German people were blamed for killing more people than they really did kill. The Allied bombings killed a lot of people in Germany. Some will tell you that many of the people that died in Allied bombings in Germany, were written up as being murdered by the German Army. They claim that this was to make the German People look more evil of an empire. We now can see how this was an information war.
The largest ethnic cleansing in history
Feb 2, 2016
The video goes on to say that we shouldn't use violence to save Europe from genocide, while others have disagreed.
There are many options we can do, such as simply deporting many Muslims and refugees out of Europe, to save European culture. We do not want to kill or harm anyone, we just want to save European culture from genocide.
Many of these refugees are economic refugees, and are only looking for a good life. Some of these refugees do not want to genocide the European people, and just want a good quality of life. Many have accused the global elite of causing wars and famine in many of these African countries, and countries such as Syria, in order to create the refugee crisis, to destabilize countries in Europe with refugees. Many refugees are being used as weaponized humans to bring down nations such as Sweden, to try and create a one world order type civilization and government.
If we have to kill many of these refugees so be it, get rid of them all and do not stop until we get the population control and race control we deserve in Europe, and that is final.
Look at many fascist Sharia countries and third world countries kill many western people, and have almost no Europeans or westerners living in many of these countries in the Middle East.
First group of people who are about to be Ethnically cleansed
Jan 31, 2012
The question everyone is asking, was Hitler was working for the globalists in order to destabilize Germany after the war.
Many have debated that the reason why the people elected Hitler, was Europeans were facing genocide from foreign influence before, just as they are now. Many people rallied behind this movement, to stop foreign bankers such as the Rothschilds, from taking over Germany.
Growing up I was taught in school that Hitler was a very bad person, because he killed so many people. Some people have called for another Hitler in Europe, that would ban all Muslims, religious Zionist extremists and refugees working together to try and genocide off the European people. We must question if this leader would betray the people of Europe, this is why we should abolish the European Union. Many claim that if Hitler were never elected, even more foreign influence would be trying to infiltrate Europe, and the European people would even be facing more genocide right now.
I do not want the European people to be ethnically cleansed, and would rather want a leader or a group that would kick out all the Muslims, political Zionist extremists and refugees being used as weaponized humans against the European people. I would much rather kick out many of these groups trying to undermine America and Europe, instead of going down in history as being the generation that let their ancestors bloodlines face genocide by a bunch of globalists and Muslims that want to kill off the bloodline of my ancestors. I would rather fight this oppression, than have these people walk all over the backs of the European people. This is a good example of how groups also want to start creating institutions to preserve the bloodlines of our European ancestors.
If I were the leader of the EU, I would ban all Muslims, immigrants and refugees out of Europe for starters. There is also a problem with many political Zionists that try to control the government and the press, and that continue to undermine Europe as well, this needs to stop. We need to stop the Israeli lobby in America and in Europe.
David Irving - WW2 Lies So Big Few Have the Courage to Believe It!
Oct 9, 2016
David Irving at The London Forum - 'Saturation Bombing in World War II - who is to blame? '
Aug 4, 2015
World Defeated The Wrong Enemy
Jul 9, 2015
Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany
{We need to remove all Muslims, we should also remove many of the political Zionist extremists out of America and Europe. We are tired of foreigners trying to undermine our way of life, and we are better off deporting these groups that are trying to bring down Europe, this has already happened dozens of times in our history}.---
Chapter 21: War & Afghanistan
It is good that women in free countries can arm themselves to protect against violence against women.
Of course many countries allow men to rule, which is fine. The problem is that Muslims treat their women so bad, that it makes even people who may not even support women's rights completely to now give them some type of rights against Muslims at least. Even many
countries such as America, Japan would not let women have equal rights, which is fine, but even how we see how Muslims treat their women is unacceptable, especially how they treat European women and have declared a war against the European people. We want Muslims away from our white women or we are simply going to have to kill off the Muslims if they won't stop bothering and harassing our white women.
I personally think it was a mistake to give women too many rights. America even restricted voting rights to women, and for good reasons, just like many cultures around the world.
A part of me feels that it was a mistake to campaign at all for any type of rights for women after what they have done to Western society, yet again we see how bad Muslims treat women and so most good people would step in to stop Muslims from harming our white women.
It is too bad that some women, especially feminists are such a detriment to our society, in the last 15 years they’ve caused so much harm followed by their cuck beta male husbands.
They destroy everything, movies, gaming, boy scouts, companies, military, entire countries, they bring down Western Civilization aka Europe from within.
Country gets rich, women decide to work instead of breed. We can clearly see why they
restricted the rights of women in America, and how they how to add an additional law later on to allow women to vote. We are tired of women trying to vote to restrict guns and too many want open borders and to allow illegals to invade Western society. We are for restricting the votes of women until we can take America and Europe back from these third world degenerates.
The Eye-watering Truth About the Taliban's War on Women
Sep 17, 2013-----------------
The truth about feminism and Islam
Jan 27, 2017
The countries where a majority of Muslims want to live under sharia law
15 December 2015
{America went to war against Afghanistan and Iraq. We went to war with Afghanistan, cause of Bin Laden and 9/11, and many other reasons for resources, power, etc. Afghanistan was under Sharia Law also. The reason why we went to war with Iraq, was the claim that they had weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was under a dictatorship, any people do not agree, with how the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, were fought. If anything we should have gotten rid of all the Muslims out of Afghanistan and not keep the Muslims there... Fail}.
" In 1995, Iraq introduced Sharia punishment for certain types of criminal offenses. Iraq's legal system is based on French civil law as well as Sunni and Jafari (Shi'ite) interpretations of Sharia. ... The Family Law in force is the Personal Status Law of 1976, which is based on Islamic law. - Wikipedia "
{Many people want to fight against Sharia Law, this includes many people of Middle Eastern descent. Even many people that fight against Sharia government, are brutally murdered and executed. Our hearts and minds go out to those people that have paid with their lives.
We should not allow Sharia Law, in Afghanistan and Iraq. This includes Pakistan.
I will say that Islam can give good Middle Eastern people who are not Muslim a bad reputation, and many are stereotyped for being a Middle Easterner. I still believe that we should deport many of these people in the Middle East out of Europe and North America}.
Afghanistan's Secret Billion Dollar Emerald Mines
Mar 31, 2014------------------------
$1 Trillion Motherlode of Lithium and Gold Discovered in Afghanistan
Jun. 16, 2010
The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade
14 June 2005
WATCH: Islamic State drowns 'spy' in FISH TANK in latest sickening video
Jan 5, 2017
We can see that ISIS likes to torture people.
All the stuff with Guantánamo Bay was not right, America is not about torture.
We should also be cautious of all the martial law being practiced against US citizens, and citizens around the world.
Chapter 22: Science & Islam in conflict
Sharia law is a direct threat to the scientific community, we do not want these fascist Sharia fanatics in charge of the science community of the free world.
Science and Islam in Conflict
In many Muslim countries, science must obey the Koran.
Cairo, Egypt — “There is no conflict between Islam and science,” Zaghloul El-Naggar declares as we sit in the parlor of his villa in Maadi, an affluent suburb of Cairo. “Science is inquisition. It’s running after the unknown. Islam encourages seeking knowledge. It’s considered an act of worship.”
What people call the scientific method, he explains, is really the Islamic method: “All the wealth of knowledge in the world has actually emanated from Muslim civilization. The Prophet Muhammad said to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. The very first verse came down: ‘Read.’ You are required to try to know something about your creator through meditation, through analysis, experimentation, and observation.”
Is Islam Hostile to Science?
February 27, 2015
Islamic attitudes towards science
In the Muslim world today, most of the focus on the relation between Islam and science involves scientific interpretations of the Quran (and sometimes the Sunna) that claim to show that the sources make prescient statements about the nature of the universe, biological development and other phenomena later confirmed by scientific research, thus demonstrating proof of the divine origin of the Qur'an (and sometimes the Sunna). Although this issue received widespread support by some, it has been criticized by certain scientists as containing logical fallacies, being unscientific, likely to be contradicted by evolving scientific theories.
In the early twentieth century, Shia ulema forbade the learning of foreign languages and dissection of human bodies in the medical school in Iran.In recent years, the lagging of the Muslim world in science is manifest in the disproportionately small amount of scientific output as measured by citations of articles published in internationally circulating science journals, annual expenditures on research and development, and numbers of research scientists and engineers. Skepticism of science among some Muslims is reflected in issues such as resistance in Muslim northern Nigeria to polio inoculation, which some believe is "an imaginary thing created in the West or it is a ploy to get us to submit to this evil agenda."
Scientific Errors in the Qur'an
Muslims believe that the Qur'an contains a message from an all-powerful, all-knowing, infallible being. If this is true then it should not contain any errors, mistakes, or information that contradicts known facts about the universe. If even one error exists in the text of Islam's holy book then the claims of divine authorship and infallibility are not true. An objective evaluation of the Qur’an shows that it contains numerous scientific and historical errors and it reflects a pre-scientific, 7th century view of the natural world.Some will contest these numerous scientific errors in the Qur'an by appealing to metaphor, alternative meanings, or phenomenological interpretations of the text. Even if we suppose that alternative explanations were possible in every case, the wording and content of the Qur'anic verses often mimic the popular mythology and unscientific misconceptions of the time in which they were recorded. The author of the Qur’an makes no obvious statements that differentiate his understanding of the natural world from the common folklore of the people living in the 7th century. If the Qur’an was delivered by an all-powerful, all-knowing being then he would have been able to foresee how such ambiguous and misleading statements would be understood by future generations and the doubts and confusions they would cause. This alone should be reason enough to reject any claims to its divine authorship.
The book that Muslims are scared to read! - The People vs Muhammad
Jul 16, 2015-------------
Humanist vs Islamic perspectives on science and the modern world
Islam Is A Global Threat To Free Speech
May 11, 2016
America is about the right to freedom and free speech. We even have the right to make our own songs, and have the freedom to even dance. Dancing is banned in certain Sharia controlled governments.
It appears that many people that support Sharia Law, want to interfere with free speech. This has become an increasing problem, and now is a threat to my right to continue my documentaries, science and medical research. I want to do my science and medical research, free from religious persecution from Sharia and Islamic Law.
Chapter 23: Additional information
SHARIA LAW: Court Gives Probation to Chicago Woman Who Murdered Infant
You pray to the right God? Then you have the right to murder whoever you want, apparently
July 13, 2017
Sweden is Still Totally Nuts
Solution to migrant rapes? Ban all men
July 11, 2017
28 Dead in Bangladesh as Jihadis Tortured, Killed Those Who Couldn’t Recite Quran
July 2, 2016
---LONDONISTAN: Motorcycle Thieves Carry Out Five Acid Attacks In 90 Minutes
July 14, 2017
Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims
June 29, 2016
How Do Japanese Feel About Muslim Immigrants?
Oct 2, 2016
Travel Ban Now Enforceable, Not A Muslim Ban
Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump
June 27, 2017
Hawaii Judge Orders Loosening of Trump Travel Ban
Ruling applies nationwide and means grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles and cousins are no longer subject to the ban
7 14, 2017
We need to stop Leonie M. Brinkema, from trying to overturn Trump's travel ban of Islamic immigrants. The American people voted in Trump, cause many are tired of Sharia Law. Hillary Clinton was also being bribed by Saudi Arabia. America is at war with nations currently under Sharia Law. In countries under Islamic Sharia Law, most Americans and Europeans would be executed in these Sharia countries. If we are not allowed in these Sharia controlled countries, why should we allow people wanting Islamic Sharia Law, to come over to enjoy American and European culture. Many of these people want to expand Sharia Law in the Americas and in Europe, this is why we are in favor of the ban on the expansion of Islamic Sharia Law. Too many Muslims want to enforce Sharia Law in western cultures, this is why we need to deport many of these people suspected of being associated with the expansion of Sharia government.
We need to stop judges such as Leonie M. Brinkema, from trying to undermine to safety of American citizens. Many say that it is illegal, what Judge Leonie M. Brinkema is currently doing, with trying to undermine security in America.
If corrupt Judges and government officials will not protect America from the expansion of Sharia Law. We need to call up the American people (also known as the American Militia), to defend America from global Sharia Law, this is the right of true American freedom, this includes the right to defend the border. Sharia extremists are trying to sneak through the border, with weapons to harm Americans, we must stop these terrorist from entering the country. We are giving the green light to remove all Muslims out of America and Europe.
Trump states he will have a new vetting strategy to get Islamic extremists out of America. We agree, and that we need to save America from Islamic Sharia extremists. Some people think that if Trump could deport many Muslims, that he could use the NDAA, to detain and deport anyone suspected of terrorism, this is true. We should be cautious of giving politicians too much power. America needs to deport many individuals suspected of wanting to expand Islamic Sharia Law out of our political system in America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. We should end Sharia government and Sharia Law,across the globe. We do not want to create hate crimes against people of diverse ethnicity, we are here to end radical Sharia government and Sharia Law.
Migrants to Get Seven Bedroom Home While 1,100 Brits On Housing Wait List
UK gov puts foreign migrants before needy citizens
July 12, 2017
‘Syrian refugees’ will be given a seven-bedroom home in one of the most desirable parts of Britain, it was revealed last night.
furnished end-of-terrace home – valued at over $500,00 – has been empty
for two years but is now reserved for “imminent arrivals” by Rother
Council, which has 1,132 people waiting for social housing.
Muslims React to Gay Muslim Marriage
Religion of peace shows its tolerance! Or not....
July 13, 2017
Orban: EU Following ‘Soros Migrant Plans’
Orbán claimed the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually
July 10, 2017
EU President: Millions more migrants could come to Europe within 5 years
“Today we are trying to solve a problem of a few thousand people, but we need to have a strategy for millions of people.”
July 11, 2017
Israel Attacks Soros For Fueling Mass Unrest Behind Curtain
Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs backs Hungary's criticism of Soros
July 10, 2017
Before and After Sharia Law: A Cautionary Tale
Trump Admin Authorizes Strikes on Iranian-Backed Forces
Officials: ‘We’re determined to defend ourselves’ against Iran in Syria
July 6, 2017
The Growing Sedition Of Linda Sarsour
Muslim activist openly calls for Jihad against America
4 10, 2017
Over The Top: Linda Sarsour Calls For Jihad On Trump At Hamas Meeting
July 6, 2017
Linda Sarsour Caught Lying about Female Genital Mutilation in Islam
Apr 25, 2017
FBI Arrests Muslims During Female Genital Mutilation Clinic Bust
April 23, 2017
Islamic law spreading in US
Three Muslims were charged with performing female genital mutilations on young girls in the Detroit area.All three of them have ties to the Dawoodi Bohra, an Islamic sect which advocates surgically removing the clitoris from girls as young as six to suppress their sexuality.
The practice, however, is internationally recognized as a violation of human rights.
We are calling for the removal of all Muslims out of America and Europe, by any means necessary.
Children Mutilated In The Name Of Islam
Female genital mutilation brought to U.S. by radical Islam
April 24, 2017
‘Horrible!’ Check out what Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour said about Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Jan 26, 2017
--Newsweek Bashes Trump For Vowing to “Defend the West”
Writer triggered by president's Poland speech
July 6, 2017
Trump: The West faces an existential challenge to “defend our civilisation”
“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.”
July 6, 2017
Globalist Mag Claims Trump Won’t Stop Decline of White Christian America
Sun "slowly setting" on values of white Christian America, globalists claim
July 5, 2017
Racist? Macron Says African Women Having too Many Babies
Leftists irate at French President citing overpopulation as source of country's "civilizational" problems
4 10, 2017
(Europe is overpopulated with too many immigrants.)
Apr 24, 2017
Faith Goldy: Sharia Fines Come to Canada
May 11, 2017
Faith Goldy: How the EU Made Greece a Muslim Ghetto
Mar 30, 2017
Is Greece turning into Nazi Germany?
July 8, 2013
---Video proof that UK Police now enforcing Sharia Law
Mar 28, 2017
Trump Just Caught His White House Muslim Adviser In Sickening Plot – Here’s What Was Seconds From Ha
July 5, 2017
Faith Goldy: How To Fix Europe's Jihad Problem
June 6, 2017
Austria Deploys Military to Italian Border as Migrant Crisis Explodes
Europe under siege as migrants cross Mediterranean in record numbers
Polish Politician: Why are We Even Discussing Sharia Law?
May 12, 2017
I moved here to get to UK, not Afghanistan" - Interview with Sikh guy London protests
June 24, 2017
ISIS Cornered in Mosul as Iraq Prepares Victory Celebrations
Mosul is by far the largest city ever controlled by ISIS
July 4, 2017
Why Arabs Lose Wars
Jan 5, 2015
Bill Gates: Europe Must Stem The Flow Of Immigrants Before It’s Too Late
July 4, 2017
Paul Weston: Civil War in Europe: Which Side Are You on?
June 20, 2017
The rise of the far-right in Hungary | Channel 4 News
May 27, 2013
Europe's Right-Wing Youth Activists are Striking Back Against Multi-Culturalism
April 27, 2017
2018 Swedish Music Festival Cancelled After Sexual Assault Reports At This Year’s Event
Multiple cases of sexual violence — including rape — reported at Bravalla Festival for second year in a row.
95 Per Cent of Gang Criminals in Stockholm Have a Foreign Background
July 4, 2017
Why Swedish Women Stay Indoors
Mar 3, 2017
Italy calls on European Countries to take Migrant Ships as Country Struggles with Record Numbers
July 3, 2017
Faith Goldy: See You In Court, EU!'
May 11, 2017
YouTube Regularly Leaves Islamic State Videos Up for Days, Weeks
June 19. 2017
Col. Shaffer Issues Emergency Warning: The Left Is Adopting Islamic Terrorist Tactics
Jun 23, 2017
---VIDEO: Greatest Unintentional Comedy, Leftists Train For Hand-To-Hand Combat Against Patriots
June 28, 2017
Philippine Troops Fight to Retake City Overrun by ISIS Militants
May 30, 2017
---Christians are now facing genocide in the Philippines, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Armenia, and Europe. This is happening because the globalists want to genocide individual cultures and nations. This is why the globalists are using Islamic Sharia Law, and ISIS, to attack free nations in an attempt to destabilize these nations to put them under control of a one world order.
Expert: Governments Working With Al Qaeda To Infiltrate Countries
June 26, 2017
CBC celebrates white genocide
Dec 5, 2016
Europeans learn to live with and adapt to terror attacks
EU Official: Let’s Transplant Entire Syrian Villages to Germany
Proposal intended to bring in MORE migrants
June 22, 2017
Dutch raise hell and refuse 1500 Muslim Migrants Invading their town!
Jan 17, 2017
Watch Live: Supreme Court Agrees Trump Travel Ban Constitutional
June 26, 2017
Trump administration racks up yet another victory
Good job Donald Trump, we do not want this Islamic death cult in America. We need to expand the travel ban, and ban all current Muslims living in America. We are for the removal of all Muslims out of America.
Trump Skips Ramadan Dinner, Democrats Cry Intolerance
June 26, 2017
Liberals triggered after Trump opted-out of a Ramadan dinner
London Mayor Sadiq Khan Backs Amnesty Policy For Illegal Muslim Immigrants
Khan proves he doesn’t care about the safety of London
June 26, 2017
Central European Nations Forming New Anti-Migrant Defense Coalition
June 22, 2017
Civil-military alliance emerging in defiance of EU globalists
Swedish National Police Chief Warns of Imminent Civil War: ‘Help Us!’
Islamists, open borders driving nation to brink of collapse
June 26, 2017
Sweden Surrenders To Muslim Rapists
Jun 7, 2017
We must remove all Muslims and immigrants from Sweden.
Has Europe Surrendered to Radical Islam?
Political leaders turning their nations over to jihadists
June 26, 2017
believe that the Globalist government continues to use Islamic
extremism to try and bring in a new world government, through
destabilizing other countries around the world. The people of the world
will fight to stop the corrupt globalists and the Muslims from trying
to genocide the European people and the west. We will not face genocide
from the globalists or Islamic Sharia extremism.
are calling for a removal of all Muslims out of Europe, this would
include all the the Muslims that are now trying to take over Czechia. We
need to remove Ramzan Kadyrov from political office as leader of
Czechia. We are calling for a revolt against the Islamic government in
Czechia and all of Europe. The free European people still have the power
to stop the Globalists and the Muslims from trying to genocide European
Muslim Chechen Leaders Attempting to 'Eliminate' the Gay Population
May 5, 2017
Media’s Bias Exposed During Brussels Bombing
June 21, 2017
Muslims Attack Journalist In England For Investigating Sex Slavery
Tommy Robinson has been attacked multiple times and the police have yet to do anything about it
May 19, 2017
Women trafficked to Glasgow for sham marriages
May 10, 2017
HUMANS FOR SALE New shocking BBC documentary reveals human trafficking victims sold to Asian crime groups in Glasgow
Humans for Sale shows how victims are recruited by organised crime gangs before being sold to potential grooms
Glasgow's sex slave trade fears as Eastern European crime gangs 'plan to smuggle thousands of women' into Scotland
10 MAY 2017
Report: British Teen Sex Slaves Fed Into Meat Grinders By Muslims
May 19, 2017
McDonald’s Has Had Enough And Is Not Giving In To The Muslims - Hot News
May 13, 2017
[Muslims wanted McDonalds to stop selling pork products.]
A Sikhs Response to Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in Rotherham - Sikh Awareness Society
Feb 28, 2016
Muslim Cadet Refuses To Remove Hijab, Military College Wipes Smug Grin Off Her Face - Hot News
May 14, 2017
Zahra Billoo:Fallen U.S. Soldiers Should NOT Be Honored on Memorial Day! - Hot News
May 14, 2017
Muslims Issue Warning To Trump We Will Go Home If These Demands Aren’t Met IMMEDIATELY - Hot News
A convo with Muslims on m-103 ends with threat!
May 15, 2017
Supreme Court Just Gave Muslims MASSIVE Smackdown They’ve Had Coming For YEARS – Outrage Immediately
May 10, 2017
May 17, 2017
"Buddhists aren't blowing us up!!!" commentator puts Muslim in her place - SHARE NOW!!!
This is How you Confront the Pro-Muslim Officials; Take Notice Americans!
May 10, 2017
American Muslim Judge Who Imposed Sharia in PA Court Threatens to Jail Victim for Blasphemy
Jul 8, 2014
Sharia Ruling' Judge Defends Decision for Muslim + Pastor update
Mar 2, 2012
"They're not our friends" US Marine's anti-Islam post goes mega viral
Mar 8, 2017
Undercover camera exposes the hate taught to Muslim children. A Must Watch!!
Jan 10, 2017
Islam can be defeated, history proves it! See how they did it!
Jan 8, 2017
Big French guy pulls rifle on Muslim invaders!!!
May 7, 2017
"Get the F*&K out!!!" British fight back against Muslim migrants - SHOULD WE LET THEM IN?
Jan 7, 2017
"We're in deep sh*t!" Ex-CIA speaks the truth on ISLAM
April 17, 2017
Italy is now a 3rd world toilet thanks to Muslims
May 7, 2017
I'm Tired of Celebrities Defending Islam!
March 25, 2017
March 26, 2017
Feb 17, 2017
SHARIA LAW IN dearborn michigan
Feb 6, 2017
Muslims Want Their Own State in Australia! No Go Zones are Not Enough!
Apr 12, 2017
Sharia Law Australia
Feb 14, 2017
Muslim Woman Tries To Use Shariah Law On Australian Cop, Gets failed Miserably
Feb 14, 2017
Swedish reality today 55 no go zones for police and locals
Mar 26, 2016
Muslims Taking Over a Poor Small Town in Tennessee! Your Town Next!
Dec 27, 2016
Minnesota is an African Muslim state! They are paving the way!
Jan 11, 2017
Paris belongs to the Muslims! They want America; It'll be Much Harder!
Jan 13, 2017
Canada and Shariah law; It's getting Closer to Happening!
Feb 18, 2017
Mother of boy raped by Muslim due to sexual emergency, regrets welcoming Refugees!
Feb 16, 2017
Finnish man tells Muslims what they are, Like a Boss! Now get the hell out!
Jan 10, 2017
Muslim migrants feel up German women after invading public pool
Nov 18, 2016
Muslim migrants make it clear why they've invaded Europe
Oct 14, 2016
Jan 7, 2016
What happens when Muslims in Cologne are asked about New Year's rape riot?
Mar 2, 2016
Muslim Children Threaten Teachers With ISIS!
May 14, 2017
Muslims rally to remove Jesus from Christian schools - WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Jan 3, 2017
Taking the fight to ISIS: American mercenaries training to fight terrorists abroad
May 28, 2015
HILLARIOUS! Dudes wear burqas - Watch the Muslim man's reaction!!!
Feb 16, 2017
Mar 1, 2017
The Rise Of Sweden's Far-Left Militants
May 27, 2014
Kurds Fighting ISIS Joined By American Veterans | NBC Nightly News
Mar 27, 2017
African Somali Muslims have Taken Over Sweden! They'll eat before Swedish Children!
Dec 27, 2016
Muslims Invade Texas Church, Force Christians to Witness Something SHOCKING
March 23, 2017
BOOM: Spoiled Muslim Brats Talk Back to Teachers, State Immediately Makes Them Regret It
March 27, 2017
Watch what happens when a Muslim can't answer a simple question
Feb 27, 2017
Jan 7, 2017
Rotherham Muslim Grooming Gangs Just Tip of the Iceberg in UK
May 21, 2017
Here’s What Happened When A School Said “No” To This Muslim Student
May 15, 2017
Tim Farron's army of hard working migrants in Britain
May 18, 2017
Muslims Demand The Queen Convert Or Leave England
Mar 23, 2017
"CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE?" Hannity silences Muslim, listen for the crickets!!!
Feb 27, 2017
"You're coming to get me?!!!" Hannity embarrasses motormouthed Muslim terrorist
Nov 23, 2016
Anjem Choudary jailed for five and a half years
Sep 7, 2016
Hannity Interviews Radical Islamic Anjem Choudary Who Just Got Out Of Jail
Sep 29, 2014
Look What Just Happened After Trump Refused To Bow To Muslim Leaders In Saudi Arabia
May 20, 2017
Indonesia police arrest eight for treason before Jakarta Muslim protest
2 December 2016
Christian Jakarta governor sentenced to 2 years for ‘blasphemy’ against Islam
9 May, 2017
We are calling for the release of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, Purnama is a hero to many of the free world. It is sad looking at all the Muslims calling for his arrest. I know that these same people would also call for my arrest, for speaking out against radical Islam, even I do a lot of good medical research. We need to disband the Islamic Sharia government in Indonesia and make Indonesia a free country for all to travel.
Texas governor signs ban on so-called 'sanctuary cities'
May 8, 2017
Good job Texas, it seems that Texas may be interested in saving America from terrorists and illegal immigrants finally.
'ISIS want to impregnate Yazidi women and smash our blond bloodline': Fears grow for the 300 women kidnapped from Sinjar
Aug 14, 2014
Jihadist troops bolster forces further south in apparent bid to broaden front with Kurdish peshmerga fighters
Expert tells MailOnline: 'IS is coming under pressure and they need to show results to fuel their media machine'
‘Bloody Harvest of Multiculturalism Will Not Come to Poland’ Vows Interior Minister
Polish gov't accuses globalists of fueling migrant crisis
April 19, 2017Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak has declared that his country will not fall prey to the same violence and savagery sweeping much of Europe due to the open borders and suicidal ‘refugee’ policies of his neighbors.
Norway Deports Muslims, Crime Rate Plummets
Mar 20, 2015
Video: Obama Endorses Emmanuel Macron for French President
Interfering in foreign elections is fine now
May 4, 2017We are calling for the arrest of Barack Obama, under charges of treason, and for allowing many illegal immigrants and refugees in America. If Macron is the French President, there will be a revolt against this type of globalist tyranny.
Obama is even being afraid of being arrested, including Hillary Clinton, that is why many accuse Obama of hiding out, to avoid being arrested. I think that we should hold Obama and Clinton accountable. We are calling for the arrest of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Many of the immigrants and refugees that were coming to America under the Obama administration, were Muslim immigrants, and only a small fraction of that were Christians. We are calling for a removal of all immigrants and refugees that came to America under the Obama administration. We need to do this, because Obama is about to be facing charges of conspiracy to overthrow attempt to undermine the American people. We feel that there is controversy with many of these new suspected radical extremists that are being brought into the country illegally.
Obama Hides From His Mistakes In French Polynesia
As the elite prepare to overthrow Trump, Obama goes into hiding
April 14, 2017
Hijab-wearing Barbie Dolls Go Viral
‘Hijarbie’ wants to emigrate into your toy bin
May 4, 2017
Video: Pro-Migrant French Asked to House a Refugee; All Refuse
Progressive leftists suddenly lose their humanitarianism when faced with reality
May 5, 2017
Notice how it is people such as Fareed Zakaria an Indian-American that is not loyal to America, that frantically opposes Le Pen as being racist, this is why we need to not trust many of this foreigners trying to control the press and influence in American and European media. We need to remove Fareed Zakaria from the media. However, CNN is a joke of a media organisation, and hire people such as Zakaria. We need to kick Fareed Zakaria out of the country, how dare you even let some East Indian over in a western nation such as America.
Antifa, SJWs Push Anti-White Agenda
May 2, 2017
Black man gives racist Antifa a schooling at Manchester march...
June 11, 2017
Antifa Members are Now Protesting George Soros Demanding Their Payments
Aug 18, 2017
Civil Defense Expert: White Genocide Imminent in South Africa
State-sponsored targeting of white Christians
May 3, 2017Political and racial tensions in post-apartheid South Africa have become so great that the minority white population is now at risk of being murdered on a mass scale, says civil defense expert Simon Roche..
More Than Half of Young Europeans Say They Would Join an “Uprising” Against the Elite
Mass resentment against "status quo" driving discontent
May 3, 2017
The Hijab Is A Tool Of Islamic Oppression
Feminists further align with radical Islam
April 28, 2017
Gay Muslims Forced To Flee Their Countries Come Here And Bitch
Many homosexuals in Islamic countries have come to America only to trash the place that gave them a safe haven
April 26, 2017
Dozens of Yazidis enslaved by IS in Iraq now free
April 30, 2017
Third US Soldier Dies Fighting ISIS This Week
April 30, 2017
Alex Jones: We Did Not Elect Ivanka Or Jared Kushner To Be President
Ivanka has spoke in favor of opening U.S. borders to more Syrian migrants
April 28, 2017
We need to remove Ivanka Trump from having any type of political influence, for allowing more Islamic terrorists from the Middle East now coming into America. Many people in America simply do not understand their history, and have too many emotions many times to even make the right decision about allowing an invading enemy army into your country.
Ivanka Trump is a Jew, and we know that Jews have a history of wanting to bring in third world degenerates to overthrow a country. We don't like Ivanka Trump, and she needs to be deported with all the other Jews out of America with her Jew husband Jared Kushner.
At least Donald Trump attempted to ban many Muslims while being attacked on all sides by judges, the media and the people. Many say that Trump could have done more, such as ban more Muslims from entering. We really blame "left-wing fascists" in America, for allowing these terrorists groups to continue to enter America, and compromise American security.
Bribes Tie Jared Kushner To Communist China
April 27, 2017
ISIS strap suicide vests to PUPPIES in horror footage of sick front line bomb tactic
Feb 27. 2017
ISIS has been filmed strapping a suicide vest to a puppy in Iraq in disturbing new footage.
Dog dies in blast after fighting female suicide bomber in Nigeria
April 3, 2017A dog in northeastern Nigerian town of Maiduguri in the Borno state saved the day at a wedding ceremony after it fought a female suicide bomber who was about to detonate a bomb on Sunday.
The teenage suicide bomber was stopped from infiltrating
the crowd by the dog belonging to a resident present at the wedding
She detonated the bomb strapped around her body killing
herself and the dog, Nigeria police spokesperson in Borno, Victor Isuku
confirmed to local media.
Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs
Aug 6, 2012
Muslims vs Pets: Europeans attacked for walking their ‘filthy impure’ dogs. Canadian arrested for walking dog near Moslems
May 26, 2016
Australia: Muslim stabs man walking dog, attacks police when they arrive
Muslims Declare Jihad on Dogs in Europe
A Dutch Muslim politician has called for a ban on dogs in The Hague, the third-largest city in the Netherlands.
Islamic legal tradition holds that dogs are "unclean" animals, and some say the call to ban them in Holland and elsewhere represents an attempted encroachment of Islamic Sharia law in Europe.
Hamas bans dog walking through the Gaza Strip to 'protect women and children'
The proscribed organisation has forced dog owners to keep their pets indoors because they are 'against culture and traditions in Gaza'
VIDEO: Idaho Muslim Police Officer Kicks, Shoots and Kills a Disabled Man’s Service Dog
February 13, 2014
Three Isis fighters 'mauled to death by wild boars in Iraq'
Members 'took revenge on the pigs' after the fatal attack occurred, a source claimed
Islam and Bestiality
Islamic Scripture
The above paper does also say "it is prohibited without question by the Shariâ". But is this alleged prohibition within the Shari'ah extracted (as it must be) from the Qur'an and Hadith, or has this fiqh been derived using external non-Islamic sources?Qur'an
In contrast with what secular and non-Islamic religious sources say about bestiality, this is what the Qur'an has to say on the subject:If Islamic teachings were truly opposed to such a practice, then this omission is somewhat surprising when you consider that, historically, bestiality was indigenously accepted in the Middle-East.
There is no prohibition against bestiality to be found within the two Sahihs. The following hadith is taken from the Sunnah Abu-Dawud collection, not Bukari or Muslim.Furthermore, these two contradictory hadiths (transmitted through different isnad) have been attributed to the same person. Abu Dawud himself had said the former of the two hadith is "not strong" and the latter further "weakens" it.
From the above, we can gather that Robert Masters had correctly stated, "bestiality was not specifically prohibited by the Prophet," so there is little wonder that apologists generally shy away from mentioning 38:4449 in their pronouncements on bestiality.
Sahih Hadith
There is no prohibition against bestiality to be found within the two Sahihs. However there does exist a certain hadith and commentary by the renowned Islamic scholar al-Nawawi, which is of interest.The following narration does not exist in the English translations of Sahih Muslim, but a similar (but sanitized version) appears in: Sahih Muslim 3:684
Islamic scholars
Some Sunni Islamic scholars have ruled that bestiality does not invalidate the hajj or ones fast."If he had sexual intercourse with an animal, that will not make his hajj void"
Sex with animals before the mission (Islam) was wide spread and many narrations are narrated that it is halal but makrooh (disliked). And on the compulsory precaution one should abandon this practice that may cause self harm. And you must admit this to the owner of the sheep and pay the owner.
al-Uzma Seyyid Ali al-Sistani
From all of the above, we can certainly see that, unlike the West, Islamic societies do not universally harbor negative attitudes towards bestiality. Many Muslims seek out gratification or are indifferent to this perversion, and in some cases it is even openly promoted and made obligatory.-------------
Austrian Pres: All Women Must Wear Headscarves to Fight Islamophobia
"Out of solidarity towards those who do it for religious reasons”
April 27, 2017
Austria’s far-left president, Alexander Van der Bellen, is a good example of why many dictators attempt to seize power. We must remove Alexander Van der Bellen from political office.
Poll finds French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen won plurality of women, young voters
April 25, 2017
George Soros Group Sues Alex Jones Infowars
April 24, 2017
---------Geert Wilders On Paris Attack: Europeans On Islamic Death List
April 22, 2017
Wilders warns Europe to 'wake up' as French head to poll
Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, a contemporary of Marine Le Pen and Donald Trump, released a powerful response to the latest terrorist attack in Paris, as the French head to the polls to decide the direction of their imperiled nation.
He issued a dire warning to Europeans, saying that the continent is being ‘colonized’ by Muslims who seek to import incompatible customs, Sharia Law, and their often violent adherence to the tenets of the Quran.
238 murdered in France by jihadists since 2015
April 22, 2017
‘Fake News’: BBC, AFP, Google, Facebook Collude to Tell Voters ‘Who to Trust’ in French Election
March 1, 2017
NY Times Smears Le Pen, French Patriots As “Racist Extremists”
May 5, 2017
Notice again, how it is the New York Times, which is very well known as being pro-Zionist media. They even try and write publications, trying to call the French people racist, for the French people wanting to keep their national identity. The European people will not stand for this.
Facebook Suspends 30,000 French Accounts 10 days Before Election in Attempt to Censor Le Pen Supporters
I am not a racist, I am a journalist trying to protect and preserve the European culture and people from genocide to an inferior religious radicalized and militarized Islamic front, and the Muslims in support of killing and creating genocide against the European people. We have heard that many people from the Middle East do not want to be known as a part of the genocide of the European people.
We need to abruptly and forcibly remove all Muslims out of France and Europe, until the conflict with radical Islam is over, and Muslims stop threatening the genocide of the European people. These are the types of terrorist actions that many Middle Eastern people have been doing against the European people, for the past thousands of years. European culture is superior to Islamic culture. We can see that people from the Middle East are far less athletic in general, than the people of Europe and Africa. Why should we allow a group of people that are inferior physically and culturally, to be allowed to replace a better culture, such as the European culture. European culture is far more advanced than Islamic culture, this includes superiority in technology, entertainment, sports and equal rights. I am willing to fight to preserve my culture against the destruction of radical Islam, and an inferior Islamic culture. Why is it that so many cultures such as in China, that many women even dye their hair and change their eye color, to look more European. Why is it that so many other nations copy European culture, while despising the current religious culture and religious Sharia government in the Middle East. We need to save European people from the genocide of Islamic Sharia law. We do not want our culture taken over by an inferior Islamic culture backed by the Globalists to undermine and water down the quality of humans. The globalists hate Europeans, because they are some of the smartest people and have some of the best armies.
This Is What Future Humans Might Look Like
Genetic Engineering Now Allows Parents to Select the Gender and Eye Color of Their Children
Feb 25, 2015
China: Rent a White Guy
Indian men speak out against racist skin-lightening creams
Joke: We hear in the media how the Muslims want to genocide white people. Now people are able to choose the skin color, hair color and eye color of their babies with designer babies. We do not think that there will be a shortage of more white people being introduced to the planet, and even in outer space. We do not want to genocide any race, and believe that we should expand all races and ethnicities in space, and on different living stations in the universe. We could have trillions of people living off the planet Earth. We believe that we should end radical Islam, and that we should not allow this to continue on this planet. Radical Islam is not a good example to set for the human race. We do not wish any violence against any race of people.
The globalists want to undermine the European people, because the European people are smart. They want to dumb down the European people by allowing inferior Islamic culture from inferior countries, with inferior militaries, to try and genocide the European people, and replace it with a lesser quality of Islamic people. Instead, we can see how the Muslims rely on the globalists and terrorism and threats of genocide against my people. The Muslim people would not last very long in a war against the west. I notice that most Muslims are not trustworthy, and are inferior when it comes to a real war against western cultures. This is why we are calling for all Muslims to leave Europe now, or you will be forced to eventually leave by force.
Soros Funds Google to Stop Populist Le Pen
Feb 14, 2017
Globalists Using Muslim Terrorists as Pawns
May 7, 2015
Stockholm Truck Jihad Suspect Is ISIS Soldier, Uzbekistan FM Confirms
Killer was already flagged as terrorist, remained in Sweden anyways
April 14, 2017
Swedish Nightmare: African Migrants Rape Teen Girl, Leave Male Friend Permanently Brain Damaged
Savage criminals get light sentences, despite prior rape offense
April 14, 2017
We do not wish war on anyone. We do not wish that giant bombs would have to be used on people. We want radical Islam to stop terrorism across the globe. We need to come to terms of peace, instead of using these destructive devices. We must stop radical Islam from trying to expand across the globe.
US drops largest ever non-nuclear bomb on Isis affiliate in Afghanistan, military says
Who knows if the reason the Muslim judge was found in the river, it may have not even been because she was Muslim, many judges are corrupt. We must ask then, how many American judges have been murdered while in office, Five judges total in America have been murdered while in political office. We are glad this Muslim Judge is not able to practice law, and this is a good thing. We are calling for the removal of all Muslims in political office in America, at all costs necessary. This is how all Muslims need to end up in America, get them out of here now.
United States' first female Muslim judge found dead in Hudson River
13 April 2017
Alex Jones Radio Show April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
{11:00 and 20:00, 1:55:00 Alex Claims that ISIS launched fake gas attacks against Syria to overthrow the Assad regime, he also states that many American generals want to take down ISIS and Assad. Assad was also allowing Christians to live in Syria. Isis was trying to destabilize the region, to genocide Christians.
15:00 Muslims selling sex slaves in Libya and the media is covering this up.
17:00 The government is now shutting down independent media
17:30 Alex Jones talks about Russia
20:00 The media is covering-up Islamic terrorist attacks from around the world.
42:00 Libya, Somalia and Sudan are selling slaves. Migrants are being sold at open slave markets in Libya, while the media covers this up.
49:00 The radio show states that Syria was a false flag attack.
55:00 Hillary got personal money for transferring nuclear reactors to North Korea.
1:09:00 The media covers up more Islamic terrorist attacks.
1:40:00 Saudi Arabia financed anti Assad fighters in Syria, this is also George Soros funded. 2 million Christians were protected in Syria by Assad.
1:55:00 A caller states that Assad and Russia are fighting ISIS}.
How many more of these terrorist attacks will the western nations allow. We are calling for a removal of all Muslims and Middle Eastern people out of America and Europe. The faster we dismantle the corruption in the EU government, the faster we can save Europe from these terrorist invaders.
Stockholm Slaughter: Terrorists Plow Stolen Truck Through Crowds, Killing Five
April 7, 2017
Attack mirrors jihadist massacres around Europe
SHARIA LAW ALERT: Department Of Education Unconstitutionally Indoctrinating Students
Anti-American rhetoric spreading across U.S. school system
April 7, 2017
We can no longer trust the government to have the best interests of the American people and European people. We need to revolt against the current establishment that allows these Islamic terrorist attacks to continue. Watch the people will reform the government and kick out Islamic influence in western nations. If the west does not, we will face genocide from the Muslims and the cowards in the government that are behind this genocide plot. Islamic culture is trying to destroy and genocide western cultures, it is the government that is behind this genocide. We will revolt against the current government and ensure the well being and longevity of the western people and their culture. If Muslims do not leave, you will be forced to leave America and Europe, just wait and watch what happens. By the way, we predict that there is going to be a giant bloodbath, if the Muslims and illegal immigrants do not leave America and Europe.
Muslims Celebrate Terror Attack in St. Petersburg
April 3, 2017
Al Jazeera Facebook page flooded with positive comments & emoticons
Mayor: - All mosques in Brussels are in the hands of Salafists (Extremists)
Shock Video: Woman Raped by Illegal Testifies Against ‘Sanctuary State’ Bill
March 24, 2017
'Stop trying to blur the difference between illegal and legal'
German Police Accused of Covering Up What They Knew About Christmas Market Killer
April 2, 2017
Local State Criminal Police Office considered the bogus asylum seeker an increasing threat to public safety
---------------For first time in decades, Pakistan allows one citizen to register as a Jew
March 30, 2017
Iraqi Rambo Has Killed 1500 ISIS Militants
Dec 1, 2015
ISIS's nightmare: Yazidi Kurdish female fighters are seeking to avenge their sisters
Feb 19, 2017
1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes - Muslims are scared of this!!!
Nov 30, 2016
Feb 17, 2016
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Calls Out Cowardly Feminists' Failure to Speak Out Against Islam's Oppression of Women
Jun 29, 2016
Breaking Update: Feminists Chant “Allahu Akbar” at Women’s March and More
Feminists empower sexist religion
January 28, 2017
{The problem is that too many women vote for politicians like Hillary Clinton. A fascist feminist society, is a bad example to set for a free society. Then we see how Muslims don't even let women vote. We are for women having their equal rights, if they do not abuse them, such as many feminists that are setting a bad example for the women's rights movement. Many women in America are setting a bad example to the world, trying to vote in Hillary Clinton. It makes many reasonable people wonder, what should we do. Too many Europeans are being told not to reproduce, because they tell them the world is overpopulated. Many people are trying to be responsible for reproducing, This happens while Muslims and other third world countries, are breeding at a rapid pace. We need to question if many Muslims and other third world nations, are breeding at too much of a rapid pace. We are better off expanding the human race in different parts of space. Even many Lesbians and homosexuals refuse to reproduce in western nations, while Muslims have 10 kids. Even though people have been homosexual for thousands of years, even many animals are homosexual or bisexual. Many people just want to enjoy their lives, without persecution from terrorist religious organisations, this happens when Islam threatens to breed out and genocide our people. The government is trying to tell western people not to reproduce cause they claim the world is overpopulated. Many women are being brainwashed into just wanting to have sex, and never have kids. We see in the news and all the jokes how they try and women into fornicating, instead of trying to have a family and kids.
We are not for the globalist trying to genocide western culture either. Some Muslims, try to infect white women with STD's as well, this includes Muslims forcing white women into prostitution. This is another way that they are trying to genocide off white people as well. The government would rather have many people fornicate and get HIV and die, rather than having a family with several children, this is a form of population control. They even glorify homosexuality, so that people will possibly get in a homosexual relationship and not have children, or get something like HIV from fornicating in general. We are just stating that fornicating can lead to STD's. It doesn't matter if you are straight or gay, straight people can get HIV being straight, just as well as being a homosexual. It just happens to be that HIV has a higher percentage in homosexuals and mainly people that fornicate. This is why many people get married, so they can avoid many of these sexually transmitted viruses. Many women even betray their own heritage and culture, and go out with these Muslim men, as some type of alternative to western cultures. Many of these feminist are chanting Allahu Akbar, while trying to betray America, Europe and Western culture. Many women want equal rights, which is why they want to change the policy in western nations. They also think that Muslims are somehow colored people, being persecuted by westerners. Many women think that blacks and women have been persecuted in America. What many women don't realize, is that Islam is 100x worse, and would kill many feminists in an Islamic culture. Many of these feminists are traitors to their own culture, and eventually will be found and face the consequences. We cannot let women and liberal vote on gun control or immigration, you can let them vote on other minor events instead.
{I would recommend not having a child with a Muslim man or a black, because your child will be subject to deportation along with your Muslim family. Do not think that just because you are somehow a citizen, that you will not be removed from America as a traitor, while supporting many of these radical Islamic extremist fronts. The government isn't even going to have a say in this, when the American Militia is done with many of these terrorist Muslim extremists in America. Then here we have this foolish women, that think they are just going to betray America and create more Muslims, to spite western culture, well think again. This happens while other third world nations, people are trying to have children for multiple reasons, this happens while Muslims kill any gays in their society. Muslim men are allowed to have 4 wives, sometimes Muslims have even more. Then Muslims try to genocide other cultures, by raping the women of other cultures. Many western women even betray their heritage by going out with these Muslim men and black African men that are invading Europe and America. Some western women even have a bondage fetish, to want to have a Muslim man to rape them. Many of these women are equal to the women we see that betrayed their nations in war. We advise all American women and European women, to not have any relations with Muslim men, if you do, you will be considered a traitor. I think we need to phase out the bad parts of feminist movement completely, until the war with radical Islam is over. Too many feminists want to ally with radical Islam, to bring down the American culture. There will be more into detail about this as we go along. If the Muslims will not leave America or Europe peacefully, then we have alternative plans for many Muslims, including feminists that are supporting this radicalized Islamic invasion. We are calling on the American public, American Militia, American Military and the people of Europe to throw out all Muslims on sight. This is how our ancestors in the past handled this violent Islamic cult. We must drive them all back into one Islamic country, if we want to maintain a free world}.
Poll: Most U.S. Muslims would trade Constitution for Shariah
'Quran should be highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion'
We are in favor of the Muslim travel ban, carried out by the executive branch of America.
We are calling for a removal of all Muslims out of Europe and America. We give the American people and European people, the right to defend themselves against these extremist groups. You have our permission to use all means necessary, to deport and get rid of all Muslims out of America and Europe. We do not have to use violence, if we can deport them first. If you want to save America and Europe, we must remove these invaders. We are at war with radical Islam. We are calling for the American Militia and American Military, to now remove all Muslims out of America. If you do not, you will have failed the independent media, and American people for the last time. Some people think that this is the same as calling for a removal of people, based on religion or race. However, Islam is not a religion, it is a death cult, in all sincerity. Islamic Sharia government, is a military based organisation. The majority of Muslims are in favor of setting up and expanding Islamic Sharia government, across the globe. This is why we are in favor of ending all Sharia governments in the world. We believe that this really should have been done in the 1980s. I shouldn't have to stand up here, and talk about why we this should be done now. This should have been done a long time ago. Now some of these Islamic Sharia governments, have nuclear weapons. We are not in favor of going to war, cause this can lead to nuclear weapons and more pollution. We are in favor of dismantling all Islamic Sharia government across the globe. This can be done through strategic deployment of resources and advanced technology, to counter these terrorist networks. We need to make these areas controlled under Sharia Law, to be free nations once again. The best thing to do is to educate people, and the future generations, why this type of Sharia type mentality is a huge failure. Maybe future generations will not be as ignorant, as many of the current Sharia zealots. Some Muslims even claim that you are not a true Muslim, if you do not believe in Sharia Law.
51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.
Keith Ellison Believes Black Americans Exempt From U.S. Laws
February 24, 2017
Muslim congressman said blacks under no 'obligation to obey government'
We are calling for the abrupt removal of Keith Ellison from US Congress. We should not allow Muslims that conspire against Americans, in our political system in America. Please have the American people remove this politician from office. We feel that too many Muslims like Keith Ellison, conspire against America and freedom. This is what happens when the American people let an enemy such as a radicalized Muslim in political office. The best solution for this, is a revolt to remove Keith Ellison from Us Congress, we need to legally remove this traitor from office. Keith Ellison is a traitorous politician that needs to be removed from office. You know what we do to traitor politicians in America. We are calling on the American Militia to remove these traitors from America. Keith Ellison is an enemy of the American people, and must be removed at all costs necessary. We are also calling for a removal of all Muslims out of political office in America and Europe.
New London mayor basically says submit to Islam
Nov 11, 2016
Trump Right About Swedish Rape Epidemic
Feb 20, 2017The Leftists/Feminists Openly Submit To Islam
Feb 20, 2017------------------
Feb 16, 2017
What Will it Take for Europeans to Push Back?
Feb 18, 2017
Navy SEAL Raid in Yemen: Ally of U.S.-Backed President Killed
Feb 16 2017
interesting fact is that Saudi Arabia wants to attack Yemen. Donald
Trump's travel ban, does not consist of countries such as Saudi Arabia,
this is why we need to have a ban on all Muslims from all Sharia
controlled countries.
need to dismantle the Sharia government in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, at
all costs necessary. We also need to get rid of all of the Sharia
extremists in Yemen and around the world. Groups such as ISIL should
not be allowed to continue to exist.
Everything you need to know about Donald Trump's 'Muslim ban'
31 January 2017What is an executive order?
An executive order is an official statement from the president which tells government agencies how to use their resources. In the case of Mr Trump's "Muslim ban", the order bars citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US for a period of 90 days.It also suspends the United States' refugee system for a period of 120 days. Mr Trump says his "extreme vetting" system will help "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the US".
Many people say that Islamic Sharia is more of a military organisation than a religion. Some people will say that this military organisation has rights to stay in America, because they call themselves a religion. This is why we have Sharia Law in Europe now. This is also why much of the world such as Europe and America is doomed if we do not stop Islam. We have too many fascist liberals, trying to act politically correct, and just let all the people in favor of Islamic Sharia Law to stay in here. Then they try and call the people who stand up for their country as being racist. I still think that we are at war with radical Islam, this includes deporting Muslims suspected of being radicals. We stand with Donald Trump, and his banning of Muslim immigrants from different countries in America, good job Donald Trump. However, we still see that many terrorists supporting Sharia Law are still in America. We ask Donald Trump to please deport all Muslims in favor of Sharia Law. Do you see how Sharia Law is just a military organisation. Then we have these politically correct fascist liberals, who state that we need to keep people wanting to enforce Sharia Law here in America. Some will say it is their right, to have the freedom to enforce and expand Sharia Law. They state they have a right to freedom of religion and freedom of thought. Well Americans also have the right to defeat tyranny, this includes tyrannical Sharia Government and Sharia Law. Most Muslims will tell you cannot have Islam without Sharia Law. What I notice is that there are too many liberal politically correct cowards and traitors in western nations. This is why you see so many refugees and immigrants taking over Europe and America. Then you have these liberals that say that people shouldn't speak up for their culture and heritage, these people stab their own nations and cultures in the back. They would rather replace it with Sharia Law, than to stand up for their own nations and people. This is why we now have Sharia Courts in Europe, this is because too many Native Europeans are not standing up for their nation. It doesn't help when your own government is behind the genocide of your people and culture. Real men and warriors of Europe that were standing up for Europe 500 years ago, imagine how they would be treated now, by many of the fascist liberals in America and Europe. These liberals stab their own ancestors in the backs. I have the right as my European heritage, to want to stop the invasion of Sharia Law in Europe. I am ready to defend my people,to stop the expansion of Sharia Law.
We see Sharia as just another threat to try and genocide other cultures. Sharia is a religious military organisation that needs to be stopped. If you disagree that Sharia Law needs to be stopped from expanding across the globe, you are either a Muslim, liberal, traitor or do not know your history about the dangers of Islamic Sharia Law. Many people even try to respond a couple hours after to me, and have not even read this article. They state how Muslims have the right to enforce Sharia Law, cause it somehow is their right. I disagree and say that this military organisation named Sharia, is the enemy of the free people of the world. Too many Muslims also want to lie, and say they are not in favor of Sharia Law, to avoid being deported. This is why I state that when the west is forced to have to go to war against these Sharia nations, that we might have to ask all these Sharia fanatics to leave the country. This includes many Sharia spies that want to try and stay in this country when we are at war. This is why we are in favor of deporting Muslims that are suspected of being involved with Sharia law, or any Muslim for that matter. This could be over 50% of the Muslim population in America that are in support of Sharia Law. These people enforcing Sharia Law are too much of a threat to the free world and need to go. When the next giant terrorist attack happens, do not complain to me. I am telling you, that if we do not deport them, we are going to have more 9/11 type attacks, including dirty bombs, it is not worth the trouble. We eventually will let many of these Muslims back in the country, when America is finished against the war against the expansion of Islamic Sharia Law, and we come to terms of peace. Some people reading this do not even know what the term Sharia means. Right now, America is at war with Islamic extremists and Sharia controlled countries. Some say it is their Constitutional right, to keep those in favor of enforcing and expanding Sharia law here in America, I disagree with this statement. This is like saying that we should be tolerant and keep a death cult around, that expands around the world by killing people. When we decide that this death cult is a threat to America and other nations, then we are now at war with this death cult. We have the right to kick out people associated with this death cult named Sharia government. I have every right as a journalist to discuss what is going on, and to stop this death cult. Donald Trump has every right to want to stop this death cult from further expanding and harming the planet, like the plague that it is. Yes, please deport this death cult named Sharia. Donald Trump, please save the free nations of the world from this death cult named Sharia Law. I still haven't heard a word back from the Caliphates ever about any type of peace process. The Caliphates do not want peace, the Caliphates want to expand Sharia Law by means of war. Many Muslims also refuse to protest against the Caliphates and Sharia Law. It appears that this Sharia cult has made it their belief to kill Christians and non-Muslims, this will not be tolerated around the globe. We will stop and dismantle these Sharia governments and people.
Pew Poll Analysis: A Billion Muslims Want Sharia Law
arch 13, 2015
Recently, after reading parts of the Koran, I have become a bit frustrated that no one seems to understand the magnitude of the Muslim threat. People look at at the Pew report and they seem to think that the results are mixed, and that there really “aren’t that many” radical Muslims. So I sat down today and actually ran the numbers; I’m attaching a page from that analysis which shows my results. My hope is that you may wish to publish them, or portions thereof, in one of your columns.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that with 1.6B Muslims, even if 10% of them were radical, that’s 160 million people: about half of the total US population. But in looking closer at their survey, I’d put the number closer to 25%.
— 32%, or 266 million Muslims out of the 840 million represented by Q2 of their survey, want to force it upon everyone.
I don’t know about you, but I’d say that alone represents over a quarter billion “radical” Muslims, with only just over half (53%) of their total population accounted for by the survey.
It is too much of a liability to keep many of these Sharia extremists in America and Europe.
Look at the past history how most Muslims united in war to create Sharia Law at early points in history, this is why many say that Islam and Sharia Law are one in the same. You can have Muslims that do not want Sharia Law. However, many say that hundreds of years ago, that the majority of Muslims would unite in war to kill the infidels. We know that there were Muslims that did not want to go to war, but followed their peers to kill others anyways.
It is too much of a liability to fight Sharia governments while leaving millions of Muslims in your country, while you are at war with Sharia governments. Some traitors to America say that they are in favor of Sharia Law, to expand here in America, this is not how battles are won. The Muslim refugees have worn out their stay in Europe and America, and are no longer welcomed. Look at how the Muslims under Sharia Law are trying to genocide Christians and tribal people in Nigeria, this is not a surprise, and Islam under Sharia Law will continue to do so. We need to ban this practice of Sharia government around the globe.
Alex Jones Calls For Deportation Of Muslims
Jul 17, 2015
I say if the Caliphates are going to keep calling for the destruction of the west, then we need to stop allowing Muslims in this country. This is why America is trying to not allow anymore Muslims in the country. We also have the right to defend America from enemies, foreign and domestic. The Japanese were asked to leave America during world war 2, we see that history often repeats itself. I did not like the fact that the Japanese were put in camps, yet I think we show now have removed all foreigners and now allow many foreigners to stay in America.
I wish the Caliphates would stop threatening the genocide of the free world, this is just the reality of it all. We stand with Trump on the Muslim ban, but that we need to push this much further. We also stand with Trump if he must deport all those in support of Sharia Law out of America.
I know many people try to be antiwar and politically correct. However, this is what is killing many free cultures, by allowing the expansion of Sharia Law. We need to reform the governments of Europe, we need to rebuild Europe, and not lose our heritage to Sharia Law. We should extend Donald Trump's bill on the ban of Islamic Sharia immigration in America. We need to stop the governments of Europe from trying to genocide the European people and culture as well.
Imagine how much better places such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria and Europe would be without Sharia Law. What is Sharia Law doing all the way over in Indonesia? This is what happens when militaries conquer other nations, Sharia Law is just a military order in disguise.
Poll: Clear Majority of Europeans Want Total Ban on Muslim Immigration
February 7, 2017
Just 20% support continued immigration from Muslim countries, 55% oppose
Is Judge Blocking Trump Travel Ban Committing Treason
Feb 4, 2017
Some will try to say that you cannot ban Islam, cause it is their Constitutional right, such as if we were talking about Buddhists or Christians. However, Sharia government is a military order, Sharia Law is done by military conquest of other nations, in the name of expanding Sharia Law. We do not see any other religion doing this by this much war and terrorism currently. This is why the Constitution does not allow the expansion of Sharia Law. Sharia government is the joining of religion and the state. Then this is a fascist military order continues to try to enforce its military type system around the globe. The only difference between Sharia Law and all other ancient empires that try to go to war and expand the wealth of the people in control, is that Sharia calls itself a religion. If Sharia government did not call itself a religion, we can see how many more people would be against expansion of this military order.
Al-Qaeda says Trump has ignited ‘the flame of jihad’ with Yemen raid
Feb 3, 2017
I warned you all that Iran wanted to make weapons, including nuclear weapons from radioactive waste. We need to stop this Sharia government,from trying to gain nuclear weapons. We are in favor of dismantling the Sharia government of Iran. How many more non-Muslims will the Iranian government execute, these executions are being done under Iranian Sharia Law.
Donald Trump puts Iran 'on notice' after ballistic missile test
Notorious Blackwater founder; I can solve Migrant Crisis Quickly! The Trump Effect!
Jan 23, 2017
Why Even the US Government is Afraid of Blackwater's Mercenaries
Jun 30, 2014
Islam Monitor
Anti Muslim Alliance
Stop the islamization of the USA Pegida USA
On Contact: The Perversion of Islam with Hamza Yusuf
Oct 22, 2016
Officials: How Did ISIS Get So Many Toyotas?
Oct 6, 2015
Obama's Last Bill Just Ended America
Dec 29, 2016------------------
Dec 6, 2016----------------------------
Democrats Pushing Sharia Law In America
Jul 15, 2016----------------
Putin Begs Media To Wake Up
Jul 10, 2016
We often hear mixed reports that Putin is either helping ISIS, or he is against ISIS. We hear the same about Putin being part of the New World Order, or he is against the New World Order type system. We think that Putin is a Jewish puppet in many ways, look at how many Jewish oligarchs there are now in Russia that Putin supports. We can see how these Antifa Communist Jews tried to take down another white country such as Russia, and infiltrate Russia with a bunch of Jews trying to take over the KGB.
Turkey and Russia tensions BOIL OVER: Now Putin accused of PROTECTING ISIS jihadis
Jan 14, 2016
TURKEY has today accused Russia of using its warplanes to PROTECT Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Syria as the war of words between the two countries continues to escalate.
Raj Thackeray favours ‘Sharia-type’ law to tackle rape cases
Jul 25, 2016
ISIS Tattoo Prank on Muslim Dad!!!
Nov 5, 2016
REVEALED: The cities where SAS are guarding Christmas shoppers from 'IMMINENT' ISIS attack
Dec 20, 2016
MORE than 200 undercover SAS soldiers will be deployed in shopping centres and high streets across Britain following fresh MI5 intelligence of a terror attack planned for Christmas.
Why Jihadis Kill on New Years
Jan 3, 2017------------------
Germany Hospital Crisis HIV Infected Refugees Stab Doctors and Female Staff!
Nov 11, 2016
Refugees in Germany (Killing German Culture)
May 13, 2016
Foreigners from other countries come in to western countries and have their family work and live at their business. For many years these foreigners force themselves in the worst living conditions, and spend barely any money, this is just to be able to drive their prices down, and beat out the local European families businesses and stores. This makes it to where some store owners are forced to try and compete with now earning less money from their competing third world business competitors.
The quality of living also goes down for many Europeans and business owners.
Migrants take many jobs, including many travelers that want to work for a few months while traveling Europe, are now finding it more difficult to do. Many people want to travel and work in Europe, this is getting very difficult now, to where migrants and refugees are taking many jobs. Many tourists now are avoiding to travel to Europe, cause they cannot find work. I hear that Europeans are trying to take care of their own people as well. Too many refugees and immigrants from the Middle East are taking jobs, while also harming the tourism industry in different ways.
She refused to sell them cigarettes.
Nov 29, 2016
Muslim refugees are converting to Christianity in Germany
Some converts are introduced to Christianity on the way to Europe, while others were repressed in their home countries.
Proposal to "Ensure Continuation of the German People" REJECTED as "Racist and Nazi" in Parliament
Oct 10, 2016Stefan Köster, state chairman of the party and speaker for family affairs, explained the desperate need to increase birth rates among Germans as high immigration rates, low fertility and emigration of natives who lost hope in their country imply the eventual extinction of the German people. He stressed that healthy families are the very foundation of a society and all of Europe's wealth stems from the diversity of different peoples in their respective nations. No amount of consumption and materialism can ever replace a child's laugh, which has sadly become a rarity as Germany now has the lowest birth rate in the world.
He explains that if current trends continue, native Germans will be minority in their own major cities within decades, as it is already the case in other European capitals like London. Liberal politicians, like Stefanie von Berg, openly celebrate this.
Throughout the speech he is mocked, heckled and interrupted with insults like "Nazi" or "racist".
By 2030, 30% of the native German population will be older than 65. 1 in 2 Children born in Germany is born to a migrant family.
The Nationalist party called out the grave importance of reversing this trend to avoid Germans losing their homeland and future.
The proposal to ensure the continuation of the German people met unanimous rejection by all parties.
A speaker for the Social Democrats explicitly states in a rebuttal that all democratic parties show nothing but utter contempt for the proposal and will unite to make sure nothing like this will ever get passed. According to the Social Democrats, the German people has caused nothing but death and destruction by causing two world wars and the mere concept of securing a future for German children in Germany is inherently racist, inhuman and a Nazi ideology.
According to the ruling parties, rather than funding German families, "all" families must receive financial support to avoid being racist. The lack of children among Germans has be equalized through mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East.
Organist paints ‘Heil Trump,’ gay slur on own church to ‘mobilize movement’
“I’m very sad to have created more hate in a world that already has too much hate.”
May 5, 2017
Aug 22, 2016ASYLUM seekers in Germany are refusing to undertake work to counteract boredom - using Chancellor Angela Merkel’s generous hospitality as an excuse.
Dec 19, 2016
Mafia declares war on migrants as Sicilian officials reveal 'town is more like Middle East than Euro
Apr 22, 2016
Europe is Doomed. Don't believe it? Look at Italy
[Merkel dresses in a communist uniform.]
MILO: When In Rome, Muslims Rape Everyone And Claim Welfare
Dec 7, 2016
Nov 29, 2016
Rome on verge of WAR between migrants and poor Italians
Dec 14, 2016ROME is on the verge of war as friction grows between poor Italians and and an increasing number of migrants, the Vatican City’s mayor has warned.
'Time to act' Italy calls for mass migrant deportations as half a million refugees arrive
Jan 3, 2017
TERROR attacks across Europe have sparked a new push to see illegal immigrants sent home from Italy as the police are told to toughen up on refugees in 2017.
Dec 14, 2016
Italy kicks Islam out!
Sep 11, 2010
Italians Afraid to Leave Homes After Migrant Influx, Racist Asians Speak Out, Nationalism=Crude
Nov 27, 2016
Migrant Crisis and Invasion of Europe Exposed
Sep 8, 2015
The Mafia Are Exacerbating Racial Tensions in Southern Italy
Jul 5, 2016------------
Wow! Former Muslim Biker's POWERFUL Message To Radical Islamists
Jun 7, 2015
5 Things the Media Won't Report About the Refugee Crisis
Sep 15, 2015
A Danish politician states that it is OK to shoot migrants that use violence, including migrants that resist being arrested, while trying to run across the border illegally.
Dec 11, 2016
Danish Government Fights Back Against Muslim Migrants.
Dec 6, 2016---------
Danish mayor given police protection against Black Army
Europe is finished. Nothing can save it now
Jan 28, 2016
Berlin attack raises refugee security concerns in US
Dec 21, 2016
This is Why You Don't Want Muslims and African Migrants Around You!
Mar 8, 2017
Jan 25, 2015
Funny Arab Public Bomb Scare Prank videos Compilation
Sep 20, 2016
URGENT! Germany on the verge of collapse
Nov 1, 2016
The Night That Changed Germany's Attitude To Refugees
Apr 4, 2016-----------------
Polish girl speaks out against Muslim migrants - Poles support Mr. Trump's Immigration Policy
Oct 23, 2016-----------------
Nov 6, 2016
A Muslim (now ex-Muslim) told Muslims to fuck off, leave U.S. and Europe
Feb 21, 2016
Alex Jones Calls For Deportation Of Muslims
Jul 17, 2015
Christians you better wake up !!! This is all coming to America. Muslim hate for Kafars
Dec 8, 2016----------------
Beware The ISIS Hunter!
Nov 2, 2015
We can see that many people of the Middle East in support of Sharia government are trying to use organised religion, including organised government, to genocide other races of people. It is sad seeing refugees trying to cause hate crimes, and racist crimes against the European people.
You have our permission to defend yourself and your family, from foreign armies and foreign tyrants that try to enforce Sharia Law against the free nations of this world. This new foreign tyrant is called Sharia and we need to put an end to it. We need to get rid of these no go zones in America and Europe. Many Muslims don't understand how they are repeating history, and will now have to be asked to leave entirely. They need to understand that this is not how to treat other cultures in this world. However, I understand that we are most likely better off of getting rid of all governments under Sharia Law, before more of this spreads like a virus, across the globe. I do not want to genocide any culture or people. However, we can see that Islam has caused the genocide of dozens of cultures and people. We can see that Sharia Law is just like a crazed beast that just keeps attacking dozens of people. We are better off just putting Islam down like the rabid toxic military organisation that Sharia government has become.
Apartheid on the streets of Blackburn: How political correctness killed integration
BLACKBURN was recently named in a report on ‘community cohesion’ as one of the most segregated towns in Britain.
Dec 7, 2016
Dr. Bill Warner Exposes Islamic master Plan
Jun 7, 2016
Secrets Of Islam’s Plan To Conquer The World Exposed
Jun 15, 2016
Aug 14, 2016
Jun 22, 2016
The Crisis In French Multiculturalism
Jan 8, 2015
Muslim Migrants Call Germans Disgusting
Jan 13, 2016
16 y/o German girl talks about muslim immigration, destruction of her own country (Engl. subs)
Jan 21, 2016
Reporters Recap The Islamification Of Europe
Jun 15, 2016--------------------------
"Is it because I'm white?" Woman absolutely OWNS Muslim on EU migration issue
Nov 30, 2016
Blasphemy law in Egypt
Blasphemy law
Article 98(f) of the Penal Code, as amended by Law 147/2006 states the penalty for blasphemy and similar crimes:
Confinement for a period of not less than six months and not exceeding five years, or a fine of not less than five hundred pounds and not exceeding one thousand pounds shall be the penalty inflicted on whoever makes use of religion in propagating, either by words, in writing, or in any other means, extreme ideas for the purpose of inciting strife, ridiculing or insulting a heavenly religion or a sect following it, or damaging national unity.
The "heavenly" religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Sometimes, in place of, or in addition to, blasphemy, the courts hold an accused guilty of "incitement to hate Muslims," "defaming the President of the Republic," and "insulting Islam." By Articles 89 and 110 of decree law 78, all Egyptians have the right to file lawsuits against those who have transgressed an exalted right of God. In 1996 or 1998, an amendment to the law required these so-called "hisba cases" to be initiated by the general prosecutor. Those most frequently accused of “insulting Islam” are scholars, publishers, bloggers, human rights activists, political commentators, novelists, education reformers, professors, theologians, artists, filmmakers, politicians, Muslim liberals and dissidents, members of disfavored religious groups, converts to Christianity, and members of faiths that originated after Islam.
Here Are the Ancient Sites ISIS Has Damaged and Destroyed
Shocking destruction in the Syrian city of Palmyra is part of the militant group's ongoing campaign against archaeology.
Islamist militants in Iraq and Syria continue their war on the region’s cultural heritage, attacking archaeological sites with bulldozers and explosives.
Mar Elian Monastery
Ancient Assyria was one of the first true empires, expanding aggressively across the Middle East and controlling a vast stretch of the ancient world between 900 and 600 B.C. The Assyrian kings ruled their realm from a series of capitals in what is today northern Iraq. Nineveh was one of them, flourishing under the Assyrian emperor Sennacherib around 700 B.C. At one point, Nineveh was the largest city in the world.
Its location on the outskirts of Mosul—part of the modern city is built over Nineveh's ruins—put it in ISIS's crosshairs when the group took over the city in 2014. Many of the site's sculptures were housed in the Mosul Museum (see entry below), and some were damaged during the rampage through the museum documented on video. Men were also shown smashing half-human, half-animal guardian statues called lamassus on Nineveh's ancient Nirgal Gate. “I’m not sure there’s much left to destroy in Mosul,” says Columbia’s Jones.
Mosul Museum and Libraries
The walls of Nineveh were built around A.D. 700 to protected the Assyrian capital, at the time probably the largest city in the world. In February, ISIS fighters released video of fighters smashing sculptures and gates at the ancient site.
Khorsabad is another ancient Assyrian capital, a few miles from Mosul. The palace there was built between 717 and 706 B.C. by Assyria's King Sargon II. Its reliefs and statues were remarkably well preserved, with traces of the original paint still decorating depictions of Assyrian victories and royal processions.
Mar Behnam Monastery
Mosque of the Prophet Yunus
Imam Dur Mausoleum
UK Finally Acts Against Muslim Migrants? Watch full Report.
Dec 7, 2016
Iben Thranholm: European Men Need to Return to Heroes, Quit Acting like Women!
Feb 1, 2017
Jan 7, 2017
Criticizing Islam Now a Thought Crime!
Apr 30, 2014
Alex Jones Calls For Deportation Of Muslims
Jul 17, 2015
The Myth of Moderate Muslims
Nov 23, 2015
Why the Islamic Invasion of the West is Happening / Glenn Beck Controversy
May 7, 2016
Alex breaks down the globalists plan to fracture the west with masses of Muslims and destroy their homelands at the same time. He also responds to the ongoing Glenn Beck Controversy.
"Deport them all! It's not a religion of peace" Gingrich warns Hannity
Dec 19, 2016
Newt Gingrich states that we should deport any Muslim that is pro Sharia Law, we agree with this statement. The Sharia government is the enemy of the free people of this world.
We know that many Muslims in America will lie, and state that they are not for Sharia Law. We know many Sharia supporters would lie, just to stay in America as an enemy combatant. We should ask all of those in favor of Sharia to leave North America, South America, Africa, and Europe. We need to end Islamic Sharia Law in all parts of the world, and that is final. We need to do this while the free world has the technology to defeat this fascist regime, called Sharia government. Does this mean that we should kick all Muslims out of America, yes we need to, and this is why we had laws in place to ban Muslims, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act. There are good Muslims out there, but we cannot let a bunch of third world foreigners into America and Europe. If we are at war with different Islamic Sharia militaries and countries, the government should deport all Muslims to leave for starters.
This is America, and it is about the right to have freedom of religion if you are a citizen. To kick out an American who was born in this country from multiple generations, because they want to expand Sharia Law, is considered acceptable to many.
I can understand why we could be better off in America and Europe, to get rid of any type of hint of influence of Sharia Law. We are in favor of countries having a temporary ban on Islam, to save their culture and nation from Islamic Sharia genocide. This needs to be done, until the Caliphate and Islamic Sharia extremists stop their terrorist attacks and genocide against the free people of the world.
Some question if there is a peaceful way to stop the expansion of Sharia Law. What if there were a way to change the beliefs of radical Islam. However, some people say that you cannot use peace to stop the expansion of Sharia Law. If countries such as Nigeria, only used peace, then Nigeria would have been another overthrown country, that would now be under full Islamic control. We need to dismantle the Sharia terrorist governments that have just recently popped up in Nigeria due to Islamic violence and expansion. These new Sharia governments threaten to kill Christian and tribal Nigerians. When we stop the expansion and terror of the Sharia governments in Nigeria, then Nigeria can be free from terrorism of Sharia Law, once and for all. The whole world should not have to live in fear, of religious fanatical Sharia terrorist governments.
The better part of me says that we are better off destroying all the global armies that support Sharia Law, until they stop enforcing and spreading Sharia Law around the globe. We need to protect Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and America, from this religious military order, named Sharia. It may already bee too late with many of these governments trying to stockpile nuclear weapons, but we could at least dismantle 90% of Islamic governments still. This just seems like it might be a giant conflict that would take decades, if not centuries to end. This is why it is my job to try and come to a peaceful process.
I was brought up in a Christian Protestant family.
I was taught from preschool to seventh grade, in a private Protestant Christian School. I do not like seeing Christians in the world having to face genocide by Sharia radical governments. Many think that different governments allow this to take place, because they want cultural genocide. Many governments actually want Christians and other people of religions, to stop their freedom of religion, even if it means killing people. Instead of having a 'fascist' government, come in and kill you because your are a certain religion, now it appears that these fascist governments are sourcing the killings out to the fascist Sharia militants and governments across the globe.
I have always preached for peace. We do not want to start wars that lead to nuclear wars, that harm and destroy parts of the environment and planet. You should also question the motives of the people that support war. We also must be cautious of the media trying to instigate wars.
We should also question the media that allows and suppresses the truth about the dangerous of radical Sharia government.
Sharia Law is a fascist form of government. You see how Sharia Law and too many Muslims hate Europe and want to destroy the European culture and its people, this includes the American People as well. Some think we should drone strike all countries that have Sharia Law, before they get too powerful. The better part of my past ancestors tells me that we should end Sharia Law, and stop the expansion of this toxic culture in Europe. We should dismantle the government in Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Any country that forces women to wear a Hijab needs to be stopped. Many people that are defending this tyrannical government known as Sharia Law, are endangering their families and themselves.
I also asked for a ceasefire from the Palestinian and Israeli conflict in my documentary, and I never even got that. I also think that the governments on both sides of the conflict have dozens of problems with both the governments of Palestine and Israel.
What if the elites in power want us to go to a war, of course they do, it is their plan to cause a global war. What are the European people to do, if we allow third world countries and third world Islamic countries to gain nuclear weapons.
You know how they often refer to the government as being the beast, or the beast type system. This Sharia government is a beast type system. We need to end this cruel form of government. I see how Sharia government has spread around the globe of this planet like a cancer. Sharia even originates right next to the areas of Babylon. Sharia Law is considered by some, to be a new form of Babylonian Law.
Even a few hundred thousand refugees being deported isn't enough, many Muslims are breeding at a very rapid pace. We cannot allow Muslims to take over Europe, we are calling for a ban and moratorium on Islamic Sharia law in America, including all of Europe and Asia. The Caliphates and those supporting Sharia Law, need to stop the genocide and terrorist attacks on western culture. The refugees need to leave Europe and America. I love all the cultural differences of people, and why we should keep them separate. I do not like different cultures facing genocide all from the same threat, we all know that threat is radical Islamic Sharia Law.
Some of the friendliest people in the world are Middle Eastern. We want to live in peace with the Muslims. We even like the diversity of different cultures, we do not want to go to war.
We do not want to cause any hate crimes or genocide against anyone. However, many people that are in favor of Sharia Law, should be forced to leave America and Europe. I think Islamic Sharia Law has now become an enemy army of the free people of the world.
Many people love the American and European cultures from around the world. We are so kind, that we even take in refugees, and let them see what it is like for themselves. We can even give them jobs and teach many of these refugees things. This is so when they go back home, their spirit will be enriched. We should ban most foreigners and non Native Europeans from Europe, until this problem with European genocide is resolved.
Many people died and lost their lives, just to try standing up to fight against Sharia expansion. Many of these people had such long lives to live, many of these people were murdered by religious Sharia fanatics. Many people also died, while not standing up for themselves or their culture, many of these people were considered pacifists and others were considered cowards. Many people in good faith just did not know what to do, before it was too late. Many of these people were also captured and caught off guard, before they could fully realize what happened. It has taken me all of my life so far, of reading so much about this subject, to finally realize how many problems the Sharia government has caused the people of this planet. I knew even 10 years ago that it was bad, I did not realize even how bad it has become. When you start visiting and living in countries that are being assaulted with Sharia government, while reading all the history and problems going on. I can see how your average person around the world, cannot grasp the dangers of the religious Sharia militaries, that are trying to violently expand around the globe, especially if the mainstream media lies to the masses about Islamic terrorism. The Islamic Sharia government want to expand to genocide your people and nation, and turn it into Sharia government. We cannot let the Sharia military genocide anymore nations or people of this planet. We will take up arms to defend our people, culture and nation.
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